It's kinda like an obvious scam, but I still want to warn people.
With this new scam, a scammer sends you a discord invite, when you join you won't be able to change channels, so it'll ask you to download a plugin, and a fake steam box will appear, asking you for your password. That will lock you out of your steam account and your items will be stolen. You should obviously avoid doing something like that and, in general, avoid random discord invites.
I read it here:
More info on reddit:

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Nice photo, but doesn't change the fact that people should be warned about this. Most of the times, people fall even for obvious scams, so they need to be "educated" somehow.
No need for a discord FAQ, by the way, just a trade FAQ. :P

7 years ago

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you know most (if not all) scammed users don't even read the forums, even less check FAQs or other kind of guides?
they only post here AFTER they get scammed.

all these PSA are useless ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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7 years ago

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But maybe ONE person will do that! Just one! And it's enough for me. :/

7 years ago

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I didn't even know that discord plugins were a thing. So here's your one person who learned new stuff from this PSA.

7 years ago

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Woohoo, I helped someone! ^_^

7 years ago

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Wouldnt they require Mobile authenticator thingy to get the stuff tho ?

Like obvious scams are obvious , but sadly there are many people who still fall for them and thats why they keep trying their luck

7 years ago

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Wouldnt they require Mobile authenticator thingy to get the stuff tho ?


It's not possible to confirm trade offer without Steam Mobile Auth file (identitySecret code inside file)
But, you can bypass Steam Guard code (after you entering username and password) by stealing Steam SSFN file

7 years ago

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Weird thing is that they don't need it. The other guy was saying that they probably disable the mobile authenticator - or maybe he used it for them while trying to log in?!

7 years ago

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Weird thing is that they don't need it

Not possible without getting Steam Auth file.
You need "shared_secret" code to log in, and you need "identity_secret" code to confirm trade offer.
(I know this because I create my custom bot)

The only possible things is he using WinAuth / SDA and allow them to auto-confirm any Trade Offer Confirmation

7 years ago

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Or maybe, when he tried to log in, he also used the code that he got on his mobile, giving them full access to disable the authenticator?! Still, we're talking about a successful scam, so they've obviously found a way to bypass all these things.

7 years ago

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No. Weird thing is that they don't need it. The other guy was saying that they probably disable the mobile authenticator - or maybe he used it for them while trying to log in?!

7 years ago

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Hum .... I don't know... As far as I know you need to manually confirm trades in your phone if you have the athenticator on .

I don't understand how can they skip that step ... Tho there may be ways .

7 years ago

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Old scam, just new chat platform. I guess people have finally learned not to install random TeamSpeak plugins when prompted by shady servers, so they moved on.

7 years ago

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A friend of mine actually did download this Discord plugin scam.. Any idea, how to remove it ? We've been trying to search all over the internet for answers.. Can't even find, wether or not it's possible to remove it as people did with the the old ts3 plugin

7 years ago

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Antivirus doesn't detect and remove it? According to the VirusTotal link on Reddit at least Avira finds it.

7 years ago

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Avira didnt detect it - Do you know any solutions on, how people fixed the TS3 plugin scam?

7 years ago

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I have absolutely no idea, never felt like downloading malware was a good idea.

7 years ago

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Hmmm, I'm not sure. Maybe search in your download folder and the control panel? I really don't know. :(
ESET is a good antivirus though, if you wanna check it. There are some good antiviruses that can stop it before it gets downloaded.

7 years ago

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Yeah, scammers always move on. They never remain static. :/

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Well, it's an obvious scam, but some people already fell for it.

7 years ago

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All such comments about scam are stupid.

Scams work because you're sometimes so focused, or used to certain actions that you don't see those hints that something is different.

Its easy to judge when someone points finger at it.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Good job on identifying him. ;) Attention always pays off!

7 years ago

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In shot - the guy was enough stupid to download unknown shit and run it.

7 years ago

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Yeah, as I said, it was an obvious scam, but some people, that don't know about dropbox, may think it's normal to download a plugin. I also don't know anything about dropbox, but I still wouldn't download anything. :P

7 years ago

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they tried it to me too
but i forced the plugin download to Kaspersky Safe Browser because it was suspicious for me
blocked it directly, well lucky day for me, reported on steam, steamrep doesnt give a damn on it

7 years ago

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Steamrep doesn't accept almost any type of report anymore, just saying. xD
But anyway, in general, avoid downloading things that you don't know. For example, there are other types of scams that tell you to update your adobe flash player or something else, but it's actually a virus.

7 years ago

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yeah i forced the download via Kaspersky`s safe browser because of this

but i actually dont understand what there are trying, even when i downloaded the virus, what can they do without my email account and my smartphone?
i have the paid fullversion of Kaspersky Internet Security on my PC and the Android version App on my Smartphone

7 years ago

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You download the plugin, a fake steam window appears, you think it's the real steam window, you put your e-mail and password, they log in, they disable your mobile authenticator, and you say goodbye to all your items.

7 years ago

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do the most people have no antivirus or what?

7 years ago

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Maybe free antiviruses aren't doing a good job? :P Or they have cracked antiviruses? Or they are not updating them?

7 years ago

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Free doesn't mean less security all the time. There's lots of free AV's out there that do a better job than many of the paid ones. Nothing is 100% that's why a stand alone backup program should be available to detect and clean in case the active first line of defense fails. One of the biggest problems in a lot of AVs no matter pay or free is that they do a poor job protecting your pc and if they do a poor job at protecting how good of job do you think they will do at cleaning the infection?

7 years ago

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I don't, easier to just not download malware.

7 years ago

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Just to answer your question, the majority of people's computers I've worked on have no Antivirus program.

7 years ago

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I still don't see how it would work. If they disable the authenticator and try to trade away your inventory, the stuff would be on trade hold for 15 days.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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You're welcome. If you see a sudden influx of friendly people on cs:go, trying to invite you in a match and asking you to chat through discord, avoid them like the plague. ;P

7 years ago

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i wont join anyone's discord anymore xD

  • i dont want to take the risk because iam not using any anti-virus
7 years ago

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At least download a free one, like Panda. It's not safe to use the internet without antivirus. And yeah, better avoid discord - it's not like it's anything special anyway.

7 years ago

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It's quite safe using the best antivirus there is, Common Sense Suite 2017. Easier to just not download malware than to get rid of it.

7 years ago

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if there is an app in the background like anit virus my laptop will get slower ;/

7 years ago

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oh, you are one without antivirus?
why this life? i mean you arent scared by online payments, your data/accounts and those stuff?

7 years ago

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Well if i download an anti-virus my laptop will get slower and i will get less fps :/ usually i dont download anything suspicious

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thank you. :)

7 years ago

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So... Just askin'

Is this discord is safe ?
I follow the group on steam, and there's some free games in.

7 years ago

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IF (big IF) it's their official discord channel, then yeah, it's safe. Just remember to avoid downloading anything.

7 years ago

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How did I know if it's safe ?

7 years ago

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Thank you for bringing this to people's attention.

7 years ago

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You are welcome. ;)

7 years ago

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Thanks for the warning but why and how cannot change channels?

7 years ago

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You are welcome. I really can't remember. xD I have forgotten about this thing.

7 years ago*

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Actually, it's because the link was "discord access", so it was probably a different site. :P

7 years ago

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