somehow it looked strange to me to read that feminism is a class of sexology studies. thinking better about it, it kind of makes sense.
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Damn, I think you should cherish every moment in school. After that stage, life doesn't get better. Actually it's otherwise :P
As for me, I miss school. I was on private univeristy (private doesn't mean elite, it means that I had to pay for it, and classess was on weekends, but that's cool it was my choice) but thanks to some bad decissions I had to 'suspend' my education. And you know what? It sucks. It sucks because it's another thing that I didn't finish, it sucks because it was result of my pure stupid mistakes, it sucks becasue I'm now 24 years old and If I wouldn't fkd up, I would end it by now. Now it's somehow an ambition thing, I want, and I will go back to school, but, again, thanks to bad decissions, I will probablly have to wait another year.
So yeah... I'm suprised that I actually opened myself so much. And, after all, I think that I just wanted to say - don't be so mad at school, and don't worry so much. It might be like that one party that you really don't want to go, but when you arrive you are happy that you didn't stay at home. There is also a big chance that you will miss this years. I'm talking from experience.
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Well, maybe it will be refreshing ;) Or you can share your wisdom with them :D
With my first attemp at school I was 19 years old an in my group most people was older than me. Few was 20 or 21, there was two or three guys that was around 25 or 27 and one dude who was like, 37 or something. And you know what? It was all great. If people in your classes won't be idiotic douchess they won't look at your age but about how you act.
To be honest, I also sometimes think how it will be, when I will go back on univeristy, and most people will probably be younger than me, but then I think about that dude who was 37 and he just didn't give a f... It might sound funny, maybe little naive, but I think that 'just be yourself' advice works in most cases.
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I'm 33. I went back to school in 2010, at 28, basically a decade older than most of the 18-22 year olds. After a really shy and awkward first quarter, I basically went with the "don't give a fuck" option. I was way happier, and did way better in classes.
By the end of my 2 years there before I transferred, I was probably actually one of the most popular guys on campus. Mind you, it was a small local junior college before transferring up to University, so it's not like I was super well known among like 10,000+ students, just a few hundred or so. But I ended up just not worrying so much about appearances, focused on my school work, and like minded people started to approach me over time. Then I ended up doing so well in classes I was asked to become a tutor and supplemental instructor for the school, which put me in almost constant contact will all different kinds of people. By the end there, I'd been super good friends with people I'd have never expected to, like a kinda ditzy but really nice 18 year old I tutored all the way through on her way to a nursing degree and such.
So, really, don't worry so much about what other people think. Be yourself and don't be wrought with anxiety, and you end up doing better, being happier, and making more friend than you expect. It was a little more offputting going to Uni and being 30 around almost nothing but 18-22 year olds, but I ended up making friends in almost all my classes even still, though I was still somewhat more prone to connect with my professors than fellow students. Try to focus on what you want and work towards it, and let the things you can't control fall in line with you as they will.
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feel... beneath them ??
there is an age gap, as you indicated. they are better in some things, you are better in other things. your higher age gives you many advantages "against" them. find them and "exploit" them. youngsters are strong in their league, which is somewhat evident like their posh clothes, but there are many more leagues that are less mainstream and not for that less interesting. look for them! you can do it!!! (also the previous post by khale is very good)
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Nah, men, that's just a preparation before going into a battlefield :D And honestly, I think most of people do things like that, including myself.
And, yeah, actually I once meet a girl that, was, well... damn, I have to say that - she was dumb. Like really. She also liked to do this kind of photos but after all, she actually was extra nice and helpfull. So, there is always a hope ;)
And (another and, feels good to have english as second language :P) don't go with that feel beneth them attitude. If anything, it's probably otherwise. You are older, with more experience and more knowledge. Again, it might sound funny, but just be happy and try not to worry to much. And look what Khale said, it will be alright :)
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how did you can feel below them, if you can feel stand ABOVE them, since you not get stuck in those stupid thing like they do . That mean you should feel above them
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you may want to enjoy the ride for the very same reasons... :D
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We had a much older classmate as well (small class), it was fine. Don't pressure yourself and good luck.
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You'll probably be surprised by the age-range that you'll find in your class. While a large portion will be just out of high school, there will probably also be people nearing (or even in) their 40's.
And my experience, first as a student (studied both history of ideas and thoughts and chemical engineering), and now teaching at university level is that age tend to not really matter all that much. Everyone will find at least some people that they are willing to hang out with, even the shyest and most introvert ones.
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That's a bit surprising, similar subjects to yours over here seem to mostly attract people in their upper 20's, lower 30's (just based on me observing them for afar when studying history.
And they don't know each other, so alcohol is probably the typical "safe" subject, the one that "everyone" can relate to, they'll open up and be more interesting once they feel less awkward with each other.
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I know the feeling. I started college after I retired around 38. I felt like an outcast and everyone thought I was a professor when I walked around. Fortunately I'm working on an advanced degree now and there is a lot more older folks. Funny thing is, I have a younger sister thats 19 and she goes to same university.
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Not yet... the program just started in June. I'm just very antisocial and haven't talked to anyone, except a few comments to the girl that sits next to me.
I'm terrible at making friends or socializing, so let me know how it goes for you (lol).
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Im the kind of person who just inserts himself in a small group and ignores everyone else.
As for the age difference, idk im 23 and being younger or older then others doesnt really affect me from socializing with them, not sharing the same tastes is more of my problem.
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I know the feeling. I know a few people who I really get along well with, we share similar interests, taste in music and opinions on certain subjects.
I have a harder time finding something to say to random people I met in school or meet now when I'm done with school. People are often interested in talking lots about stuff that I'm not that interested in talking about. Kids and their job, most of the time.. I don't have kids and I'm not that interested in hearing what other people work with every day at their office. Take one guy I met recently, he just talked about his job. I tried to get the conversation going elsewhere. I talked about travelling, and he said that he travels a lot and just came back from LA. -Tell me more, I said (being genuinely interested in his experiences there), and he just talked about the work conference he went to, and talked even more about his work :(
I'm maybe not really an introvert, but most other people make me one. Go for the win, I say. I'm sure you'll meet great people you get along with. You don't have to meet them at school.
Best of luck with your education!
By the way, hoping to get some time and extra money soon so I can visit Norway, I'm dreaming of taking a motorcycle trip among your mountains and fjords - that would be kjempegreit! :D
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We maybe aren't that different, I know exactly what you mean.
Hope it turns out for the best! For the record, during my years at the university, I made a total of 0 friends who I still get together with. Still had a good time, but all the friends I hang out with I've met in other ways, mostly when we share some kind of interest.
Hope there will be time for a Norway trip this year. I'll try to remember to tell you if I went and give you a review :)
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Typically an introvert here as well -- school was definitely strange at times, and much better when I had at least one person I already knew in the same class. On the other hand, when no one knew me, it felt less like there was any preconceived notion of who I was. Maybe let the geek flag fly -- all the youngers seem to know all our old 2D games still, which is kind of awesome. Or just ask whoever's next to you if they get what the teacher's talking about, or if they think the teacher talks funny. Unless you talk funny... then ask if they think you talk funny too. They'll probably think that's funny. :) If you get to class early, there's usually some people milling about -- a little harder to get into those circles, but you might have some luck. "Was there homework?" can be a decent intro.
Also, penguins are cool. (Pun half-intended...)
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See, you're already more with it than I am! (I had to look up who that was...) Then again, seven-ish years your senior... I think... -- at this age, we don't keep track so well....
Humour's good -- toning it down almost sounds like a mistake! :)
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My life is actually very strange right now since I literally have no clue what to do with it.
I guess I'll spend it on steamgifts, bumping threads.
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Yeah, I know and I love it here, but it won't get me anywhere in life, so eh.. :D
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I think a lot of your classmates will respect you because of your age. At least, that's what happened to me.
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Stick with it, believe me, it gets more comfortable!
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"trying to socialize with strangers you really dont have anything in common with, but you know you just have to try because you are stuck with them for 3-5 more years?"
Eh, I never actively tried. For some reason or another, common interests will become apparent over time anyway. And from there things'll just work out by themselves.
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i started college 2 years ago... i've made little to no progress what so ever, but i am an extraordinary case, a lot of problems in the middle, and a mild depression, make it hard to study :P but in any case i am not "nervous" its more scared and anxious. also try to make friends on your first year, most of your friends will come in the first year, after that you wont make a lot of new ones.
Also i seem to be blacklisted by you, i am not complainin though
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i didnt do any of those things :P
and also yes, pretending to be strong and being the victim is allways easier, 2 years took me until i realice that i made my own problems, and that i am scared but i am not doing anything to imporve my situation... lets see how long it takes me to actually improve it. be strong, and if you have any friends or any relatives that you trust try to speak with them, dont go to a psychologist... if you think you can imporve by yourself do it, let your friends help you, even if it is long distance
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There is a university out there that is for zombies only?!?!
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Similar situation, going on 24 and I've only completed one minor course because I was with close friends. Ended up delaying any other course because even though you'd expect to have something in common with people when studying Computer Science, mygod was everyone obnoxious. Guess I'm not really about that whole "get wasted playing beer pong and go out on the pull every night" life. When I first started at 18, I was in a course filled with late 20s and even married with kids people in a Game Design & Programming course, and now I've gone from being the youngest to the oldest. The longer I put it off, the worse it gets. Really gotta just suck it up and broaden your horizons, honestly. Or be a complete introvert, ignore everyone and disregard all other life forces that aren't university staff and hope you can get past the group assignments without any help.
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I'm sure some people are nice.
don't push it to be sociable.
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Focus on the studies, that's why you're there. It's always hard for an introvert to start with a group of new people, and it can take a long time until they stop feeling like strangers, but it should happen. You'll learn who's nice and who's a jerk, and if you don't actively push away the nice ones there's a chance you'll make friends.
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I'm about to start my masters degree course as well and for me it will also be a new social environment, because I'm moving to another country and I will be all alone there. But my main fear is not socializing, it's failing a subject because of the gaps I have in my bachelor's education compared to this course. I'm not really an introvert though, so I can't fully relate to you, but I think it's very important to have at least one friend. Don't pressure yourself to much it can happen naturaly, but try to be open to it. If someone is trying to be talkative try not to shy away and try to return the favor and be the talkative one next time. Believe me this can make your life at the university a lot easier. I know that my anxiety levels will be through the roof sometimes and being able to just take your mind of it, rela and talk to a friend really helps. For example my friend went to study to another country and didn't try to socialize at all and there were people who tried to make it easier for him and took the initiative but because he was unresponsive they eventually gave up. I was in a situation for a year where all of my very few friends were in other countries or other cities so I was alone throughout the whole year and I didn't notice how this affected mentally, but later I saw that I became more nervous and a little bit more insecure. And I will definetly need someone in the next very stressful year of studying. I agree that you need to be able to be all by yourself but having someone to turn to just makes thing easier. I think I forgot half of what I wanted to say while I was wrting this, but I hope I was somewat helpful.
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