I'm not sure what possessed you to think that quality political discussion/activism could take place on a game giveaway site tbh
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I respect you for raising your voice against the genocide of Palestinians.Sadly,the propaganda spread by Western media reigns supreme.And the way site management has been for the past few days...Russia is the bad guy for invasion but Israel isnt.Even when the UN law describes Israel's actions as a genocide,not even an invasion but a Genocide.But you cant say anything bad about Israel on this site.I am heart broken.
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Another russian who projects his reality of living in propaganda and having a press freedom index of 30% onto western medias to then repeat the wrong accusation of a genocide.
The relevant article only speaks of prevention and risk of genocide, this doesn't equals active genocide
But maybe you can provide another article or any other proof for your claims?
Rather, the sensationalist use of the term genocide in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not only inaccurate and misleading, but it serves to demonize the State of Israel and to diminish recognized acts of genocide.
Indeed, accusing Israel of genocide has the collateral effect diminishing real acts of genocide – such as those that occurred in the Holocaust, against Armenians, and in Rwanda.
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Hey Prosac, do you remember I promised to give a cringe closer to Halloween?
How do you like the symbol of the sect in alan kgbake 2 game. Doesn't it remind you of the Star of David?
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Im talking about purchased narratives and you call me a flat earther, very kind
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Consider your source. The ADL started out with good intentions but now it is just a pro-Zionist, pro-apartheid state DC think tank who is in bed with the FBI and silicon valley to promote censorship of anyone who doesn't agree with them on social media. So of course they are going to spin their definition of genocide.
But just look at the list of beginning with "In the present Convention...". You can now check off all the "acts" defined there from (a) through (d). Their argument that there is no "intent" is not even an argument. It's just a statement backed up by precisely nothing.
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^^And that is what a conspiracy theory looks like^^
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Got some for you.
This one is the most thorough for some background and it is very well sourced with lots of excellent links that are worth looking at as well.
ADL's real stance on the Armenian genocide reveals the hypocrisy they conceal in that last sentence that you cited.
The Musk/Twitter thing
Spying and other shenanigans - Ok this one is really long, but very interesting. I admit I haven't made it thru all those pages. First one gives you a pretty good idea though.
ADL sponsorship of militaristic police training of DC police in Israel. Not exactly your typical anti-defamation type activity.
I know, it's a lot. Hopefully you find something useful.
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Clearly he is nothing but a pawn, a mouth for hire, he does nothing but attack anyone who denounces these horrific war crimes, goes around trolling and spreading lies, vomiting his brand of vile zionist propaganda diarrhea.
How can anyone still deny the atrocities being committed on palestinians?
People like him know no shame, no dignity, or any inkling of humanity, they only harbor bigotry and racism. History will remember those who stood with this massacre and even worse those defending a genocidal regime.
It's beyond disgusting.
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I'm amazed how you can still sit there pontificating whether some bought politicians call it a genocide or not, any normal person with a shred of humanity would be horrified to see thousands of women and children getting carpet-bombed to oblivion for the only crime of existing.
Not long ago, the world was quick and unanimous in response to Ukraine/Russia war, with leaders and those in most powerful positions openly condemning the attacks on innocent civilians, such as president of European Commission insisting on calling it "war crimes" and "acts of pure terror": https://i.imgur.com/t7wXHHF.jpg
But you don't see the outcry now, the hypocrisy and double standards are baffling.
I'm sure this will all fall on deaf ears and I'm just feeding the trolls..
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Why are you deflecting now, found no post of mine to proof your untrue accusations?
Let me show you how this works:
You went from personal attacks to attempts to call Israel/IDF terrorists again, without saying it out loud
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Let me show you how this works
... and then proceeds to link to more of the same inane rambling.
Since you seem to be a bit dim-witted (on purpose or not matters little), let me show you what war crimes and systematic genocide being committed look like:
Buy hey sure, it's all just baseless accusations to you, keep telling yourself that.
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well quite a few points of your list are just wrong...but nevermind and enjoy your beeing, cant help everyone
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What point? Besides unfounded personal attacks and condemning Israel, i wasn't even aware you had one.
I asked, because putting a list of what Israel probably has done looks a lot like an excuse for the terror Hamas had done, at least that's how it looks to me.
Asking for proof about your unfounded accusations and insults towards me are trolling tactics and brainwashed propaganda-parroting now?
Heck, you never even answered any questions and only pushed your agenda. I'm really asking myself who is the brainwashed here
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ahahaha! I was waiting for the Russians to show up, worried about the Hamas terrorists. Well, of course, they’re exactly the same. Isn’t it possible in Russia to go to protests with a “no to fascism” sheet or just a white sheet? Is it not in Russia that schoolchildren are shown murderers who were released from prison so that they could “protect” the population of Ukraine? Isn’t there such a commander in Russia with the last name Milchakov? who brags about torturing prisoners, and as a child was known for beheading animals on camera? By the way, yes, he himself says that he is a Nazi. Shut your Russian mouth and go drink vodka, since you are whining that Russians are being “offended.”
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See ya. Good luck with that religion thing you got going
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A lot of people are filled with a lot of hate.
They use this discussion for ukr/rus and isr/pal/ham discussions to circumvent the banned discussions about it.
And the mods should suspend left and right like it give no tomorrow..., but of course this will not happen
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I didnt followed any of the previous polemical threads, i avoided then because i knew what to expect and i dont condone toxcity, hate and heated 'debates' online whatsoever - no matter the subject every heated discussion online is a waste of time and just overall bad vibes since all sides once heated up arent interested in the other side- nor what they think nor the arguments... it becomes an exercise in futility, since both sides arent interested in listening nor changing ideas (nor being civil)...
YOU ALL SHOULD STOP IT. Just a friendly sugestion. Im speaking to the op (wether you leave or not) but also to everyone else answering here and as a whole, not even about Israel-Hamas-Palestine or Ukraine-Russia etc. This sort of 'debates' were never good for anyone, not in the past much less now that everything became polarized fueled by echo chambers in social media... delicate matters, subjects involving life and death and war crimes like those? If people arent willing to be civil over consoles dicussions what the hell any of you were expecting?
I can understand when horrible things like those happen people feel affected, heck most of the world feels something, those with personal ties even more so i get those of who feel like taking something off your chest i do. But when those feelings are burning in anger and single sided youre only inviting more anger and hate- you throw stones you can only expect stones coming back. Im not targeting this at the op alone btw, both sides. Ive seen some horrible videos (from both sides btw) with visible hate layered on top of the stupid violence- are any of you on either side thinking that angry posts online are helping anything or anyone at all to defuse things? To make anything right? Are any of these helping anyone, saving lives, or stoping this ciclical BS of blood and hate?
Im neutral, i see horrible things i personally denounce from both sides, i can understand both and still be against the actions from both and im sick and tired of what i perceive as irrational and imoral actions from both where both are flirting with dehumanization wich we shouldve learned by now its the most despicable thing, a path that leads only to the worst mankind is capable of. And youre all flirting with it, wheter you aware or not- beacuse even if youre trying to be rational, the moment youre only thinking with your anger and indulging in this kind of exchange online youre feeding that anger, wich leads to feeding that hate, not the good part of you. Its this kind of bs that have been making the world crazy, thank god we type online because 90% of what goes for 'debates' online is like angry people screaming and where its leading us?
To the op- what you gain posting those? And to everyone saying 'good riddance' what do you gain? Frankly if everytime someone angry made an angry post no one cared or answered the internet wouldve been a much better place instead of the cespool it became.
I generally avoid flaming debates but i trully hope my message comes across to someone- im sure any and all of you once the blood heats down are capable to understand this. And protip, if you want to make actual difference either donate to groups that do make something or if you want to make a message across, one that can actually reach people 'across the aisle' with any hope of changing hearts dont ever pour anger or make accusations- you shut off anyone who cared to listen (or read) and achieves only the opposite. If anything you all on both sides made a disservice to the discourse and your own arguments
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Closing because this is just provoking an ongoing debate about the Israel-Hamas war.
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Funny thing mods favouring people when i reply i get banned while other people abused me, insulted me and my family openly, threatened me with my personal info data called me troll/terrorist, are still out here. GOOD WORK MODS. In ten years i never saw this type biasness and double standard from mods like i saw in last 10 days. Its like a band of bullies controlling the site and mods are supporting them. There are lots of mod favourite people i reported i got all the evidence and the ticket is pending since a week. When i reply them i instantly get banned mod only activates on my comment. This will be my last comment so it doesnt matter they permanent ban me or not. After 11 years Bye bye SG.
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