Bye bye trader protection.
JoeTrader[u can trust me bro] has disconnected
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Indeed - add the fact that from 2015 you can create PayPal dispute for 180 days still purchase (and all ypou need to do is to pay for purchases using proxy/VPN and then in dispute say your account was hijacked) - so when this happens will Valve block gifting of new purchases for 180 days to "fight scammers"?
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source for what? paypal chargebacks? just log into your paypal account, open any recent transaction and at the bottom you will have dispute option (it's used for example in cases you never received the package you paid for). You will also be granted chargeback if your account got hijacked (I got once money removed from my PayPal account because payer apparently got hijacked). So all you have to prove is that it was not you who sent payment (and if payment was sent from totally different country from IP adress you never used it's auto-approved). Atm you may fill in dispute up to 45 days after payment. But it's going to change in 2015 up to 180 days (source - official PayPal update -> Dispute Filling Window).
But if you intend to use it for your own advantage and buy yourself stuff on Steam to then chargeback, be advised that after such a chargeback occurs steam will not only revoke purchased gifts but will also ban buyers account. If they do manage to link this account to your main account this may get banned as well.
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Thanks! I forgot to mention it but
I know how it all works since i'm a key seller but I hadn't noticed that official paypal update you linked me to (which is what i was referring to when asking for source)
I work with really strict rules when it comes to rep and the biggest one is that rep is useless unless it dates back way back, preferably i like to see a few dozen trades done that date back further then 2 months simply to avoid chargebacks and with 5k keys sold and counting I have never been scammed to date but this update will force me to have a look at my rules again, which is kind of a bummer.
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"We've made this change to make trading gifts a better experience for those receiving the gifts."
Really? Is that the reason you made the change, Valve? I call an entire ocean of liquefied bullshit...
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i sure hope thats sarcasm, because if its not, you are such a sheep...
valve isnt doing this because they care about customers, they are doing it to destroy trading and to deny support to people who get scammed so as to save themselves money. All this will do is shift scams to the GIFTING system, which valve has always said they will not support or help you if you get scammed through it. Valve is being very selfish and mean-spirited with this change.
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So Valve is slowly killing off the trading scene, first by implementing default region locks, now this.
I was just trying out trading but I am not even sure now it's worth the effort with these recent changes, especially with low rep.
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A full anayalsis of this:
This affects AAA titles mainly as lower popualrity/etc stuff usually gotten via bundles and other places.
It also affects RU store using super traders, thus hindering their influx of big name things to make for a profit. I don't think it'll stop them however.
This also affects those that abuse pricing errors.
This doesnt' seem to affect places like GMG and Gamersgate which give you keys for purchases.
Nor does it affect bundle sites.
Though while SGifts wouldn't be affected much, STrades would feel some of it due to some traiding habits and how it affects the RU supertraders' influx of goods.
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You know the new Asiatic Steam sections have even lower prices than RU? And then incompetent Steam makes them even lower by cutting off 1 or 2 zeroes at the end? Really, RU isn't responsible for all evils in this world, I assure you.
Also, I really wonder why Steam made games tradable at all if they were just going to do this down the line. No one there had brain to predict what will happen if several regions will have much lower prices?
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Dont we all love how Steam is becoming worse with each update? -_-
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I call bullshit on this one. I can't see how this would improve trading experience.
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I doubt there is a single business that would like to see a small business avoiding taxes and upkeep right on their steps.
So yea, trading scene takes a hit but this was inevitable.
I don't know how much governments might have to do with this but as massive as Steam is taxes are a big thing.
Not that I'm too happy about this change - it just doesn't affect me in any way or form.
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Can't say that change is good (no matter intentions or cover-up PR) or bad (bye-bye Russian traders and fresh releases that got price-glitched in Brazilian store)... On a personal level though: I buy quite a lot of games for kids and family (and friends of those sometimes, and for SG too) - but all that's giftable still, and I really, really rare got involved in trading FOR games (usually the other way around - sell my leftovers) so I don't give a flying duck about that change.
Oh, btw - price glitches are still abusable - seller would just have to wait for those 30 days before profiting. Sure there's a possibility of game being region-locked in that period, so I foresee a shortage of supply in those cases - but there still would be people who would gamble on that, and people who are impatient enough to go with out-of-trade-window "gift" trades to get it RIGHT NOW! (as it was, and as it will always be). Me personally - I would be willing to wait for 30 days and see if it's still available, and if not - well, there would be other sales and bundles...
All in all I would agree on this change making more ways open for scammers, not less - and Steam support just cutting their workload and covering their collective ass. GG Valve!
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"...We're hoping this lowers the number of people who trade for a game only to have the game revoked later due to issues with the purchaser's payment method"
To me this seems like a good thing, you would think it would be a bit less than 30days for payment to go throu maybe 5days or something but you can still trade just have to wait a bit longer
I don't really understand why do people buy games just to trade them?
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To get other things like TF2 keys, and people are fond of abusing price errors to try to get more than they paid. This update is largely a result of error exploiters and RU store users.
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Why are there price errors in the first place? Shouldn't it be the publisher / Valve's responsibility to double check prices? It's only natural people will be buying it dirt cheap. Why punish the consumer?
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lol this will only increase issues with revoked games...
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depending on payment tool you are using - it can be anywhere from instantaneous (Wallet) to up to a week (some CCs and banks are just slow like that). But it still leaves open an issue of chargebacks. Lets say - I have (and use) an AmEx card that would let me open a case as far as 1 year back. Yes, I'm not abusing it (I value my Steam account and my credit score ;P), and yes - it is probably not something available in Russia or Asia or South America region (though who am I to know that for sure), and yes - if my information got stolen I would most likely catch it in less that a day (and act accordingly) - but there's still a possibility of abuse. And what about Paypal - afaik they have up to 6 months for chargebacks? Than I don't see how 30 days would protect the end consumer (e.a. any side of now not fully legitimate "gift" trades)
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Because 5 days is not enough time to pick up credit card fraud. For example, on here, I had entered a giveaway for a game, and a few days later I won. I got the game via gift and even played it. 2 weeks later I get a message from steam that the game has been revoked.
So it can take 2 to 3 weeks before credit card fraud is detected. Even if you use a credit card with paypal or some other paying method, it can take that long for it to be picked up.
Basically if they wanted to make things more secure they just did the opposite. Because now more people who don't want to wait 30 days to pick up something at a cheap price will take the chance and go with the gifting option where they have to send the stuff first, which means far more people are going to get scammed because too many people are unwilling to wait.
The only way to make gifting more secure is valve only allows gifting with steam wallet and only with funds that has been in the wallet at least 30 days. And even then there is still the issue with people sending first will still get scammed by people. At least with trading in a trade window, if you trade keys to me for a game I have, and 3 weeks later that game gets revoked because I used a fake or stolen credit card to buy it, you would get your keys back too.
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its not a good thing, it just shifts the problem to the gifting system, PURELY so that valve no longer has to support people who get scammed (because valve wont help with scams that happen outside of the trading system). This isnt about making trading safer, this is about killing trading, and taking support away from the majority of people who get scammed.
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I wonder, what happens when a user gifts me a game (that he just bought) and I put it in my inventory, can I trade it instantly or is this also affected by the 30 days?
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Have you tried it? I wonder mainly because the text says [..]and placed in the purchaser's inventory[..]. In that case it's not the purchaser's inventory but mine, considering he bought the game and instantly gifted it to me without putting it in his inventory.
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Then everyone would just buy gifts via alt and "gift" it to their own account to make it tradable.
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NOPE, it doesnt work
i just tried it myself, to confirm this theory
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Then Valve's text is not correct.
Thanks for trying!
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np, atleast i was genuinely interested in the game myself
also after further reading the Steam trading policy, it seems like the trade lock happens upon purchase NOT when its placed in the purchaser's inventory.
the source info could be a little off
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Direct gifting won't remove the restriction neither.
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So this pretty much kills price errors unless you are close friends with someone in that region.
Trading seems like it will be heavily affected as well because of this. They will have to buy games in advance and hope no price errors or price drops happen.
Man this sucks.
Their reason is pretty bullshit, I wish they were a lot honest about it.
I'm kind of wondering now, what's Playblink going to do about it? It doesn't effect SG much, but playblink is going to get hit hard.
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Trading is affected but not so much due to price drops/errors, but rather the fact that people depending on price errors and RU steam (and similar) won't have an easy flowing influx of stuff. That and affecting the high priced/demand stuff.
More mundane fare will likely be done by key exchanges.
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I meant bundle key/link exchanges, not sure on the TF2 key thing as it's basically a valuable commody in other areas of trading
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Well, while I can understand the hit on PB, it will mainly hit the leaderboards events. Else, you wait 30-days before giving it to the bot, if PB doesn't find another way (like accepting gifts and putting them in the inventory - and it's up to PB to wait for the end of the restriction) to submit it faster.
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No sure what to think about this change. I want to believe in good, but most likely Valve simply no longer wanna deal with trade scams and they wanna slow down trading-for-profit during sales. Impatient buyers will either buy at the store or take risk and trade via gifting.
As for those who enjoy price errors, I really doubt they will suffer all that much because waiting a month usually is not a problem for someone who already owns a product.
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Well, cross-region trading lock is usually applied during purchase and can be seen before the checkout, play restrictions can't be applied on ww packages and buying a region exclusive package is always a risk.
If an onlyallowrunincountries thing is added to a package after you activate it - you still won't be able to play no matter what and Steam Support will at best convert it back to your inventory.
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Cross region trading lock can be added later. Happened to Valiant Hearts, when there was pricing bug in Russia.
Few days later (or maybe even hours) all not-activated games received "can be activated in RU/CIU". Not sure if people who left it in inventory could even trade them back.
In case of sudden "onlyallowrun", Support usually only will be nice enough to delete that game from your library, so you can buy it again, with no money back.
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Valiant Heart only got region restricted, not cross-region trading locked. We were able to trade them back without a problem. (I still kick myself for not activating right away... traded on my break at work and forgot about it until it was too late.)
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Hopefully valve will change this back soon after they realise that they fucked up. Not likely but we can hope right?
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There is that big group of 1 000 000 poeple doesn't like the change, 250 000 people complaining about it. They have to hear their voice, right? Imagine 1 250 000 head crowd in front of Valve's headquarters!
... And then there's the rest, of course - 80 000 000 guys who just don't know or/and care.
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It's possible. Perhaps they simply don't want to to deal with the huge number of support tickets they will see over the Winter Sale period and may rescind the lock after that period is over.
Well the only other way would be to pass down the supposedly savings they would have made on this move to their consumers (not likely, majority of businesses don't do that).
Frankly they'd have to see substantial market share damage before they bother doing anything. They have a near monopoly when it comes to selling PC games. Origins and co. are rather minuscule in comparison.
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i dont honestly see an issue... everyones giving descriptions of how bad its going to be and all the scams
but why would anyone trade with someone who is offering to "gift" wait and month and contact them again.... i just dont see an issue. everyone just needs to refuse gift trades
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You don't see an issue because you obviously don't know how it all works.
Sellers reduce their price during sales because they can buy the games cheaper. Once the sales end, the sellers prices goes up. Sales don't last 30 days and no seller will sell for the sale price after it has ended.
This is a bad thing for buyers and sellers.
No more opening 4 packs on the cheap, or even free. No more cheap games during sales.
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A trader will not stock insane amount of games in the hope that he will be able to sell them later. During sales, most of them buy on demand so they will buy a few and 30 days later will sell their limited stock for a lot more than it was during the sale.
Plus, there are a lot less chances that they will have the game you wanted if it is some more obscure/indie title as they will most likely stock up on whatever they think will sell best.
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As many have said before, the following decision was NOT, in any way or form, made in order to protect those who get their games revoked.
Instead and as scams go up due to the riskier Gifting System (one goes first, hoping the other doesn't screw'em over), this update will only allow our friends at Gaben n'crew to pull the plug and stop supporting their costumers; Meanwhile, trying their hardest to print even more money than before.
Goes to show how pure, friendly and pro-costumer our good people at Valve really are.
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So much this. The workload of Steam support relating to scams will drop tenfold since trade window will be even safer than before and they can just auto reply "you should have gone through trade window, your fault" to the rest of scam related tickets. Remember that Steam support was down last week due to ticket overload
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If something costs 50€, they get 0€ from me. If it instead cost 10€, they might have gotten 10€ from me (and millions of other people). But that is something companies (especially those who sell digital goods (as in: endless supply of copies for free)) do not understand.
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I understand what you're saying, i'm form poor country and i know that, but you can't expect a company to let more and more people to bypass restrictions and buy cheap games. You want to say americans didn't used this system? Western europeans, australians? They're rich, they can easily pay 60 or even a 100$ for a game but they used to buy a cheap ones from russia.
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"All new games purchased as a gift and placed in the purchaser's inventory will be untradable for 30 days. The gift may still be gifted at any time. The only change is to trading.
We've made this change to make trading gifts a better experience for those receiving the gifts. We're hoping this lowers the number of people who trade for a game only to have the game revoked later due to issues with the purchaser's payment method."
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