Just so I get this clear my question is racist ? You want me to close this before it gets out of hand ? I was just asking a serious answer here :(
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Funny that the French guy thinks this only happened in WWII. :)
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it's not just grandpa's joke. it was around long before grandpa was. it is a joke that belongs to the ages.
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Sure, the joke that "people X suck because they always do / do not y" is probably as old as humanity. Doesn't make it an original and thus funny, or good type of joke, because they build on the unspoken upvaluing of one's society through the outspoken, negative stereotyping of another.
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There's a difference between having a good time drinking beer or smoking weed with friends, and making shitty jokes that revolve around stroking one's ego by putting down someone else('s nationality).
So here's a joke in the same vein of those that you seem to think to be hilarious:
"-Why do Spanish people suck at gaming?
-Because running a proper economy is not the only thing they are too lazy to be bothered with."
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Forgot to add something about siestas there. And what did you expect, me to take offense about that? I rather tired of you all oversensitive jerks who readily tag everything as innapropiate. If you had not read the thread I thought that, even among French people, the joke was well received.
Anyways I have no need to put down anyone to have a good time and won't attack personally anyone either but that's a something and another is making silly jokes. And as I've said if your only concept of having fun is somoking pot or getting drunk and you cannot enjoy silly, petty things that life throws at you I will reiterate myself. You must be fun at parties.
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Nah, I keep the siesta-jokes for my Mexican family. Again, there's a difference between hilarious, silly, and inappropriate humor where stereotypes such as the ones you used are destroyed without being "oversensitive" at all (go and watch some Adult Swim shows like Wonder Showzen) and unfunny crap like "heh, France surrenders all the time", which was pushed hard by the American media during the war with Iraq.
Repeat those jokes often enough and you'll take them seriously. Same shit with the "lol this is funny, but I'm not racist"-crowd. Also, I'm talking college parties here, not Tupperware parties.
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You're forgetting one thing though, Spanish people don't suck at gaming.
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dude I was totally gonna say that. :D
"je me rends" (I surrender)
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I higly doubt I would be able to hear them from my standing point. Tell him to bring a ladder.
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What's with all threads about French people these days? And who said that? D:
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Yeah don't know if you heard of Stephano for example (Sc2 player)
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My only experience with French gamers was a game of L4D2. They solved the language barrier problem of communicating what special infected they had seen by making sounds corresponding to each one, notably doing an exaggerated cough for the smoker. I think they referred to boomers as 'boom boom' though. Needless to say I was quite amused the whole time.
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they don't have to speak your language to communicate with you, i mean you have the same option, right? how about you learn french.
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Not exactly but paRaSen is implying he can speak flawless English
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implying that English is the only language in the the world that we can communicate with and that other must learn it, rather than broadening your spectrum and learn a new language
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ironically, my native language is German, but i can speak some French. The point is, English is taught in the most European countries, so why should i learn French when we both (or in some cases 5 people from 5 different countries) know English?
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but you do know french, try to communicate with them in that and if they still wont try to meet you half way than they arent worth playing with. you can't expect all people to go out on a limb for you with out you first showing them that you are willing to go out on one too.
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but hes playing with french people correct, now it is safe to assume that they dont speak German, and may only speak a very poor English, your analogy is right, it is like a German went to France and he's offended that people there wouldn't speak German back. why because hes playing with french speakers
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Sadly, English is considered lingua franca nowadays and generally used as it.
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And why French which is not that an important a language. Learn Chinese (Mandarin?) or Spanish.
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actually the 4 main business language is are English, Spanish, Cantonese, and Arabic. and wile i do agree that a lot of people speak English, it dose not stop any one form being friendly and trying to engage people for speaking french, rather you expect someone to know English and if he doesn't start to speak it right away you think hes being a troll or a jerk, maybe that person is afraid of speaking it, he may think you'll troll him on how he talks.
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Most of you guys can't speak English very well
Implying you know all french people on the web...
I don't pretend being bilingal, but I'm perfectly able to write/speak ingame at least for basic exchanges. And what about people who thinks everybody speaks flawless english ?
Moreover, we always talk about the low level in foreign langage for french people, but do you really think it's different in other countries ?
I worked in the Orsay Museum, 99% foreigners, how many weren't able to speak to me english or worse, spoke me spanish/japanese/russian/german/other as if I should know those language...
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I never heard about us being bad at games, but I being smelly and noisy I did. I have to agree some of us are noisy, especially when traveling.
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I only know 2 French, but they're are pretty good when it comes to gaming :P
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Then why are there so many gold medalists runners from Kenya? Genetics itself couldn't do anywhere NEAR what we've seen from Kenya at the Olympics throughout the years, so the cause must be social. The land itself of course doesn't do anything, but in Kenya, for instance, there is a culture that glamorizes and rewards runners. Therefore more people will attempt to be runners. This means that instead of a population of 300,000 where 2% of the population is interested in running, they have a country of 50,000 where 20% of the population is interested in running (numbers used merely for demonstration and are not correct). So even though Kenya has a smaller population than others, they actually have a larger sample size for runners because of the way their society treats running. And with a larger sample size there is naturally a larger chance that one of those runners will be 'the fastest'.
Now: how does all that apply to the French gamers? Well I don't know but I would assume that gaming is not as popular a hobby in France than it is in America or perhaps other European countries. So because they have a smaller sample size of gamers, they have fewer 'good' players. So the odds of you running into a French player who is good, is lower. Not all French players are bad, and there is nothing MAKING them bad, it's just you are less likely to play with a good one because of the smaller sample size.
I totally stole that Kenya thing from somewhere an I can't remember where. Some genetics class probably. Anyways that's part of the reason stereotypes like this exist: societal pressure.
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yes it would. Society would not be encouraging the good gamers to get better, or try games, or continue. You'd get the same number of REALLY bad players perhaps, but the good ones that could shine wouldn't get the encouragement, so they wouldn't shine. They'd probably be better than their peers, but not by very much.
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should be "german players" ;)
But yes, many german players are aggressive. But many americans are aggressive, too, especially the little kids in CoD... ;)
Aber ja, leider sind viele deutsche Spieler aggressiv. Aber die kleinen amerikanischen Kinder in CoD sind da nicht besser :I
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My only gaming experience with a French person was one time on Dragon Ball Z Raging Blast on the ps3, I was playing online and my opponent was some little French kid who kept making obnoxious noise through his mic
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Same stereotypes as with russians and brazilians.
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CTRL+F "Skullripper".
I wonder where is that racist moron.
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I'm quite new to SG and I've discovered that most people like to joke about French people being noobs and such.
I've never seen or heard it elsewhere on the web so I'm just asking myself why ?
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