And I just realized I need some formatting (list) help.
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It's strange. It doesn't work on my post, but it does on the comments. (I also readed that FAQ, and for me it works in SteamTrades, but not here)
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Man, there are thousands of them, if you don't limit yourself by playing only those that were released in the last several years. Doom, Quake, War-/StarCraft, Command & Conquer, Civilization series always were the games to make console players envy. Of course, they received console ports later but playing them without mouse was less fun. Also, point-and-click adventure games: classics from Sierra and LucasArts, and their nowadays "successors" Wadjet Eye and Daedalic. Speaking of RPG, we have Fallout 1-2, Baldur's Gate 1-2, Planescape.
So, basically, there are whole genres that feel at home on PC, and every one of them has its gems.
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I personally don't like strategy games (Civ, C&C, StarCraft, AoE, though AoE had me very entertained a while ago).
But I'll check out Doom and Quake.
Also, about Skyrim: yes, I agree that inventory was done for console, but it's nothing a mod can't fix (and yes, I fixed it, it's much better now). Still, it is not poor as other games, and it's completely playable on kb/m (I am level 50 already and haven't used a controller, and ain't going to).
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Yes! ( sorry for the late reply XD the reply system was out for a loong time XD)
I had soooo much fun with Shadow Warrior, that i'm thinking or replaying it (i dont usually do that, because i dont have lots of time). The game has really fun combat that feels awesome every time you cut someone, and the story seems ok at the start, but at the end (at least for me), it was amazing! I loved every minute of this game :3! Best thing is that it actually has a Demo so you can try it out and see if it runs well on your system and you like the combat (really more games should do this -_- )!
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I have played:
Gonna try Deus Ex, thanks. I hope it's not poor on PC
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I played Thief, and I had no major problems with the mouse, even it being UE3
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I don't really care about optimization, since I have i7, 8GB RAM, HD 8750M. It's not NASA PC, but it's decent, and I can play any game atm, even if it's not maxed out (which tbh I don't care)
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I have tried Mass Effect, and didn't like it (shame on me, I know, but I just didn't like it).
However, I got Dead Space from Origin bundle, and I already downloaded it. Gonna check out soon. But afaik the character moves on its own, meaning you can't change the route?
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I've never experienced any mouse problems in an UnrealTechnology game. On the contrary I must say that they have in (my opinion) the best controls compared to Unity, Source, CryEngine, id etc.
And even if it had issues, they usually offer many settings to optimize.
But I guess it might depend on someones setup.
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+1 on Knights of the Old Republic I and II. GREAT GAMES with great kb/m support. Widely regarded as the best Star Wars games to date - and will run on highest settings on a lowish to mid range pc. If you like star wars, do yourself a favor and hook it up.
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I am currently playing Dragons Age Origins (*also on sale right now) and it has great kb/m controls. I would recommend just about any RTS (real time strategy) games, they are made for kb/m. Games like Blitzkrieg I or II (3 coming out soon) or company of heroes etc....
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I haven't ever watched South Park, so I guess I wouldn't enjoy the game (since I see fans to freak out with the game, while I see nothing special on it).
Also, it's kinda expensive now, I'll wait for it to drop a bit.
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I loved Mirror's Edge. I don't know why, but I just felt sticked to the game, until I finished it.
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Don't know if you want blockbuster games or top-notch graphics, but I'll try to help...
Dead Island
Don't Starve
Hope you like some of them :)
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Well, I do like graphics (e.g. I play Crysis 3), but I'm not a graphics whore (e.g. I play Serious Sam classic, 2001 / Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Quake 3, Skyrim vainilla :-P)
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Dead Island and Dead Island: Riptide are both shitty and I'm pretty sure they're console ports too. I only played both of them because it was kind of fun to play with my mates but they both got pretty boring and there are plenty of better games.
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Indeed, watched video, didn't like the game overall.
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I'll try both.
I do like FPS, but I also play other games that are really fun, no matter if shooters or not.
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I have them as inmediately first series after finishing the games I'm playing now (Saints Row IV, Metro 2033, Prototype 2, Far Cry 3, Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, Alan Wake, Crysis 3, Half-Life 2). Yes, I know, I started a shitload of games and left them at the half, but I'll eventually finish them (just finished AC III; really short imo), and start The Witcher immediately. I bought both of them when they were on sale, so I'll have a really good time for only 5 euros. :P
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Thanks to everyone.
I'll play:
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No thanks, I couldn't beat the first boss because of nasty controls. I just don't feel comforable, and playing a game means to relax / chill you, not make you rage.
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Consider Sleeping Dogs. I have not installed it yet, but it sure looks good on YouTube & I got it on this last sale.
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I got it from AMD rewards. I hope it's a good PC game, and not a port.
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I was searching for good KB/M games which aren't console ports (or they're excellent ones, like Skyrim).
I am sick of being forced to buy a nasty xbox 360 controller to play a game. (please note that I'm talking about feel and good controls port; optimization means nothing for me, since I don't mind playing on medium-low graphics)
So far, I liked these games, but without a controller, they lose more than 50% of the fun:
I've already played all Valve games, and they are just amazing: mouse is left "AS IS" (there's even an option for direct input), no acceleration issues, no mouse lag, no vsync-related controls problems, no poor optimization, no console-forced limits (like e.g. Thief 2014, where you close each single door after entering, probably to save RAM on poor console hardware).
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