Been lazy/busy and college is taking over my life, so haven't been very active on here lately but probably soon. :D
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I don't care if I missed the GA. That was some great drwaing skills.
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You can draw! Goddammit, you just did and showed us!
And its not bad either! Its a stylish flashlight(only one i saw), i never saw any drawing of a flashlight like that. Thats original.
Original is rare.
What you probably meant was 'i can't draw photorealistically even if my life depended on that'.
Or 'i can't draw like i wanted/wished to'.
First photorealistic is overrated. Gone are the times of the masters- nowadays we have cameras that do that better. If you mean expression by photorealistic pictures then we have digital retouch as well. Photorealistic drawing is all 'skill showing'. 'Look at that photo! Oh, its not a photo, its a gigantic ballpen drawing that is indistinguishable from one!'
-You probably have seen things like that.
Guess what it isn't the drawing the thing. Its the 'rare skill', 'hard', showing off. In the end the the great life-like painting is just... imitation of life.
Now look at your flashlight.
If its pretty or not is pointless question- beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
It doesn't look like a real flashlight at all, surely.
-It have character
-Original trace and design
-Curious artistic decisions (or by unconscious artistic instincts)- why is the light void? Does that mean we only see the impression of light on its surface, its apparent yellowness, when in reality its formless and colorless? What is reality? Our perception?
-It doesn't look like a flashlight but everyone would say 'this is a flashlight'.
Its like the reversal of 'Cest not a pipe'. Lets get a medal to the guy who made everyone say 'flashlight' by copying one right?
Making something original, uncanny even, and still getting message across- now we're talking.
We live now in the post-modernist(post-post even) age.
Let go of dumb old precepts, as dusty as the dusty museuns they were bred.
And if anyone say 'my 3 year cousin could draw that' you say 'I doubt it. He could draw a flashlight, but not this one. Not these traces, in this order. Not mine flashlight'.
Be proud.
It isn't abou can/can't- you DO draw.
And if it iks you how it ends up then draw more chasing some new direction.
But if and when you do that, please, Please, share it with us as jiggsaw. Wouldn't mind a nice GA behind it again.
(and let me know 8D)
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More to the point now: it is one of the best jigsaws i played here. Could be just a bit few pieces more.
The reason is simple- its simple shape make me actually think rationally of how pieces fit together with content. Make me imagine and trully figure the end result.
All the ones made from complex pictures and screenshots are a mess. They're just boring guessing, trial and error to see wich lead you get right for few pieces and then back to guessing.
It made me smile btw- and not just because of the cute flashlight, but the actual fiting and smoothly figuring it all. Relaxing too.
No jigsaw i ever did here made me smile.
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Dear lord, didn't imagine I would get back to such comment! you really astonished me.
Never thought of it this way as I do tell myself I'm not really that artistic but guess now I know it depends on the perspective of things.
Your words are inspiring and I do appreciate the time you put into this. The main reason why I picked such title is a way to be "original" to put puzzles only GAs.
I'm glad it made you smile, I use pictionary game online and draw the title it gives me, I do skip the ones that are too hard for me or too abstract.
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Thats also awesome btw. I flirt with drawing only (im too anxious and impatient to finish what i started, much less practice) and in that ive readed quite some stuff and followed artists around and such; And one of the most high regarded practices not for technique but creativity and 'feeling natural' is drawing from random prompts/subjects (Bonus points with limited time).
Doing my design degree i had some classes involving drawing. The boring one was the observation drawing.
The other one, i can't recall the name they gave it, had our teaches make us draw from life in broad strokes and quickly. He criticized the attempts to be too precise. I started apreciating drawing by heart and in the flow right there. Way more fun as well.
I know you were being funny and or random but i couldn't help remembering those classes. Another teacher (of a a too artsy/subjective/insane even for my taste- i hadn't enought weed i guess) touched precisely on that phrase 'can't draw'. While my tastes differ from his a lot (and what i see as pseudo-intelectual 'looking for way too much' in museum art) what he told and showed blew me mind.
I sitll want to get back to drawing- this time with a new mindset, letting myself discover some style of mine, going from the simple and natural-like that i enjoy. Thanks to him im now confident i can draw and become good at that; Heck, ive always enjoyed stylish illustrator with a unique take and trace but i grew up on the mindset of 'doing realistic' and that pressured me down for nothing.
If only i had the time... damn the backlog!
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I do appreciate arts and artistic people, as they blow me away. It's just too magnificent to witness what a person can do with their hands and imagination.
I hope one day you go back to drawing. :]
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Glad i managed that. Despite some funny exageration thats pretty much a rephrasing of the most inspiring and most valuable art lesson i had in my life, from a teacher during my design degree. Heck, even as i was in a computer-focused course and drawing was just a side-dish this happens to be what i recall as the thing that most stuck with me from all the course lol.
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This is the very first time I have completed (or even tried) a puzzle like this.
That was really fun thanks Panda <3.
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Happy Orca< Old puzzle.Love< Old puzzle.Ladybug< Old puzzle.Flashlight
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