I type everything every single time, be it "thanks" or 2 paragraphs of whatever. You ungrateful lazy bastards.
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I just put up my first gifts today (so nervous somethings gonna go wrong :S) and I personally don't feel the need to be thanked by anyone else but the person who wins and receives the game. At the same time, while I am very grateful to anyone who puts a game up, whether or not I enter the giveaway, I don't want to just say "thanks" or "thanks for the giveaway" as it feels so....impersonal? I would like to write something special and personal every time I enter a giveaway but I can't always come up with something. So I stopped trying to come up with something special. That doesn't mean I am not grateful, I am. And should I win a game, I will shower you with thanks and happiness and fluffy pink clouds.
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I never say thanks unless the giveaway is noteworthy in some way, in which case I actually mean to show gratitude. And I always read the giveaway, so if they ask a question, I always take the time to answer it. But it would be disingenuous to pretend that I've overjoyed at the opportunity to have a 0.03% chance to win a game from a bundle. If I actually win it, then I'll be overjoyed.
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A good example was today's win: Men of War: Red Tide. I wanted it, and entered a lot of giveaways for it, but I wasn't going to shower each giveaway with praise. Collectively, I'm grateful for all the people that create giveaways here. And when I won, I made sure to mark that I received the key right away and send a little email thanking the person afterwards.
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I don't think it is that hard. Just type a little sentence, or create something about the game. Like: I think this one is nice, judging by the store page. Or whatever you want to say. Stil betere then Thanks [username] for [game]!
3 simple examples:
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I find it somewhat ironic that so many are angry, and choose to insult me, for giving a tool to the community (Giving away my time and skill).
And they are insulting me, because they think that tool stands for rudeness towards gifters.
But either way, I think this thread has been a smashing success.
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There are many hypocrits in world. This also isn't anything new, many use these kind of scripts even before this one.
Maybe people are more worried of broad usage of these, and therefore afraid of actions done towards preventing such usage.
Personally I think this system might need revamping. Maybe there should just be a simple "Like" button as just saying "Thanks" is becoming a standard.
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I think you should be able to pre-select the games you want to win, and leave SG to enter giveaways for these games automatically, so that you can set and forget, without ever having to visit the site again (except, perhaps, to add new games to your wishlist).
This would be a huge time saver for all of us, and could be combined with an auto-thanking script, in case any thin-skinned giveaway creators dropped by and felt upset about the dispiriting soullessness of the whole scenario.
Perhaps we could also automate the forum to save everyone the bother of posting? Over the course of a year, people probably spend hours posting in the forum. Scripting this would be a colossal labour saver, in addition to keeping everyone's posts:entries ratio up.
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Wow - I hadn't thought of that! This script could be the best yet :D
Goodbye backlog - hello vast blocks of free time, unspeakable wealth, enviable prosperity and despicable 5-step plan for taking over the world!
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Actually if I remember correct, there is also a script floating around where it annouces you when marked wanted games popup as a giveaway. Think it even conviniently put it as a notification on your mobile.
Makes me wonder if there are bots which automaticly does what you just said.
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+1 for real. Y'all are lazy and if you don't mean it, don't say it.
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I don't need a script to show creator I'm grateful + as I've mentioned somewhere above I do read description and answer question that creator has asked or if there is some survey or if he needs help with voting. That takes few minutes at max which isn't much to show gratefulness for a chance of winning free game that he has bought with his own money.
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Damn, I'm so late commenting on this....but thanks anyways.
I would tell you how full of shit you are, but enough people have already done that. This topic isn't worth the argument because of how blatantly obvious the correct viewpoint is.
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The blatantly obvious correct viewpoint simply does not exist.
Also, I will not start to hate on OP for creating this. In fact, he himself actually probably spent more time creating it then he will ever save by using it.
But I do think it is rather lame to use a script like this. If you need a script for saying 'thanks', simply don't comment at all.
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Screenshots: Giveaway Entry, Filtered Comments, Unfiltered Comments, Options: Comment, Options: Filter
The Steamgifts Giveaway Improvement Script was originally designed to automatically thank the giveaway's creator when entering their giveaway; Saving you both time, and making sure you remain polite; But has evolved into much more. It is now a general efficiency improvement tool for everything to do with the giveaway page of Steamgifts.com. It comments and enters a GA with a single form submit, halving the amount of server communications time it can take to both enter and comment on a single giveaway. The script also makes the site slightly more stable when the site is particularly laggy and unresponsive. Specifically, because it uses AJAX requests; If one fails it can tell, and the script just sends another one, and so on and so forth until the request gets through. Additionally, you can specify a number of End Behaviors to perform, after you have entered into a giveaway, including closing the tab.
The script first looks for any content in the page's comment box, and will use that if it is available. Otherwise, it uses whatever custom comment you have set, or just defaults to "Thanks!", if one is not available. When the script submits a comment it records this, and stores an expiring data point to remember not to auto comment if you re-enter this giveaway. You can also set a specific "end behavior", to perform after submittal of both the comment and entrance into the giveaway (e.g., close the page).
The script is also built with a filter specifically designed to recognize other auto thank comments, as well as a host of other generic thanks spam. Filtering them out, and adding them to the "thanked" summery. So you can personalize and lengthen your default comment as much as you want, while still having it filtered out as generic "thanks" spam. The filter ignores your own comments, but will filter out all default auto thank comments, while leaving the personalized ones (read: comments that you wrote for a specific giveaway). When the script encounters replies, it only filters out the entire comment tree if every single comment is considered spam, otherwise the entire tree is left intact. While viewing the comments, or through the options menu, you can add more messages to filtered list, or more authors to the whitelist.
Another major feature is the Markdown toolbar. Steamgifts uses the Markdown language to style and format comments. This first version of the toolbar only includes two features, but they can make using Markdown far easier. One button converts the selected (or entire comment) from HTML to Markdown, and by default strips out any remaining HTML code as well. Meaning you can create links, list, or bold text using HTML code, and one click of this button will convert it to Markdown. The other button simply strips out HTML code, useful if you are copy pasting.
This entire project, and in particular the auto comment feature, was inspired by BarefootMonkey's Thank Filter Userscript. Additionally, the visual style of BarefootMonkey's "thanked" summery is almost copied for my own.
The HTML to Markdown conversion is done using Dom Christie's to-markdown JS engine, copyright © 2011 Dom Christie and released under the MIT license.
(Options will not take effect on any current pages, until they are reloaded)
Designed and tested on Chrome, using the Tampermonkey extension.
Firefox - Does not work, and I cannot get it to work. This project needs a Firefox expert to port it. If you are interested in giving it a try, please contact me.
SteamGifts Plus - Some minimal testing. Appears to be compatible.
Help Needed - If it works for you, or does not work for you, in any unlisted ways, please let me know.
Version History:
Version 2.3 – Added fully featured, and customizable filter system. Preload options. Fixed some bugs, improved stability. Moved options link to option in "Account" dropdown; Changed page to "/giveaway/improvement". As well as a bunch of really nessesary little features to improve normal commenting. Two buttons arounds the comment box to make using the markdown easier; One to conver HTML to markdown, and anouther to strip out html code. Added in reset to default buttons for all text options. (August 24th, 2013)
Version 2.1.1 – FIX: Page closing by default. (August 7th, 2013)
Version 2.1 – CHANGED: Name, some wording in about page changed. ADDED: highlight options link when in options page. (August 7th, 2013)
Version 2.0 – Complete code redesign and many features added. Code stabilized, improved, modularized, and documented. Designed to be feature complete (aka, have all the necessary features, but nothing fancy or particularly involved). (August 7th, 2013)
Version 1.X – Original design and release of the Auto Thank Script. Many rapid updates were released to stabilize and improve basic design. All it did was comment "Thanks." every time you entered a giveaway. It worked, but had ragged, patchwork, code. Latter versions tried to prevent double comments. (August 2th, 2013)
Potential Future Updates:
Expand the Markdown toolbar.
A mark/badge to denote that you have already commented on this current giveaway.
When script launched for the first time or newly updated, show About page.
Add more End Behavior features.
Keep points up to date on all pages.
Check for new replies, and show in menu bar.
Add in support for special tags, that would be replaced by the gifter's name, the giveaway name, etc.
Add in support for multiple different auto comments, and allow user to select one when entering giveaways/commenting.
Add support for more special tags to select and insert from a randomly chosen one from a range of other auto comments.
Add support for simple IF/else special tags for use within the comments.
Allow support for templates. Comments that are designed to be added to (e.g., signatures).
(Submit any suggestions, bugs, or compatibility information to the Official Steamgifts Giveaway Improvement Script)
Official Steamgifts Giveaway Improvement Script
Userscript Page
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