Ok so hello again SG.

Here i am yet again, with some random thoughts and stupid questions.

1: ok so i am "close" to both my 8th cake day and 5000 games gifted, wanted to reach those goals around the same time.
And i was thinking about making another one of my really big trains, any ideas what theme i can go for?
also, on a scale from 1 to Red Potatoes, how much have u missed my trains? :o

2: Will be making a bunch of whitelist and group GA's next months, so if you wanna join my whitelist, describe in a few words why the Shawshank Redemption is the greatest movie of all time.
Or you can have a really cool profile :p
For those of you who are here early, there are a bunch of them going on right now.

3: what is your best gaming moment in 2021? :D
my favorite moment was completing red dead 2 for the first time, that shit was amazing!

The GA's

jump directly to elden ring

extra: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/7VbbR/civilization-beyond-earth-the-collection

2 years ago*

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what u think?

View Results
giving away elden ring? you really want to make people suffer?
why isnt the napoleonic wars considered a world war?
ngl, didnt read, just want games thx
Imagine measuring in games given or dollar worth. real SG users measure in "how many potatoes could i have bought instead of this"
ok so the napoleonic wars was pretty much only europe, but what about the seven years war? that was like 5 continents
you have legit no valid reason to add a poll to this thing. wtf?
after what you just did, i think we should see other people! :|
ok cool. but who are you tho?

While Stephen King may be best known for writing horror, a genre that I'm not particularly a fan of, I absolutely love both The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile!


View attached image.
2 years ago

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He is unfortunately thoroughly niched now but he can write great characters when he's not too focused on gore and cheap thrills.
I am not very fond of most of his work besides Shawshank and the Green Mile but if you liked those I definitely recommend The Long Walk.
He published it as Richard Bachman and it's technically his first novel.
While decidedly sinister, it's not a horror novel and it is extremely immersive. Great cast of characters.

2 years ago

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Cheers for the tip, Fluffster! :)

2 years ago

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Keep forgetting he also gave us the green mile!
Also a great movie.
And i also agree that i mostly prefer those over his horror work.

And cheers for the image :o

2 years ago

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I am shocked that anyone may not have seen Shawshank yet!
Best movie ever and the reason is: the movie is about humanity. In all its flaws and failing and magnificence. You would think a place like that would only bring out the worst in people but it doesn't. It brings out exactly what humanity has to offer. Corruption, greed and violence, sure, but also support, kindness, generosity and friendship. That's all we need to make it through.
No matter how many times I have seen it, I still get emotional when they meet on the beach.

Forgot to add my 2021 gaming moment. I was very proud of managing to beat Ghostrunner.

2 years ago*

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yeah really surprised, first time i saw it was during class in high school i think.
But it was first when i re-watched it as an adult i really understood the meanings behind most of it, and it really hit.

Forgot to add my 2021 gaming moment. I was very proud of managing to beat Ghostrunner.

and damn, that is pretty impressive

2 years ago

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1: swords. Idk if that’s useful but why not. Also can’t recall if I’ve seen one of your trains before. Only occasionally lurk on the forums mostly

2: never seen the movie

3: playing Trails in the Sky SC. Before it Final Fantasy 7 was my top jrpg. I now see I did not know true excellence

Also Chocola best girl

2 years ago

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  1. not done many tbh, just a few big ones.
  2. u should :o
  3. oh nice
2 years ago

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  1. Cool. Theme idea: bobsledding
  2. Morgan Freeman
  3. Can't decide, nothing stands out.
2 years ago

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  1. interesting idea xD
  2. that alone is a good reason for sure.
  3. so a lot of good moments? :o
2 years ago

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Congratulations on both of these two member milestones!
I haven't seen this movie (yet) so i can't really say why it is the highest rated movie on imdb, i guess it just does a lot of things right.
As for my best gaming moment, i would say playing It Takes Two with my gf. It was a top experience, not just as a game, but as a mean of entertainment in general. We were constantly being amazed by the quality and variety of gameplay mechanics of this coop masterpiece and i strongly suggest that everyone should play this.

2 years ago

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And yes it does a lot of things well.
Yeah that game looks really great!

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

2 years ago

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  1. its ok :D
  2. maybe :o
  3. really good game tho
2 years ago

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Lazy to answer all 3 ¯\(ツ)

no.3 I got my girlfriend into board games :D

2 years ago

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Well that is still something, hope she liked it :D

2 years ago

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Yes she does :D We played Splendor, Carcassonne, Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Catan... Just need to find more time to play them :)

2 years ago

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I have tried Ticket to ride, pretty fun.
And yeah, can often be hard to find enough time to sit down and play those kind of games, but really worth it when you do.

2 years ago

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  1. Red potatoe bump!
  2. Morgan Freeman!
  3. Playing some with close friends. We did not manage to do that for more than a year before.
2 years ago

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  1. cheers :D
  2. like said before, Morgan Freeman is a good reason for almost anything xD
  3. That is really nice, games can be so much better when played with the right people.
2 years ago

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I remember when I was a kid I went on a tour of the prison in Mansfield, Ohio where Shawshank Redemption was filmed. Some areas were closed off because the prison was falling apart.
One of my favorite scenes was when the Warden questions Red in Andy's cell and calls the poster "fuzzy-britches" then launches a rock at it discovering Andy's escape route.

2 years ago

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oh wow O.o that is pretty insane
and yeah that is a really great scene.

2 years ago

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  1. This actually brought me back to a random thought i had of wanting to try colored potatoes, i mean they may not taste different (at least thats my knowledge) but they just seem like they're so much fun - i heard there were even purple potatoes? i mean they look funky but they could also be fun - definitely on my priority list
  2. Never actually watched the movie although heard a bunch of good things about it may watch it when i get some free time if its recommended
  3. may sound weird but picking up huniepop 2 and completing my first playthrough on incel difficulty was genuinely so much fun - completing the final boss took a lot more effort than what i would've originally anticipated based on the contents of the first game (which i only 100% achievemented a few months before hp2 came out so my hype into this game was high) and putting all the attempts into the boss and finally getting the luck along with the skill component felt so good to just get it over with and get that sweet sweet dopamine rush - 100% best gaming moment of 2021
2 years ago

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  1. there are loads of diferent potatoes :o
  2. yeah i would really recommend it.
  3. not gotten around to completing the second one yet, but had fun doing the first one. so will give it a go
2 years ago

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I'll be honest, it's been 20+ years since I've seen Shawshank Redemption and all I can rememberis that one of the main characters was Morgan Freeman. But he is one of my favourite actors so nothing can be (too) bad if he starred in it, haha. Also I don't think my profile is too cool but feel free to check it out. :$

I don't really have an idea for a train, but I'm happy for anything. ^^

As for the best gaming moment for 2021... probably was the fun I had while playing with friends. But getting 100% in Serious Sam The 2nd Encounter was also a relief (because it was REALLY grindy), and I also enjoyed every moment of playing the Doom Eternal DLCs.

2 years ago

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That is a while ago for sure :o and yeah that is true, Morgan Freeman makes everything better.
oh nice, serious same is a pretty fun game :o and kinda wish i had gotten around to playing doom eternal myself, looks fun as heck.

2 years ago*

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I... I don't think that's what you meant to say, lol.

2 years ago

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yeah i was gonna write fun as fuck... but changed mind to fun as heck. and wrote both
I just woke up ok xD

2 years ago

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I figured that's what happened, haha.

It is actually really fun. From the looks of it Shadow Warrior 3 has went to a similar direction (and since there is no word about a new Doom game) so it looks like (for me) that will be the next big hit.

2 years ago

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Yeah Shadow Warrior 3 looks pretty good tbh.

2 years ago

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The only correct answer ever in polls is potatoes.

I haven't watched Shawshank Redemption yet, but it's on my backlog! (Oh no! There's a movie backlog too? xd)
I'm more of a series buff, so I'll recommend you this show which looks a bit similar in theme: Rectify

It probably wasn't 2021, but Prey was one of my favorite gaming experiences in recent history. They absolutely nailed the feel and believability of the space station there! (minus the aliens 😉) Strong recommendation if you're into space stuff, and especially if you liked BioShock or System Shock.

2 years ago

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  1. that is true
  2. will give it a watch, cheers for the tip.
  3. and yeah saw that game, looked really nice. and yes bioshock games were really good
2 years ago

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  1. I don't have cool profile :( Maybe I should look into that and then I would have more friends. I invite all of my GA winners as steam friends, but tfw nobody writes or shares anything cool.
    I was too little when I saw Shawnshank Redemption, so I don't think I appreciated it as much at the time. One thing that still is on my mind, is how community matters, and you can have that anywhere. Be forced out of it, and it is easy to lose yourself. Even if the society believes or has stigma, that you will be better out of that community.
  2. tfw with all the moving I haven't had chance to play anything super cool. I enjoyed Control, but I wouldn't call it as greatest moment. The enemy adapting to your playstyle is just underwhelming. The atmosphere and SCP-like world building is amazing, but it would be better as tv-series or maybe a book. Now that I have had more time to think about the greatest gaming moment, I'm going to say that it will be tabletops. I had a chance to play in a club where they hosted teams for some kind of great wargame. Teams were made up of 4 people. Each was assigned a role of leader, general, priest and economist. And everyone had tons of jobs to do. I was general, so war was my thing. And I dominated the heck out of real players. We had a real war room, decorated with ominous lights and pieces on wooden board. We could push them around and it really felt like impersonating some of the history's great war minds.

Thanks :)

2 years ago

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  1. Meh i would not say cool profile instantly leads to more friends xD
    Yeah i was also pretty young first time i saw it, and it didnt really land with me, it was first when i re-watched it as an "adult" that i really started liking it.
  2. Oh nice (moving part that is) and yeah control was pretty fun.
    and that team thing sounds insane fun, and sick that you dominated xD
    like holy shit, that sounds fun as heck
2 years ago

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View attached image.
2 years ago

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Cat train is best train!

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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Thanks :D
oh damn that does sound amazing, and yeah anything cat related is always fun :o
Yeah no arguments at all xD
played horizon zero dawn myself last year, really good game.

2 years ago

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For the first question, why not favourite games for each year you've been on SG?
For the second, the fact that it is still number one on IMDB's top 250 almost 30 years later is very telling (plus it is just a damn fine movie).
For the third, I think it was finally getting around to playing Doom 2016. Goddamn. Rip. And. Tear.

Finally, thanks for your contributions here!

2 years ago

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  1. something i have considered for sure, and maybe branch out from those games.
  2. yeah that is an achievement for sure. it is a very good movie, an old classic
  3. and nice, started doom 2016 myself, but never completed it
2 years ago

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The Shawshank Redeption is the greatest movie of all time because it is about hope and determination.

The Shawshank Redeption is the greatest movie of all time because it shows that tragedy ( Andy being unjustly convicted ) can result in unexpected beauty ( his friendhship with Red ).

The Shawshank Redemption is the greatest movie of all time because it introduced me to the notion of Rita Hayworth.

2 years ago

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Very true!

Very true!

Very true!

2 years ago

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I prefer The Dark Knight.It is also a story of redemption,and Morgan Freeman is also in this movie.

2 years ago

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Yeah i love those movies also. and yes, Morgan Freeman makes movies better, that is just a fact xD

2 years ago

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Let me rewatch Shawshank Redemption first, I watched it ages ago, and probably only partially, back in TV days, I remember it was awesome tho, thanks for reminding me!
Thank you for the giveaways too ^^

2 years ago

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First time i watched it was in high school, didnt think much of it back then, was when i watched it later that it really hit for me.
And cheers :D

2 years ago

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yeah, it's like with books, you can reread and rewatch every 5 years or so to see new content :)

2 years ago

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I finished Resident Evil Revelations raid mode with a friend in 2021, that was pretty epic.

2 years ago

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Oh nice, playing those kind of games with friends is always fun :D

2 years ago

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  1. Civ=💊💻
  2. Is this my profile?
    I am a kappa who does internet.
    Since the world's destruction in 1999, I have been pretending to be human and blending into the Windows 3.1 and 95 Internet.
    I formed a rebel army to defeat an organization that was on the verge of world domination in a certain Internet game, but the game was designed to end when the organization conquered the world.
    Through such interactions, there may be a connection to an underground secret society.
    But since he was bored to begin with, he must have saved the world at least once.
    But doing the same thing twice is not the way people grow up, so I would have given up the game table and given it to someone else.
    I am considered a "pioneer" in many game situations, but I have no interest in being "always the best".
    I prefer to watch the people who have gathered to show their enjoyment.( 「'Θ') 📺
    Sorry to write something so boring.(ノΘ`)
  3. I remember in 2021 I was in a car accident and could not play much.
    I miss doing stupid imitations in TABS.
    I think I played Darkest Dungeon and some other games.
    I would have loved the Pilgrims screen or celebrated the CG Cup with Cranks and Goggles. (a game derived from SG).
    I also dabbled in something crazy called NKO DICE.
    Other than that I played games that I won at SG.
    Was it The Outer Worlds? That one might have been nice if the DLC was included.
    I miss TABS, which has become difficult to play due to various earthly circumstances.
2 years ago

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  1. :o
  2. i mean that was an interesting read, not boring at all xD
  3. oh really? and yes TABS is really interesting. outer world was also really great.
2 years ago

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Oh... one letter difference...orz sorryy

2 years ago

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ah :o
well tried both and enjoyed both! :o

2 years ago

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I guess story-rich games(like the Yakuza series) would be a fine choice of theme for ur train and I don't miss ur trains since I haven't seen em coming before.
don't know about no 2 since haven't watched it yt(ik).
my fav moment (as u might(nr) guess) was finishing Yakuza 0 (story-wise) and it was just woow . Thanks alot for the giveaways👍🏼

2 years ago

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  1. yeah i love story rich games
  2. u should :o
  3. ah, yeah saw the connection there xD
2 years ago

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I love The Shawshank Redemption becaurse its very good movie, story, situations, lot of pretty funny moments. Tim Robbins good actor and i very like Morgan Freeman. The most important thing in the film for me is the attitude to life in general, not to lose heart and not give up in various life situations. =)

2 years ago

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1: To be honest I don't remember your giveaway but I probably don't remember many specific giveaway unless I see the links again. Themewise, what are your interests? Maybe something to that. Or like a lot of train lately I see just for peace in general. I think the world could always use more of that even if we already have a lot (more is never bad).

2: It actually is one of my favorite movie. Just great chemistry between Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. And I always am a sucker for story of something being able to help a group or someone specific (in this case him helping his newly maid friends in jail). The overall story is amazing and how he overcame his injustice to come out on top. How he brought down the warden who is corrupt. Great one liner like "I'm going to pinch a loaf." I really like the movie but I guess I never sat down and thought out exactly why I loved it. But this is a few starters that I could think of this morning.

3: I have a lot, probably more than most recent years. My friend started making me play games he considers rainbow or ones that he know I would like. So I would pretty much be at his home every night and we would play single or multiplayer games and then move on to the next one. Got to play the entire banner saga and that was a journey. An amazing journey that you are just happy to survive. I'm not even sure that I am fully happy finishing that game but just glad I could survive it and beat it. But it ranks as probably a top 10 games. Final fantasy 15 wasn't perfect but it has amazing heart and the journey for the group of guys in there is amazing. Plus "Stand by me" version of the song in FF15 is my absolutely favorite version now. Finishing Witching 2 and 3 to finally play that game and getting into that lore and started to watch the TV show too. Mass Effect 3 trilogy was a journey in itself and it has so many memorable character with memorable story, especially Morty (his story just brings you to tears and the burden he carries in it is amazing). Halo Reach by far is the greatest masterpiece of bungie and of the entire halo series in my opinion. Without halo reach there is no whatever else M Chief is going to do that would matter. And it just brings the story so full circle it is amazing. This is just to name a few stand out.

2 years ago*

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  1. yeah i have seen a lot of those lately also.
  2. yeah it really tells a good story, and shows how a grp of good people doing good things, can overcome a bad and broken system.
  3. That sounds amazing tho :o and those are all great games. recently started witcher 3 myself, never finished tho, should get around to it again.
2 years ago

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Witcher 3 is an amazing game and I can see why it is considered one of the best game and loved by so many. The openness of the world. Even every little quest is different and unique. So much to explore. Of course the characters are awesome to and I'm not going to say no to the fan service they give in it as well. But I just want to say, don't go for both girls. Only go for one.

2 years ago

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Yeah will download again rly soon and give it a go, got a new pc and shit now, so have to test it out a bit xD
And yeah will keep it in mind, speaking of witcher tho, i really loved the series, both seasons!

2 years ago

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I played Witcher 2 through the steam link and Witcher 3 on Xbox. But witcher 3 graphics were amazing. So season 1 was okay. I think they tried to hard to go with the whole Dunkirk deal (having 3 storyline happening all at once) was really hard to follow. I watched with my best friend who read the books and understood a lot more so he was able to help me understand it. But the average viewer who doesn't understand the lore will be so confused. And like they didn't really need Yen or Ciri that early (but I understand why they put them there from day 1). Season 2 started off amazing with a grain of truth. One of my favorite short story and I thought it was really well done. I just didn't like Yen arc in season 2 since it was all made up and just didn't matter at all. Like you could have saw season 2 with her and nothing had changed. But overall I have enjoyed the series and I though Henry Cavill acting was a lot better as Geralt in season 2. I can't wait for season 3. But season 1 still had the best witcher song.

2 years ago

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Yeah i got a bit confused first time i saw it, i decided to read up a bit on it and try the game, then re-watch season 1 before seasons 2 came out, so i would not have same problem when that happened.
And tbh i think they could not have picked any better actor for geralt, amazing choice i think.
And yes, series has pretty good score.

2 years ago

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I am rooting for Henry Cavill because he wanted this role so badly and he actually knows the lore. But I think season one he was over acting a bit and just came off as a very pissed off Geralt. And Geralt isn't that. Geralt is a lot more than. But I think sesaon two his portrayal of Geralt have been a lot better and I'm happy for him. I want to see the show do well.

2 years ago

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didnt really think much about it, but yeah i can agree it seemed more natural in s2.
and yeah also one of the reasons i was really happy he got the role

2 years ago

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Thought it was cool that he is a nerd. Wish I was a good buff looking nerd like him haha.

2 years ago

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i don't think you are the only one xD

2 years ago

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lol very true

2 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by nitrogsen.