Thanks. the winner might be a bot. Won 5 but 0 comments total. I don't think I can request a new winner since he has already viewed the key. I am fine with just deleting the giveaway
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Yes, and I already requested. Already know it will take a while. Seeing as it's quite possible that the winner will not respond with any feedback at all I just opted to request for the delete
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Yep trying to join for some motivation to focus on one game at a time. I think it's a great idea to try to play your wins as soon as you can! As for the winner, well, it kinda sucks to know that he might have entered a giveaway and it probably isn't something they wanted at all. Maybe it's just a game to pad their library or something
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I actually did, but they are offline on steam and unresponsive through email. On their steamgifts profile tho it says they were online today
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Contact support. If they viewed the key, "Request received feedback" might be your best option. As for repercussions, no I don't think there are any aside from not getting CV or the giveaway slot back until they confirm.
(Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
edit: What talgaby said. Laughing at myself for not thinking of that.
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1) Reach out to the winner. Steam and email, if available.
2) Make sure the game has not been activated.
3) Pull back the key (if it's a key) then contact support to request a re-roll. Provide screenshots demonstrating you reached out to the user.
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Guess it took me too long to type all of this out :P - Simon's answer is basically the same as mine. Anyway, thought you'd appreciate a more detailed step-by-step since you're still pretty new to SG and all :)
Maybe the person forgot to mark it as received - this do happen from time to time. You could start by checking the winner's Steam library for the game to see whether the key has been activated or not, and if it's in the library, contact the winner and ask the person politely to mark the game as received.
There are two main ways+1 extra way you can do so:
Of course, it's best if you try all three methods.
If all else fails (Give the winner a bit of time; you can actually see the last login of the winner on his/her SG profile), contact support like Droj said and ask for a "Request received feedback".
If the key hasn't been used, remove the key and ask support for a reroll. However, it's also possible that the winner has given the key away/sold it since the winner has already viewed the key so it's very risky to use the same key again.
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Thanks, at this point I guess I just want it deleted so it doesn't count as not received. Too much trouble for a spare key
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Um thought you should know, asking for a deletion after a giveaway has ended can be quite difficult since on SG, you'll need the winner's permission to get a giveaway deleted which means you'll still have to reach out to the winner.
It's actually a lot more difficult than asking support to help you mark the giveaway as received tbh, if the game was indeed claimed.
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Hey, thanks for the info. I guess I'll have to wait for support to get back to me and go from there. I just know that key really isn't really worth anyone's legwork
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Not on their steam account. They have been offline for 9 days on steam and have not responded to any emails. Funny thing is they are online almost daily on steamgifts!
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yes, the eye icon is there. I don't really care about the CV, can I just delete the giveaway? I mean I was thinking maybe he hasn't responded because he gave the key away and he's afraid he might get banned or something? I think someone from here (maybe a mod) has also tried to get in touch with them on steam. It's not really an expensive game to begin with so not worth all the trouble really
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I deleted my comment as I did not read your OP properly. As mentioned above, ask support to set feedback to received. You have to create a ticket for that as well as for asking them to delete the giveaway (in which case you would need the winner to agree to the deletion).
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Yea, I'm not too worried about it except some groups require that all ga's you sent are marked received and that one ga is preventing me from joining said groups
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This happened recently to me, a winner has viewed the key, activated it and didn't mark. I wrote him my usual standard e-mail and a message on Steam without any answer, so I opened a support ticket requiring winner feedback and, since the support staff saw that the game had been activated on the winner's account, they gave me the received feedback.
The first things you must do are: contacting the winner both on Steam (if available) and on his e-mail shown in the winners' page. you can also contact them on one of their giveaways, if you can enter them (ie. not group/wl only etc)
Secondly, if he does not answer, after 7 days you have two choices:
on the third option, if there is the revealed icon and so you saw that the winner HAS viewed the key, BUT on his Steam profile the game is not activated.. he probably has kept it, given it to someone else or whatever.. I wouldn't risk at all to use again that key.. so I'd request a delete giveaway..
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yeah unluckily if the winner doesn't answer and they don't have the game on their account it's risky to re-use the key.. fortunately these things happen very very rarely, apart from bots and lvl 0 leeches ç_ç
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I actually thought he might be a bot, since he hasn't responded to any wins at all and I haven't gotten any response from him. He might still be joining giveaways tho since I think his giveaways entered counter went up from a few days ago
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Why would you literally gift a key to a random leecher?
And requiring their permission, to boot (which they might as well refuse, blaming you instead, and hoping to get something else).
Or, strictly speaking: support cannot accept deletion requests for finished giveaways without the winner's approval (they're automated only while the giveaway is running), and also cannot accept reroll request without the winner's approval, unless they own the given game / part of the package.
The best (or more like, the only) solution for you is to send a "request received feedback" ticket, explaining that 1 week (the "grace period" for winners to activate keys) has passed, the key has been viewed, but the winner is unresponsive, so there's a high chance they used it elsewhere and are hoping to not get caught.
I actually thought he might be a bot, since he hasn't responded to any wins at all and I haven't gotten any response from him. He might still be joining giveaways tho since I think his giveaways entered counter went up from a few days ago
Typical autojoiner behaviour: leave the script running 24/7, come back once per week (due to forced SG autosync) to collect loot.
Rinse and repeat.
That's why they -or rather, their bots- are always online, and why they keep entering giveaways while ignoring wins.
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Well, I was also new and didn't quite know the lay of the land yet. That batch was one of my first giveaways. I understand how some people can't afford to give anything away, but yea, now I'm more cynical of level 0 winners in general
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Yes, request received feedback is the best decision. Also you can attach to the ticket screenshots with your e-mails to winner
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I would request received feedback instead. If the key was wrong it was winner's responsibility to contact you. And if he viewed a key and didn't activate it - I would consider he activated on another account or even sold it.
Of course it's up to support to decide, but I would at least give it a try. Deleting a legit giveaway is too sad.
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Thanks, I'll wait for support's feedback on the ticket and ask if I can change it to request received feedback. I know it wasn't used before I sent it to them since it's been sitting in my humble purchases for a while. I agree that it defeats the whole spirit of gifting things away, especially if it might've been appreciated more by someone else who entered. Now I kinda understand why some people might not want to do public giveaways so often
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Now I got an idea to not send key to winner (on public giveaways) till he shows up in comments section. And of course I mean adding this info to GA description
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