i am going to order a new pc tomorrow but i am not sure what OS to get. i got a friend who says windows 8 it is alright but i would like to know a few more opinions before i choes OS

12 years ago*

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i still prefer windows 7, would not go near windows 8. for one there is no need, its just windows 7 with a silly sideways scrolling box windows added

12 years ago

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-1 for 9gag

12 years ago

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It is about time that you activate Galactic Arms Race.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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well it also has slightly improved performance but that won't make much of a difference unless you didn't have optimal performance in the first place e.g laptops and tablets etc.

12 years ago

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+[So many points you can't even count!]
Windows 7 for the win!

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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I really can´t understand why they removed the start menu

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I am waiting for W9.

12 years ago

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Windows 7 > Windows 8


12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Actually as a Windows 8 user Windows 8 > Windows 7

Windows 8 is Windows 7 with faster startup better performence and a new start menu which you can get to by pressing one button. Every game on steam has worked so far. Every program has worked so far. So really no one should be hating it.

12 years ago

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Please watch this video:


And tell me it's full of lies.

12 years ago

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it is full of lies

12 years ago

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This video is HORRIBLY WRONG ON PRACTICALLY EVERY POINT. The creator of this video is obviously a fool or is trying to get video views by releasing an obnoxious video.

12 years ago

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The fact that got 75% likes shows that people just believe anything anyone tells you.

The absolute only problem with W8 is it's just not that big of an upgrade.

12 years ago

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no the only problem is f***ing metro view and touch screen interface

12 years ago

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Nobody asks you to "f***ing" use it. There is a perfectly fine, working and usable windows desktop UI bundled with every Windows 8, just like with all the Windows before that. If you don't have a touch-enabled monitor, you won't find much use in the new UI, but this is why you can customize your programs on a PC. I'm using Windows 8 atm and the only times I see the new interface is when I bring up start menu or when the PC first loads. http://i.imgur.com/tM98SQS.png. It's just another visualisation of the classic start menu.

12 years ago

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Being reasonable, who actually uses the startmenu even on older Windows? It should all be in your taskbar (your browser, your messenger program of choice, steam) or on your desktop.

And it's easier to organize a dang startscreen than a startmenu

People just keep blindly listening to others just to sound smart.

12 years ago

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Buy the cheaper one.

There isn't much difference.

12 years ago

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Actually, Win8 is noticeably faster than Win7. But most of the new features aren't needed yet so you're right

12 years ago

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Windows 8 has some cool features, but lots of UX problems on PCs. Windows 7 still makes sense and is easier to use. Plus, Win8 has some compatibility issues with some games from what I've heard.

12 years ago

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imho win8>win7! especially if you'll be using ssd instead of hdd
and little offtopic: ms office 2013 is freaking superable!

12 years ago

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I'd stay away from Win8 for now until Microsoft figures out what direction they are trying to go in.

12 years ago

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They're quite the same. Pick the cheapest. Also: being so new Win8 still has a few compatibility issues here and there.
Or, if you REALLY like the Win8 interface, Win8.

12 years ago

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I would choose Windows 7 instead of Windows 8 for now.

12 years ago

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Windows 7. Windows 8 is not that good.

12 years ago

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Judging by the videos, I don't like that Tablet UI.

12 years ago

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Seven of Nine.

12 years ago

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yeah ... Windows7 or Windows9 (Windows Blue) ... never Windows8 for desctop pc

12 years ago

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I am using W8 fomr like 3 months, no problem whatsoever everything works, will never go back to 7

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Funny everyone actually using both mostly prefer 8. Can people who never experienced both please be quiet? This is not 4chan -.-

12 years ago

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I have used both windows 7 and 8. 8 is actually faster, they updated a few things, and improved on some stuff from win 7. People need to stop jumping on the bandwagon. 8 is easy to use. I have had no problems. I never use the metro UI, because that is useless. But the desktop is the same as 7. The task manager has been improved, MSE has been improved, loads of tools have been added, etc. I have ran into no problems with games or software not working with 8.

My advice: If you are looking for a cheap upgrade from XP/Vista get 8. If you are using 7, don't bother just yet.

12 years ago

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omg I know. The did good finally upgrading the task manager.

12 years ago

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it sounds like windows 8 is good, and i don't have a problem with the metro UI and if i don't like it then i don't have to use it. it is also around the same price as windows 7 and i am going to put it on an ssd and i am used to vista so it can only be an improvement.

12 years ago

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Yep, if you don't like the Metro UI you can always install a start menu. Windows 8 is incredibly fast - boots to the login screen within 3 seconds on an SSD so it'll be a massive improvement over Vista :)

12 years ago

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I boot Win7 in 3 seconds on SSD. Hell I even boot WinXP (work PC at my office) in 4 seconds from SSD.

12 years ago

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Then take Windows 8...after some hours you dont want win7 and the old start menu back...you just need an open mind...

12 years ago

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go for 8. its alot better than 7 in terms of boot time and CPU management. only issue is the metro UI but if you don't mind it like me then go for it.

12 years ago

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I have planned a Windows 8 update for my machines as well.

12 years ago

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i got my windows 8 for $15, loving it. all my games can play without problem.

12 years ago

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Win 8 is ugly but from what I know it has better performance and less errors/crashes on it

12 years ago

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Windows 7 vs Windows 8 Vanilla, Windows 7 wins.
Windows 7 vs Windows 8 with Classic Shell, Windows 8 wins.

The reason for my statement is Windows 8 is much faster than Windows 7, however it removes the start button, and forces you to boot into the Metro UI before being able to go to desktop. It also associates everything with the Metro Apps by default. If you install Classic Shell (or similar program) it gives you back the Start Button, and bypasses Metro. Once you have associated your pictures/videos back to the standard programs you like, Windows 8 is left as basically Windows 7.5. The only thing that Windows 7 has left going for it at this point is better driver compatibility (due to being around longer) and the Aero Glass effect as Windows 8 removes the glass leaving a more boring, blocky window style. They also removed the desktop widgets (like Weather, Calendar, Clock, etc.) replacing them with Apps in Metro.

EDIT: I have been using Windows 8 now for 2 weeks now so I may be missing something from Windows 7 and just have not noticed it yet, but so far I am happy with Windows 8. I boot to Windows in less than 10 seconds. It is ready to go instantly, and everything launches fast. Windows 7 took about 20 seconds to boot, then needed 10 seconds or so before I could start doing anything.

12 years ago

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How often are you booting that it matters?

12 years ago

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The entire operating system is faster, not just booting. However several times a day as I also boot to my Linux drive.

12 years ago

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In performance they are similar but the win7 ui seems to have more sense on a pc and, for now, there are some little problems of compatibility with some things. I would choose win7 but i don't in either case there would be so much difference.

12 years ago

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Oh boy, here we go again.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I made a thread about this some days ago: http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/DBPxP/windows-8-is-a-really-good-gaming-platform-why-so-much-hate, is closed but you can read some opinions, as I decided better is buying a Win 7 than Win 8, because the last have a lot of crap installed, and games work equally( the differences are practically undetectable as I saw here: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/windows-8-gaming-performance,3331.html in Skyrim the difference between Win 7 and 8 is 0,1 lol, click any game in the link.)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by KrisPy.