Maybe a little more advertisement would have done them good. Also doing it earlier and not during freaking E3. Unless they managed to say it on stage they were making it f2p, which would be a huge thing for the game.
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holy crap what happened august 2017 ?
nvm, i see its game release... way to kill off mp game hehe
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I thought the game was dead along with Bosskey Productions, and I didn't expect Nexon to keep a zombie game online.
Did I miss something here ?
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It's a shame barely any multiplayer game can survive with a traditional pricing nowadays. People just don't accept games that cost money anymore (except for a few big ones like Battlefield or Overwatch). They resort to F2P games instead, many of which are designed to get you to spend money with microtransactions. They choose the game with tendentially worse game design over the game that costs money, even if it's only half the standard (AAA) price. That is the real sad story here. Not that a single game didn't survive. The fact that we have yet another example of a multiplayer game that is unable to exist unless it goes F2P, that's what worries me. The community is always fast to condemn microtransactions on the forums, yet they support this trend by ignoring every game that tries to go the traditional route. Is that how it will be in the future? No multiplayer games anymore that don't beg for money with microtransactions and end up being a tedious grind, because we are not willing to pay for our entertainment anymore? I am really not willing to accept that. Everyone was fine with full price for multiplayer games a few years back. No one complained about the price of Battlefield 2, for instance. And now - decent games can't even survive if they ask for half the price.
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This is very well put. You argue a very strong point.
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The problem isn't only that traditional games get ignored but a combination of gamers being unwilling to sacrifice anything and casuals not being aware or caring. Playing a F2P/P2W game without spending money only helps that model thrive. Unfortunately I don't think multiplayer gaming will ever recover from F2P, the market forces just aren't there to force companies to abandon their steady march towards microtransactions.
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Too late.
The development company who made this game has been shut down.
They should have just started as F2P. Instead, big-headed Cliffy B decided to charge money for it. Not only that but the game came into a situation where a lot of Overwatch clones (Overwatch included) were released, which oversaturated the market, which left the game into obscurity.
You could argue that Overwatch had a similar price point and could have failed, but it didn't. Why? It's made by Blizzard, the game had an interesting art style, characters and they advertised it like crazy. It was also innovative in terms of features such as "The Play of the Game". Plus, the game is easy to pick up and play.
This? Well... at least the gameplay is good, but art style and characters? Not memorable.
Shame, it had potential but it flopped. And making it F2P now is an insult to all people who bought it in the first place.
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I've been a fan of arena fps since the Quake 3 days, and it saddens me to see the genre lose so much of it's momentum over the years. While I wouldn't say the genre is totally dead, the new trends in multiplayer have definitely moved to team, ability and class based shooters, zombie survival games, and now battle royale. Unreal Tournament 4 development has stalled, and much of it's development team has been moved to Fortnite. Reflex Arena, TOXIKK and Xonotic playerbases are so small that it's difficult to find a game unless you log on at the right times. Quake Champions' gameplay has grown on me, and I am not giving up on it yet, but I really dislike the way they've turned it into another F2P, matchmaking only, lootbox and ability shooter. At least Quake Live is still active and hopefully will remain so for the foreseeable future.
Lawbreakers was clearly marketed wrong, and Cliff Bleszinski's interviews certainly didn't help the games impression. Still, the game itself was received positively and does have a passionate, if tiny playerbase. I really do hope that these other comments are wrong; that it's not too late and that going F2P can save the game. Only time will tell...
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I really do hope that these other comments are wrong; that it's not too late and that going F2P can save the game.
I actually get the impression that people are always very eager to call a game "dead" on the internet. And that probably creates kind of a domino effect. People call it dead, other people refrain from buying because of that. In the end barely anyone plays it. Lawbreakers actually has lots of negative user reviews on Steam, many of which are saying "the game is good, but the player base is too small, so don't buy it". Not sure how much of a problem that is, but it certainly adds to the demise.
Remember For Honor? I liked that game a lot, despite the initial connectivity problems. People called it "dead" over and over. Most of those people didn't even play the game, of course. Well, it wasn't dead. If you compared it to other big fighting games like Mortal Kombat X or Street Fighter V, it just dropped to about the same amount of players. I wouldn't call that dead. But of course that didn't stop people, and others were put off by that as a result. Not saying that was the only problem with this game. But I found it to be pretty annoying and unfair.
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From the Devs:
In light of the unfortunate news regarding Boss Key Productions shutting down, we regret to announce that we will be sunsetting our support of LawBreakers on September 14, 2018 as we are not able to operate the game.
Our servers will remain open until then and the game will be made free-to-play on Steam for all players effective immediately. Please note that any and all new in-game purchases will also be disabled and we will not be able to accept any refund requests.
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So nothing is saved with f2p ....
You have 12 weeks and than is that game history.
Sad for me because i waited 1,5 years on a good sale and a better health....
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Was this the game that you couldn't play most of the time except for certain weekends when the servers were online because the game was in alpha? Because I always missed those weekends.
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It's now F2P.
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