not quite what you want, but ima still go with Oceanhorn
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ive been playing it recently, about 19hours in. its been pretty nice.
Here are some others you could check out:
Lili: Child of Geos
Toren (I've only played this one a little so far)
Recettear (this one involves running an item shop, so the sim aspect might not appeal to you)
Forward to the Sky ( i havent played this one, but i think its similar to what you want)
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you certainly know your stuff, all of these look great ! while i don't have the funds to get them all (only one in fact lol) i'll be looking forward to acquiring them all ! :D thanks a lot for these refreshing games !
edit: after some thoughts, Recettear really is the one from these new additions that appeals the most to me, i just can't deny the charm of those oldish rpg graphics, oh man)
Comment has been collapsed. this is another game by the Dev of Recettear, might appeal to you as well then
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Check out some videos on YouTube. If the games are appealing to you, then just get the entire Carpe Fulgar pack.
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Oceanhorn is really fun to play!
I just finished it a few days ago too :)
For where it is applicable, like Recettear, I'd suggest trying the demo first, just in case it turns out you don't like the game or it won't run properly on your PC.
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I always check for demos, easiest and most cost-efficient way to check if I like a game or not :)
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i'll believe you, because it says Overwhelmingly positive on the FTL steam page, but really, it's not my cup of tea, i don't have the patience to play a game with a field of view as small as that, i can't keep staring at my 2D spaceship and try to keep it alive for hours, that's just too much for me, i'd rather let them all die lol
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X3 Terran conflict came to my mind as you mentioned Rogue Galaxy, or you could give Zigfrak a try :)
Also, it's dangerous to go alone without giveaways so take this:
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although these two games look great, they are not exactly what i'm looking for, rogue galaxy wasn't actually based around space adventure, but mostly adventures on planets, it was really a great game, and with all due respect your giveaway link says page not found, but i do appreciate the move, thank you =)
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well thank you for yet again another interesting suggestion, but really Rogue Galaxy is much like a Final Fantasy, you only go to space when you travel between two planets, and it's more like a teleportation, you chose the planet on the map and it goes there, there are few planets and when you reach them, you follow the map, which is much like FF12 but smaller, the game-play is you push button O you hit with your sword, you hit button square you shoot with your gun, you hit button X you jump and Triangle is for magic or i forgot what it is, really it was an awesome game, it also had Insector battles, insects that you caught yourself with traps, that you feed, breed and train for chess like battles, and it had some kind of Bounty Hunter's rank, where you increase your rank by doing side missions and taking contracts to kill big monsters, much like FF12 yet again, oh did i mention that FF12 is another one of my all time Fav games? :D
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I'm quite curious about why you have blacklisted me. I never dealt with you(?)
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I'm very sad to see that it seems that SG staff is very active in suspending long time members who have contributed a lot to SG because of what they write on the forum and at the same time real bad users get away with fraud, thievery and other criminal mischief.
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The rules apply to all, including the "real bad users."
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The problem is that the rules are not enforced for most serious offenses.
I know that there are rules against scamming, fraud, etc. But if only 2 people can hand those out and those people are too busy, the end result is that no punishment is given and in effect, the rules are not enforced for those offenses. I got about 10 tickets open, a few of them for serious offenses as stealing and fraud and none of the tickets is getting picked up.
If then at the same time there is enough staff to give suspensions for minor offenses, it creates the unwanted situation we have going on right now where only the minor infractions get punished.
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I can understand how it might seem that way. The need to protect the privacy of individuals means that major infractions are reported in secret, investigated in secret, documented in secret, relegated to the appropriate authority in secret, and punished in secret. This results in most SG users being oblivious to what goes on behind the scenes. Meanwhile, lesser infractions that occur in public are resolved quickly because their publicity demands an immediate response, their resolution takes two minutes, and they will most likely be seen by every Staff member "on duty" at the time. Expecting regular SG users to keep all of this in mind is asking a lot.
When we moderators choose to take on the task of Support, we do it with the understanding that some people will throw negativity at us because they do not understand. Patience is therefore a vital part of the job. I share in your frustration to some extent, but I also know how hard the Support Staff is working. These people take hours out of their day to analyze, investigate, and address the issues of this community, and they do it all out of the goodness of their hearts with nothing to show for it. If we fail to meet your expectations, then I'm not sure what to say about it.. I do want to reassure you that we continue to serve the SG community and are making great headway in tackling the backlog of tickets. Thousands upon thousands have already been addressed, but we are not out of the woods, yet. Someday soon, however, there will be a considerably shorter response time for things like fraud.
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Yes, I fully realize that being a support staff is not an easy job. There are many issues to deal with and some of them are quite tough.
I myself am the head admin of the most active private giveaway group which is active on SteamGifts. And also there we have a huge workload on keeping everything running smoothly. Luckily I also have the support of a group of officers to keep the group running smoothly. So I do understand what you are getting on your plate.
I just wish the abuse tickets would be picked up quicker. And I understand that is not something you can change, but needs to be changed at the top organization level. But something needs to improve to keep SG running smoothly.
We had to remove a user from our group for scamming people on SteamGifts and it pains me to see that tickets like these are just gathering dust.
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The delay pains us, also, but the situation on SG continues to improve. Even with limited staff, it is simply a matter of time before we are able to keep up with the demand.
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I was registered since a few days and didn't read the rules. I taught I could do everything with the prize like on other GA sites, so I gave it away to a friend.
I did a mistake and i'm sorry, if you feel that I deserve a blacklist and a report feel free to do that. But I've did no mistakes since then and been active as gifter. Your choice.
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It's never too late to fix it - each of the three games were and probably will be heavily discounted (to 0.1-0.3€), It's quite possible that you can even trade them, if you want to (they are actually good games according to their reviews, so it would worth a shot)
I remember your early " Who's awesome??" topic, so really, besides this minor fault I don't have anything against you. You seem like a fair person, don't let others think otherwise - if you have the funds, correct it someday. Noone will be able to tell afterwards when did you activate your games. It's forgiven on my part :)
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Thanks for understanding. Not everyone cares to take a moment to do that. I will find a way to add them to my library.
Btw I'm not here to be a leecher as you can see, I actually like this community :)
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you have arguably the best Batman Akrham game on your library, you could try to 100% it is really fun =P
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it may be so, but i'm really looking for something more cheerful, i really need some colors and something to change my mood, a game as dark as Batman Arkham Asylum is quite dark and will most likely add to my slight 'feel bad waves' i have right now, but thank you for your suggestion :)
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Oh man I loved Rogue Galaxy a lot, my copy had a problem though and couldn't load past a certain cut scene.... I looked for a new copy everywhere but couldn't find one, a month after that I had to sell my PS2 and all my games coz I was so broke i had to eat a pack of ramen noodle a day... So i could never play the game again, it's a shame really. But i can say my PS2 saved me :P
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I know exactly how you feel ! my copy also had that damn problem, wouldn't load past that cut scene in the desert with the big dark flat rock and just before i could unlock the water planet ! then i couldn't find a second copy, after some time my ps2 died, i still have it somewhere, a shame really, i wish i could finish that game ! further more if it was on pc, oh boy, insta buy !
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Well Recently one of the games I really like launched a free DLC and it was a port of there first games campgain into their new game engine one of the best indie dev teams going to. Little Green Men gaming (LGM) Starpoint Gemini 2. It's a space capital ship game you get to fly about doing lots of fun things and the galaxy is all on one map.
I noticed you have Dawn of War II have you tried War Hammer 40k Space marine it's a fun game just a shame THQ went under before releasing the 2nd and 3rd games.
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If you like space RTS home word 1&2 remastered might be worth a look too...the best WH 40k games are the older ones before games workshop let every man and his dog use the IP for his pipe dream indie game sadly some of the newer 40k games are either for die hard table top gamers or complete dog toffee
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Go with the old but gold: Dungeons & Dragons - Chronicles of Mystara.
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It really is better to play with friends. On the other hand I don't have friends to play too (if it was a bar... hahahaaha) and still had much fun playing it.
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well i did say that turn based games weren't really my cup of tea, unless they are something like a final fantasy or Dragon Quest ! :D and yes just a steam pc game, alas i do not own a console, and i don't mind it not being rpg, if you have that good game in mind just mention it any suggestion is welcome dear friend =)
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If you haven't already tried it you might like One Way Heroics.
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If you like Portal, and have Portal 2, go ahead and get Portal Stories: MEL. It's a free mod, that seems more like a story dlc, with new story, character, timeline, music and so on. And it's a little harder than the original game. Good fun, and of course it's free.
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for reasons that are known to me and not to you, i can only buy stuff through steam, other things on the internet are off reach for me =) and even in steam my budget is small so haha maybe some time in the future, thanks again for your suggestion and have a good time on TES online =)
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so i'm very bored and i want to play a new game and i need advice guys, help out a brother ! it will most likely be an adventure rpg, i remember having a good time on Dragon Quest tho, but really i don't like turn by turn that much, only if necessary, there was that game that was like one of my fav games ever, Rogue galaxy, a game-play like that would be awesome, yes something like rogue galaxy if you know that game (oh boy i loved the Insector tournament inside the game), thank you in advance for any of your suggestions, i hesitated long before making this discussion because i didn't have a game to giveaway inside but then i thought, why not, let's just try it! people may just answer me like that :D
Giveaway By Adam1224, indeed it is not safe to go alone!
EDIT : POST will close as soon as the giveaway will end, thank you all for your help but i really got enough suggestions, now i'm thinking about which one to chose, so really, thanks again and have a nice day or night or whatever it is over there :D
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