March 2010

The company says one of their research outposts up north has started misbehaving and they are sending a repair team to fix it. Beats me why they won't wait until the summer months. This thing is unmanned during the winter, after all. But the company pays well, so people don't ask too many questions. The repair team will need some spare parts to fix the transmitter at the outpost as well as some extra provisions - and I'm the lucky guy flying those things into their base camp ahead of time.

They'll be departing from base and journey about 30 or so kilometers to the north-east to reach the outpost - on snow mobiles. I believe the outpost is somewhere just south of the border to the national park. I just hope they know what they're doing. Weather in the winter months can change quickly here. And the ice storms can shred you to pieces. Travel during winter months is usually... not advised.

Which brings me to my own preparations. Nobody in their right mind would fly VFR in these conditions. But this time of year, this is as good as it gets. The company also saw it fit to furnish me with a relic of an airplane. It does not even have GPS. But around here, we make do with what we have. It will be enough. Base camp has an NDB, and if I gain some altitude I should be able to pick it up - I'm just barely out of its effective range, so my ADF should pick it up shortly after take-off. If I get lost in the clouds or have to avoid the mountains, I can always punch through north and follow the coast west to reach base. I will be fine. I'm not so sure about the repair team, though...

Level 2+
Regional restrictions as per EU humble bundle - most titles in the train don't have regional restrictions

3 months ago*

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Well, it looks like this is not for me, as for me it’s a completely ordinary flight video. How does this relate to the team?

3 months ago

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Bump for solved!

3 months ago

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Bump for solved

3 months ago

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Little bump for solving, given how thick I can be sometimes I'll take this as a win!

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 months ago

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I hope there will be answers in the end

3 months ago

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bump for solved!

3 months ago

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bump for solved:)

3 months ago

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Bump, that was quite an interesting puzzle!

3 months ago

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As usual, your puzzles are very interesting, but too much for me. I think I've only solved one! Still, bump.

3 months ago

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Bump - still not solved. Found some interesting stuff, but not yet the team members.

3 months ago

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Bump for the outpost!

3 months ago

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I did it!!!!

Finally. I think it's the first time I cracked one of TomasMacMordain's puzzles

3 months ago

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Bump for finally solved :D!

3 months ago

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I think I've gathered a lot of information, but I'm not sure if it's what I need. I will try further, it seems interesting.

3 months ago

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wow thank for the flight. Took me long enough to go there by foot :-)

3 months ago

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Bump for solved

3 months ago

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Bump for solved. Nice one.

3 months ago

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bump for solved!

3 months ago

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Not solved (I'm lost) but bump!

3 months ago

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Bump for solved, thanks!

3 months ago

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Bump for solved!

3 months ago

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Once I figured it out, it seemed so obvious... Thanks for the puzzle, and the giveaways!

3 months ago

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Hope you post an solution later of this one.

Can any one tell the solution as the giveaway has ended.

3 months ago*

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Can any one tell the solution as the giveaway has ended.

3 months ago

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You need to name the members of the repair team from a podcast called The White Vault which takes place in Svalbard.

3 months ago

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That is out of syllabus.
How did you know.

3 months ago

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If you find the location from the ICAO airport codes or the name of the airplane featured in the video you can just google that plus "repair team" and it should come up right away in your search results.

3 months ago

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Leave it bro, My IQ is zero. I am not understanding anything.

3 months ago

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Oh. So, it was a podcast. I kept thinking it was either a movie or a video game.


3 months ago

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