Hello everyone

Ive got problems with CV
I gave away some games from last 2 monthly

Before i made a giveaways i was at 6.03 cv

Now after 4 giveaways comfirmed, i have 6.06...

For now i have comfirmed giveaways for games which should give(via DEC/JAN thread table):


i know its not 6.03+13.50=19.50 as it will be so ez to achieve 10lvl in 3 giveaways

So it should be 6.03+(13.50/100)=6.03+0,1350=6.1380?
Or maybe it count as bundle, so 15%*13.50?

I dont know how this system works and cant find any informations except about bundled ones

So any help what it exactly means and how to count?



It shows a lot gray(group and less than 5 entries) but when im entering on SG it shows for example 80 entries...Does it count correctly then?

4 years ago*

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CV system so hard to understand?

View Results
Of course!

ok, nvm, now i know what i was doink wrong xD thanks for clarifying

So for example between 6 and 7 there is 500$ difference

every 100$ from it is addin 0,2 to my total cv, am i right?

4 years ago

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Yep, every $100 in CV (bundled games give 15% of their points value in CV) between level 6 and 7 is 0.2 to your level.

4 years ago

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You can see on the bar level 6 to 7 requires 500 real cv, you contributed 13.5 towards that 500.

4 years ago

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Your Level at this moment i write is 6.07
As stated in the Faq here:
"Levels increase in difficulty almost exponentially. Below is a summary of levels and their corresponding contributor values.
Level 0: $0.00
Level 1: $0.01 - $25
Level 2: $25 - $50
Level 3: $50 - $100
Level 4: $100 - $250
Level 5: $250 - $500
Level 6: $500 - $1,000 (YOU HERE,because you give away $500 contributor value giveaways)
Level 7: $1,000 - $2,000
Level 8: $2,000 - $3,000
Level 9: $3,000 - $5,000
Level 10: $5,000+"

So for reach level 7 your Contributor Value must be $1000 of giveaways given

Range Between Level 6 (500.01) and Level 7 (1000) is $499.99

When you create a new giveaway the CV Contributor Value you earn is % of 499.99

Example if you give away Develved at Level6 (People for enter need 10P)
10/499,99=0,02 you will get 0.02 contributor value (points on level)

if you give away a game 60P at Level6
60/499,99= you will get 0,12 CV (points level)

Different example for Level 5,if you is level 5
249.99 is interval between Level 5 and 6
if you give away Develved at Level5 (People for enter need 10P)
10/249.99= 0.04 you will earn 0.04 CV (level points)
if you give away a game 60P at Level5
60/249.99=0.23 you will earn 0.23 CV (level points)

This is valid only for FULL VALUE games,if a game is included in Bundles you will lose CV,same can be said when a price of a game will low so much for example if one game price $60 will go to be $1.

4 years ago*

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The reason for the grey entries in SGTools is to show that you have received no CV from those giveaways. If you check your earlier giveaways there are many with zero or 1 entry because they are either region restricted or group only.

From the FAQ:

If a giveaway is invite only, region restricted, or limited to a whitelist or Steam group, it will only add contributor value if it receives 5 or more entries

4 years ago

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Some got around 80 entries-still showing gray(less than 5 entries)

4 years ago

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Which ones?

4 years ago

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Same question as Oppenh4imer. Which specific giveaways do you think have 80 entries but are grey on sgtools?

Do bear in mind that sgtools is a completely separate website built by a member of the community. If you think there is a bug, then you can report that here.

4 years ago

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NVM, i didnt check correctly, sometimes i made 2 gibaways for same game-one was less than 5 second was more than 5

4 years ago

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I remember being level 5 now i'm level 4 somehow.

4 years ago

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May I ask why you restrict all your giveaways to your country? As far as I know neither of these games has any such region restriction and it's as if you are blaklisting almost all of SG, while taking from all the world.

4 years ago

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Many times i gave game from bundle to non-polish-and then i hear from them they cant activate...one time i had even 'not received' for this until i figure it out and buy a gift via steam. But i think i will not care and make a ww gibs. Especially as u said im entering gibs from ww while same time blacklisting them

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by OwieczkaDollyv21.