Many keys from random GAs like Lootboy or Indiegala still have CV, so you can do those for free. Also sometimes you can trade keys you got for free for things that do have CV.
Most well known freebies are noticed and have their CV set to zero, but there are also a handful of more obscure sites that still do freebies that have CV.
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I found trading pretty difficult, but I did get a few in. Some I even gave away here. Others I traded for Steam gems or just games I didn't have to add to my collection.
As for where, this site has a sister site called Steamtrades, there's also Reddit, Indiegala, or just people you know.
Unless you have exactly what people want, or are offering them something vastly more valuable, then finding people to trade with is difficult. Also, scamming is common.
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Try Barter vg it is where my son trades my keys form e
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Yes, it's in the name of the website, but I only use it to find freebies if Reddit misses them. I found the site kind of difficult to use, because as soon as I clicked anything, it would jump around and load, so where I clicked my mouse, ended up not being where it was when I clicked it. So I never even managed to send a trade offer.
My difficulties with the interface of that site aside, the real issue is that if the only games you have are easy to get freebies, then demand is pretty low for them. So unless you have exactly what someone wants, getting them to agree to trade in the first place is pretty difficult.
In the end I gave up on trading. However I do keep some keys, and very occasionally someone misses a freebie and wants one, so I find trading partners that way. Mostly I just give them away, so it's less trade, and more like actual gift giving, where the gift is sometimes reciprocated.
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Sure there are but most of those wouldn't help you level up as lot of them would be 0 CV due to being given freely on somewhere.
That said, AWA is a solid choice if you want to get some keys but it'll take a while before you're earning enough to get some games from its vaults. Plus they vault games usually don't fall to 0 CVs so they're a good choice for giveaways if you want to level up.
Edit - And by a while I mean a few months at least before you have enough to spend on the vault.
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Many Steamgifts users purchase bundles of games from stores like Humble Bundle, Fanatical, etc. They buy those bundles for themselves (if they contain games that interest them and if the asking price is low enough) and then they make giveaways here with the leftovers of the bundle (other games that don't interest them or those they already had).
If you buy games for yourself from time to time, this is probably the solution that comes closest to your request in the sense that you are not buying games in order to do giveaways here (you are only giving away leftovers you don't want). Those bundled games will give you a reduced contributor value (see FAQ about that) but in the long run they will allow you to level up.
Also, as a new member, please make sure you have read the FAQ and Guidelines of Steamgifts.
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I think there's a miscommunication here. Here's my interpretation
lav29 is saying buy the game for them as a gift via the Steam store. It's no longer a game key and you need to have someone added to send them a gift (not sure if that's true, can't you use email?).
Fluffster assumed that he means have the winner already be your friend, i.e. technically no cost if your friend pays you to gift it to him.
Adding someone as a friend to gift a game on Steam should not (and should never) get you banned.
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I think Fluffster misread, implying something that wasn't there, like being a "fake giveaway" to boost CV between friends.
I also had that impression when I first read lav29's post, but after rereading, it was no longer there.
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I have the perfect resource for you!
IMO its not worth the time and energy spent.
Keys are pretty cheap. I say that as someone from a not so rich country.
If you reeaaaally want to host a GA, just save a dollar or 2 over a week or so. And then go to greenmangaming or gamersgate, and check out their best deals. They might vary based on wherever you're from. With these you will easily reach level 3 in a matter of months.
But ofcourse, I highly doubt most people on SG frequent only the legit retailers as keys are even cheaper in other sources.
It is against SG rules to get keys from other sources or to discuss third party seller websites.
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It is against SG rules to get keys from other sources
Where do you see that rule ?
If you're talking about keys form grey market stores, then I think you're exaggerating there.
If it's a non-stolen and valid steam key, then it's ok.
It is against SG rules to [...] to discuss third party seller websites
This part is true, it is frowned upon by moderators and can lead to sanctions because it is considered advertising for sites sources of Steam keys that can sometimes be questionable.
Note: I edited this message several minutes after posting it. It's a bad habit I have, sorry if it bothers anyone.
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Reselling keys and links to reseller stores. Do not use our site to resell keys, and do not post offers from stores which allow third parties to resell their keys or gifts. For example, do not ask others if they are interested in buying your leftover keys from a recent bundle purchase, or link to keys for sale on sites such as Kinguin, G2A, or Eneba.
Also I remember some time back, seeing someone chided by one of the mods, over it.
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He didn't say you can't, he said we can't talk about it.
But ofcourse, I highly doubt most people on SG frequent only the legit retailers as keys are even cheaper in other sources.
Implying that if you do that, you certainly won't be the only one.
It is against SG rules to get keys from other sources or to discuss third party seller websites.
Meaning he won't discuss it further because it's just going to get everyone involved in trouble.
I won't discuss it further either, I think we all mostly understood each other and just different wordings.
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Use alienware arena and collect ARP to buy games in their game vault to give away here. It takes little effort to get 20-30 points each day, but you need several hundred to buy the games. Also need to hit 3,000 points to get to tier 2, and 7,000 to hit tier 3. Highest tier 5 takes 18,000 points. Games are locked behind different tiers, and there's not realy anything good at tier 1.
Watch hitsquadgodfather on Twitch to buy games with their clams at their store. I mute it and set it to lowest quality, then just let it run in the background. There's also a weird mini game on the channel you can play to get extra points, and an ongoing raffle as well for a couple hundred clams. Once you get 10k channel points you can trade them in for 2,000 clams.
Using an extension, i collect about 300 channel points an hour, so about 33 hours for each 2,000 clams.
One day i'll have 180k clams so i can buy 'Days Gone' and after that, i'll just get games to make giveaways for.
Save $10-15 and buy a HumbleBundle or Fanatical bundle to get a game for yourself, and make a bunch of giveaways here.
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Probably, but i believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt, and if they are lazy, offer them the opportunity to grow.
After months of collecting ARP i just ordered my first reward of Alienware dice. So I think it's worth the bit of effort.
I've also collected 1,100 dell reward points, which i think convert into a penny each. So maybe next year i'll be able to order something from dell and pay for a decent chunk with the points.
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Have you not been logging in on AWA recently? The last 10 days they've been giving out DRP on login. You can get another 1000 drp if you login everyday for the next 4 days.
Also I just checked your Steam profile and you're in the US region. DRP expires after 3 months for US.
Blah blah you can get 5000 drp per quarter with drp as well, you can extend drp to technically 7 months but that's more information than I'm going to type (for now at least)
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I've been trying to check in every day for the past couple months. Currently i'm aware of a 15th Anniversary promo, which started about a week ago. Over the course of 5 days, you get an ever increasing amount starting at 100 points, and increasing by a hundred each day until the 5th. I'm now almost through my 2nd set of 5 days.
I dont know about 1,000 point promo at login though?
Thx for pointing out the DRP only lasts 3 months. I just ran across the fact you can only collect a max of 200,000 Dell points in the US. But that should be plenty as it is equal to $2,000. But not i'm gonna have to see if there's a time limit on use for those...
How do you8 get 5k DRP per quarter? Their Twitch watch widget constantly fails to recognize my watch time, so gives me no points, and i've given up bothering. Amongst the rest of the daily tasks I average about 20 DRP a day. Take that times 90 days in a 3 month quarter, and it comes to about 1,800 points.
Is there something i'm missing?
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Oh, no the 1000 point promo that I'm talking about is the same promo you're talking about. If you did not log in, then you missed 3 days so you would max at receiving 4 days which is 100 + 200 + 300 + 400 = 1000. I wasn't sure if you knew about it since AWA's given out 2500 DRP so far if you've logged in everyday the past 10 days.
For the 5k DRP per quarter, that's in the marketplace, cost ~3000 ARP (or ~2500 with stanley excavation set if you know what that is).
For twitch failing, I think you should just go to the discord to see if you can get some help on it. I don't know the troubleshooting steps but making sure it's the exact same email address string i.e. "" is not the same as "", even though they both send mail to the same gmail. Re-linking may also help. Making sure you scroll down until you see that "hooray you get points" pops up is important. If all else fails, it may need to get an admin to check it out.
I think you're confusing ARP with DRP on this sentence though. If you're only getting 20 ARP (not DRP) a day, then you probably don't know the artifacts I'm talking about and then you'd have to go look into that which is a whole 'nother thing. A good source of ARP is the Steam Quests (15 + 25 + 25), 3 games per week. Also there's the world of warships community event that nets you 225. Twitch is kind of a big part of getting ARP since it nets you +15 per day or +30 with the right artifact (egads, that artifact word again! it must be something important hint hint ;) ). With not quite the best artifacts yet, I'm probably netting close to 50 arp per day, with the best artifacts you can probably get up to 60? You can also get the steam quest to do (42 + 52 + 52) i believe instead of (15 + 25 + 25) arp with the right arifacts but it's a whole thing man.
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I messed up this month, and missed logging in a few days, so noit getting this months "artifacts" but i think i got last months.
Not sure what to do with them yet, but it sounds like I should look into it, to boost my ARP.
I was saving ARP for ordering the dice set reward, so now i'm going to mainly be buying DRP, but maybe some fragments too...
I'll also look closer into the Twitch issue. It works sometimes, and then not, and clearing cookies doesnt seem to help.
I like the idea of checking with Dell through discord, and getting some help on the issue.
Thx for taking the time to give me soo many helpfu ltips. I've not bothered with these award points for years, and just recently been pushing for them, to get my tier higher. But have found multiple other bonuses such as DRP, and kicking myself for missing out all this time!
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Probably, but i believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt, and if they are lazy, offer them the opportunity to grow.
I like that. I may be on the jaded side today.
AWA is a cool long term way to get some goodies, no doubt about it. I have some DRP I am saving up to get a nice discount on a proper screen.
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I always try to start with positive vibes, to balance out the inner animal tendency to be warily negative and aggressive/defensive.
Being jaded has some utility in that you're just being defensive due to the wisdom of experience.
But it's good to be wary of being jaded, as being crystallized to the point of brittleness comes with serious danger. Yet i can see you're fairly aware of the risk of falling into the jaded trap.
Blessings on your day! o/
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I always try to start with positive vibes, to balance out the inner animal tendency to be warily negative and aggressive/defensive.
That's a good rule of thumb especially online where we just all tend to be mean girls for whatever reason. I usually read my posts twice before hitting the submit comment button because I tend to soften the tone or just delete my posts when they don't bring anything but fuel to a fire but I guess I didn't sleep enough again and I fired from the hip on that one.
Have a good weekend.
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+1 was going to mention this - you can get a decent set of keys here pretty quickly
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That's a hard call: any steam keys you can get guaranteed with next to no effort will probably have 0 CV value, so won't level up your Steam account.
With some effort, you can get Steam keys around, that might add or not CV value for you to level your account. There are sites that make you do chores, and can reward you with keys. Not sure if it's allowed to say their name, to be honest I don't recall them, never really used them for long.
My recent giveaways here with keys I got for free being a content creator on Youtube, as sometimes devs/publishers send more than a key.
There're also other websites that host giveaways, I've also won a few keys on social media on giveaways by the devs and content creators, but chances are usually small due to lot of entries.
TLDR, you'll most likely always end up paying for a key, either with IRL money, or your time.
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Have you considered just buying them like everybody else here?
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For themselves, that's actually even beneficial. Doesn't help the OP rise up the levelling ranks though. ;)
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I mean there are places and ways to get keys that give CV that take only time not cash
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you make your own garbage games on steam and sell them for 50$ well giving away keys you can make for free here....
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That wasn't a serious tip though, just a criticism of what is often done here.
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You forgot the $1.2K bundle that makes you save $12K.
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start playing cs2 and every week you get 2 drops
drops include one random Weapon Skin, one Weapon Case, and two Graffiti
you pick the skin and the case every week
you can get around 1€ per week if you get a good skin/crate or more
also all your cards are worth 1.67€ (not worth it) but you can sell the most expensive ones
use this
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The "if" is huge, though. Mostly 20-30 cents.
And that requires Prime, so a nearly 15€ (14.29€ IIRC) investment that OP isn't willing to make.
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i think, i don't play tf2, but i saw a huge botnet in tf2 farming so there must be items there
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Just save your money and buy the games that you really want. If you happen to see a bundle with a game or two that you want, while you don't want the rest. There's your chance to earn a bit of CV. That's how most people here got their levels. I am guilty of buying bundles to give away, but I haven't done that in a while. I buy a lot less bundles in general.
Levelling up here doesn't give you much of an advantage. And if you're giving away games that are freely available for everyone anyway, people tend to blacklist for that. I'm not saying I would, but I know that some people do.
You can join groups like Unlucky 7 when you've been here for a month, which gives you a higher chance of winning. Up until you have 7 wins. (I think you have to be here a month to join, I could be wrong)
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You don't. You have to give to level up...kind of the idea of the site. Giving > receiving. 🙂
But what you also find is that the more you get involved, and the more you give, the more connected you get to the community and you get better access to more exclusive giveaways for better games.
I strongly suggest you read the FAQ and the SG Guidelines. They'll help a lot. Welcome, and enjoy your time on Steamgifts!
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There's a website called gamesbolt where you can do surveys and other tasks (e.g. playing mobile games) to earn points which you can spend on games. It's an honest way of getting free keys because I see it as equivalent to real work. Many people actually do surveys as a source of side income.
I haven't looked at the site in years, so don't know if it's worth your time or if you're better off flipping burgers at McD's :)
PS: I'm guessing that you're young and don't have a lot of money or access to a CC, hence your question. But based on your tone and how you phrased the Q, people here will assume that you're just trying to cheat the CV system using freebies. You probably earned some blacklists as a result :P
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