Ok so hello again SG.

Here i am yet again, with some random thoughts and stupid questions.

1: ok so i am "close" to both my 8th cake day and 5000 games gifted, wanted to reach those goals around the same time.
And i was thinking about making another one of my really big trains, any ideas what theme i can go for?
also, on a scale from 1 to Red Potatoes, how much have u missed my trains? :o

2: Will be making a bunch of whitelist and group GA's next months, so if you wanna join my whitelist, describe in a few words why the Shawshank Redemption is the greatest movie of all time.
Or you can have a really cool profile :p
For those of you who are here early, there are a bunch of them going on right now.

3: what is your best gaming moment in 2021? :D
my favorite moment was completing red dead 2 for the first time, that shit was amazing!

The GA's

jump directly to elden ring

extra: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/7VbbR/civilization-beyond-earth-the-collection

2 years ago*

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what u think?

View Results
giving away elden ring? you really want to make people suffer?
why isnt the napoleonic wars considered a world war?
ngl, didnt read, just want games thx
Imagine measuring in games given or dollar worth. real SG users measure in "how many potatoes could i have bought instead of this"
ok so the napoleonic wars was pretty much only europe, but what about the seven years war? that was like 5 continents
you have legit no valid reason to add a poll to this thing. wtf?
after what you just did, i think we should see other people! :|
ok cool. but who are you tho?

...any ideas what theme i can go for?

3rd party launcher games of Steam maybe? There is almost nobody do it for months, and EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda, Rockstar, Activision never consider regional pricing, so their games always too overprice for me. Yes people can always buy keys for their launcher, but majority here prefer a steam version, don't we?
I do have some AAA games, but I won them from gleam 😅 GA? I must confess I can only afford gray market. Oops 😅

...also, on a scale from 1 to Red Potatoes, how much have u missed my trains? :o

Sorry my native language is not English, so I don't understand this question.

...so if you wanna join my whitelist, describe in a few words why the Shawshank Redemption is the greatest movie of all time.

I don't know, I just feel it's true, it's real. Maybe because I'm the old vibe style so I can understand the film. Or not.

...Or you can have a really cool profile :p

I think my profile is cool enough. But yeah, it comes from steam points shop so it's maybe boring for some.

what is your best gaming moment in 2021?

My favorite moment was completing Witcher 3 for the first time. I couldn't play it before cause there are too many old English word that I couldn't really enjoy, until some sub communities in my country did my native language subtitle. And I can totally understand why people call it a masterpiece.

2 years ago*

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  1. not sure how 3rd party keys are here tbh. but will look in to it as bonus rewards if possible

  2. thats ok, pretty much scale 1-10 rating.

  3. and yeah, it is an old classic.

  4. your profile is pretty cool yeah :D

  5. seen some other people mention the same, i really have to get around to completing witcher 3 tbh.

2 years ago

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no, you won't buy 3rd party keys but you will add winners as friends on steam then gift the game directly to them on steam using steam payment (you can easily unfriend people after successfully gifting games to them) and I did gift people using that method a lot last year. When you create a giveaway, just choose Gift instead of Key.

2 years ago*

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ah, yeah that could be possible

2 years ago

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1.Maybe consider that you've played a fun game.

2.The classic dialogue "Get busy living, or get busy dying." Now I want to watch it again.

3.Horizon Zero Dawn very interesting world of machines.

2 years ago

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  1. yeah something i have considered.
  2. and yeah that line is good, and tbh after reading all these comments about the movie, i legit re-watched it last night xD
  3. played it myself last year, and it was really good!
2 years ago

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  1. How about a classic fan favorites train that aren't too ancient but are old enough that they don't cost much so you don't have to sell a kidney. A sort of opportunity for people to fill some gaming culture gaps they might have.
  2. Well it's about the best allegory about how some people have it made from the get go while the rest have to crawl through a ton of crap to make it out alive and maybe get our happy ending.
  3. I got nothing, it's been an extra rough year and I'll just leave it at that. I did enjoy seeing It Takes Two win Goty, liked everything I saw of that game on Twitch since I didn't have the ability to play it myself.

Back to lurking for me again, have a good one.

2 years ago

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  1. yeah that might be fun, a lot of hidden gems out there.
  2. well put
  3. yeah, was kinda in same boat myself, not the best of years, and i had nobody to play that with, even tho it looked really cool :/
2 years ago

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Only know that Morgan Freeman was in Shawshank, so skipping to 3 which was becoming a God in Age of Decadence. Really hard to do which prolly requires an entire playthrough dedicated to it, including the character creation.

2 years ago

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  1. that sure is one of the selling points it seems xD
  2. oh nice, not really seen any gameplay, but might give it a look.
2 years ago

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  1. Trains are always missed. I blame it on my watch being slow. ;)

  2. I bought it for my dad many, many years ago. The DVD sat unopened at my parent's house. I kept on telling him that it was an excellent movie, one of my favourites to be exact. He still didn't budge. You see, he isn't a fan of movies that glorifies prison (of which this movie does NOT do), so he didn't have a great desire to watch it.

Then...about 5 years ago...he finally watched it. And do you know what he told me after it was over? "Why did I wait so long to watch it?" He was a fan, which I knew he would have been had he given it a chance. One of the BEST adaptations of a Stephen King novel, for sure! :)

  1. Best gaming moment? Playing (and completing) Little Miss Fortune. Twice in a row. One of my favourite games of all time! It was funny, and emotional. I highly recommend it!! :)

I bought RDR2, but I am waiting until I get a new GPU before I try to play it.

2 years ago

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  1. xD
  2. Yeah i had the same thing with my mother, took me like 4 years to get her to watch it, and when she finally watched it she reacted the same, saying we should have seen it ages ago xD
  3. oh nice, looks fun.
    and yeah, you should look forward to RDR2, was amazing!
2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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  1. Not really sure if my profile is cool, but I like it and given it some thought :)
  2. Probably the release of "Encased" - I helped kickstarted it couple years back. I enjoy the game a lot.
2 years ago

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  1. looks pretty decent :D
  2. oh nice, turned out the way you wanted it to?
2 years ago

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seems like Im not cool enough:(

2 years ago

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you are :(

2 years ago

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Shawshank Redemption is the greatest movie of all time because it has Clancy Brown playing the baddie.

2 years ago

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not many people bring him up, but he did a really great job!

2 years ago

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  • 1) I guess we could have a VN theme maybe? Or anime fighting games?

  • 2) Haven't seen it sorry. Buuut, I have Chocola and Vanilla in my steam profile.

  • 3) Best moment? Hmmm, I dunno. Getting Yae with her signature weapon relatively easy and got Kokomi today.

2 years ago*

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  1. maybe :o
  2. that is a steam profile i could get behind for sure.
  3. oh that is poggers, got yae myself, but not her wep.
2 years ago

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  1. I really like those maze ones where you need to draw a map combined with some "chose your own adventure" elements. But they demand a lot of time and effort from the creator. I don't really remember your trains. Is this why you ask for a theme? They can be quite memorable if they have a fun theme.

  2. I'm not sure if it's the greatest movie for me but I really liked the friendship between Andy and Red. It felt quite real. Actually everything felt real about that prison. Also after all that drama, ending was very satisfying :)

  3. Probably Dragon's Dogma: Bought in 2019 with a nice discount. Wasn't expecting much from it so I left it to gather dust in my backlog. Last year I installed it on a whim and BAM. It was such a great game. Like a prodigy lovechild of Dark Souls and Monster Hunter. Too bad I couldn't finish it due to real life reasons. Also you reminded me that I didn't finish RDR 2 too. I really should fix that :)

2 years ago

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  1. yeah that does sound pretty sick, its something i have considered a lot. but have to take some time to set it up.
  2. yeah one of the things that made the movie great. and ending pretty sick
  3. oh looks pretty dope :o
2 years ago

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Unless this poll is a excuse to excuse the lack of polls then this poll shouldn´t be excused

2 years ago

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damn, you have a point

2 years ago

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Not here for the whitelist specifically, but I went through the train and didn't pay my ticket (bump the thread) so I feel a bit guilty not doing so, and "bump!" comments are the laziest. So here's my answer to the second question.

I haven't watched The Shawshank Redemption yet, but my brother did and highly recommended it the other. He said it's the kind of movie you wish you could forget so you can watch it for the first time again, and to me that is the indicator of a VERY good movie. I'll try to find time in my schedule to watch it for sure.

2 years ago

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  1. cheers :D

  2. and that is pretty nice, never thought about it like that, it is a really good movie tho

2 years ago

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  1. Red Potatoes with blue dots and a star made into fries!

  2. I don't know if my profile is cool :P But I hope it is OK :)
    Shawshank Redemption was great but I really don't have any list of movies in any order but I think you should watch Into the Wild - this hit me hard in the feelings - it is a slow but deep movie.

  3. 700+ Hours into Pathfinder Kingmaker and still not 100% it but finishing the game many times with many different choices during the whole game :)

2 years ago

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  1. would be sick :O
  2. looks pretty decent. seen it, pretty good tbh.
  3. oh damn, thats a fair amount of hours xD
2 years ago

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I found the "jump directly to Elden Ring" funny and I dont know why!

2 years ago

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a good rick roll is always funny xD

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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very true xD

2 years ago

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1: Congrats for the 5k in advance! I'm sure you're going to get there. And congrats on getting so far as you did already, it's an impressive feat, as much as it was back when you got your 2000:1 ratio or even more. Happy cakeday in advance as well, though it's still a bit far away. For train theme, maybe something like rogues gallery, a roguelikes/lites train. And of course, I'm with the Communist Potatoes rating of missing your trains because one can just never get enough trains :D

2: It's the best movie of all time in your heart and that's what counts :)

3: It's hard to rank best gaming moments for me but I guess that getting all the boss medals in Bloodstained was something I was pretty happy about, as it took a lot of effort for me to master their patterns until I could beat them without getting hit.

2 years ago

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  1. Thanks :D and that is true, can never have enough trains!

  2. Really nice way to describe it!

  3. oh wow, that is pretty dope, i can imagine that took some time yeah!

2 years ago

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View attached image.
2 years ago

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Fair argument

2 years ago

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1: Train full of best indies of last few years will be cool.Did not participated in your train before so cannot rate.

2: First prison break movie i saw was Shawshank Redemption. I loved it so much that i searches similar entertainment and binged watched all prison break series. That was cool too.

3: Best gaming moment was finaly playing Doki Doki literature club and getting psyched when i was mentioned.

2 years ago

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  1. yeah my trains normally has 100-200 indie and bundle games added to them also
  2. yeah, it is a really good prison break story, and it is so much better when you know he didnt deserve to be there in the first place.
  3. oh damn :O that must have been hype
2 years ago

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make tokyo metro train :D (can contribute some copies)
even when you know the twist, still enjoyable to rewatch, same with fight club

2 years ago

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really? :o
yeah, i know the movie almost line by line, still enjoy it just the same

2 years ago

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Hi nitrogsen,

my theme suggestion would be "Utopia - The world we all long for and in our hearts know is possible".

I might have watched that movie you mentioned, but if I did, I forgot. Not much of a movie person. But I guess some list ranked it high, so it should be good ;)

Best gaming moment last year? Oh my. There were quite a few. Might have been finishing MO:Astray. I usually suck at boss fights, but I actually completed this game.

2 years ago

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Pretty interesting theme idea.

Hehe, yeah not everyone are movie ppl :D

oh nice, pretty cool

2 years ago

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Potato war

2 years ago

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only war there should be

2 years ago

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I actually don't think Shawshank is the greatest movie ever made. I was surprised to see that it had supplanted The Godfather - guess I haven't been on IMDb in while. (Don't think Godfather is the greatest either though.) I have seen it at least twice and enjoyed it very much. The performances are superb and the storytelling is very engaging. And I loved the Mozart scene, maybe because I just love that aria and it was well chosen - if I'm to believe that any piece of music could touch the most hardened of souls, it would probably be that one. But that's the problem, as lovely as it is, I don't really buy it. That's because the movie strives to portray some kind of journey towards spiritual redemption in a sugar coated, sentimentalized version of one of the most dire environments a person could find themselves in. It's the theme of the movie and how it's presented that doesn't work for me. It just feels dishonest and manipulative and because it never engages with the real world of prison life it undercuts the honesty and truth of its own message. Okay, don't hate me. I didn't post this just to be a jerk - I feel like maybe you're a person who really loves movies and might not mind discussing it even with someone who doesn't agree.

I don't expect to be on your whitelist after all that and that's okay, that's not why I'm here. But as you asked, my best gaming experience was Sleeping Dogs - one of those games that hangs out in inventory for years and then bowls you over with how much fun it is.

2 years ago*

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I do see your point, it is fair criticism.
I would never argue it fully mirrors what real life prison would be at the time, and as someone who really hates the american prison system (don't wanna take that further, since i don't wanna argue politics) i can see how parts of the movie overlooks some of the harsher realities, or paints them in a different light.
Still welcome to whitelist tho, i always welcome different opinions and viewpoints of the movies i love.

And nice, had some of those games myself, where i don't play it for ages after getting it, then i try it just for fun, and get surprised by how much i actually like it.

2 years ago

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andy dufrense got guards to provide beer to thirsty inmates! if this is somehow not good enough, check my profile ^_^
best gaming moment was playing it takes two with my friend, very well put together game that tugs at your heartstrings

2 years ago

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thanks and early congrats on upcoming milestones~

2 years ago

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  1. Red and Andy Potatoes
  2. Great novella, great movie; shows how the seemingly impossible can be done if you're persistent enough.
  3. Maybe completing the super boss rush mode in MegaMan Legacy, beating all bosses with only the peashooter.
2 years ago

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  1. i see what u did there xD
  2. well put
  3. oh damn :o
2 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by nitrogsen.