A Blue Wizard appears in front of you and says "Welcome to an adventure!". Before you actually have time to react, you get teleported!

This is the last puzzle in my miniseries and most likely last puzzle on Steamgifts.. The old one anyway. Once SGv2 comes live, whenever it happens, I'll probably take a rundown of some of the new features with a puzzly angle :) But not sure if I make another series, but there's hoping, eh? For the few who care ;)

I mean, there will be a season's recap quiz after this one, but I don't really count it as a puzzle since it should be easy to those who actually successfully participated in my series. But I will give like two or perhaps three weeks in case someone wants to play catch up, with all the previous giveaways already done but puzzles not having solutions posted up yet so still an open season.

Meta-game tip - you'll be asked to play a flash game (btw I'm not affiliated in any fashion with them). As far as I'm aware the game doesn't have savegame feature so if you close your browser/PC/move to another PC you may be required to replay the game sooooo try to avoid it (hibernation? virtual machine? taking good notes? :D ). Dunno maybe it does save with cookies enabled or something I really didn't pay attention to that but I give you fair warning. Still probably replaying it once you know everything is like 15-20 minutes. EDIT: okay if you don't have more paranoid browser settings that would prevent history keeping, cookies n stuff, chances are your progress actually gonna be preserved.

Currently all the original GAs are done, but puzzle still considered active!

For one, I'll probably increase longevity of this puzzle a bit by making a giveaway for 10+/14 solvers but we'll see. But generally it's still open along with a few previous ones until a recap is done.

1 decade ago*

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why can I got only 4 faces (regarding the rules on teleport destination)

1 decade ago

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Dunno. All 5 faces are actually featured on the mysterious image, you know, in case you didn't notice, so you can see which one you're missing. And if you're missing a face you're missing entire outfit, too, I reckon. Four face options (including the one you start with, your plain old face) should be unskipable via the main storyline (although you should be nice to the bear to get a proper one). Some other options are extras for side activities, though you gotta ignore most of those, only one of the extras counts. You probably didn't do the side stuff that gives the fifth required face. I guess you can potentially wing it based on what is on the mysterious image, but it's going to be harder that way.

1 decade ago

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well, including the first plain face, I got total of 6 faces.
ah, all 5 faces are in figure 5?

1 decade ago

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Puzzle mentions there are 5 valid faces. Fig. 5. has 5 different faces. Ergo, simple deduction, fig. 5. features all of the faces that are required.

Such level of perceptivity and logical thinking is definitely something that is required on my puzzles. If someone is unable to connect dots like this then yeah, it's not for them.

1 decade ago

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OK it's still just one full solver, but various minipuzzles which this puzzle consist of (many of which actually are separate from the Dress Code) all have some more solvers :3 Still not early enough but hey, it's up to you :] Again it's too much to keep exact track of but yeah everything is nicely solvable.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Gratz on cracking the code, good luck getting some remaining giveaways!

1 decade ago

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Allrightie, we have a second person who cracked the Hypercuboyish Dress Code! Not sure how many giveaways of the 14 they found, but not all them (yet? :D good luck!)

1 decade ago

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Also perhaps that should be obvious, but I bet some people can't accept this fact, even if it is clearly happening to them. So let me spell it out for you: MS Paint is NOT a good tool to do the job. It lies to you. It's likely one of the things that prevented some people on my Secret Sharing Scheme puzzle from finding some of the keys. They didn't know what tool like MS Paint is lying them about. And you have to know this. Some other tools maybe lie to you as well, but I'm specifically mentioning MS Paint as something I guess many people are using, without the deeper knowledge of what is really happening.

1 decade ago

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By the way, I didn't come out with it here earlier, because that's something that requires understanding of The Hypercuboyish Dress Code and how it applies to The Tesseract anyway, but I figured this may be something unduly confusing some folks so I'm putting it here, too. Just don't get for a change confused by me putting it out here :D

I mixed up my codes a bit and made one of the giveaways accessible from two places, and one inaccessible at all. The doubled one is the giveaway from figure 5., also accessible from a different image on imgur. I didn't want to change the mysterious image for the fix, and since both the doubled and omitted giveaways require the dress code, I put the fix on the figure's 5 giveaway page.

But yeah, if you find a second way to figure's 5 giveaway via a different imgur image than the cave's mysterious image, then you're not doing anything wrong, don't get confused. You still have to actually understand the dress code and solve it to get to giveaway from figure 5 to get the fix, to get the other giveaway which also includes understanding of the dress code.

On second thought, if you are really dying to see what you are missing, because, dunno, you think that might help you, the fix is to use is.gd url shortener with the imgur code of the other image that leads you to the same giveaway that figure 5 leads to. Capish? The dress code of that other giveaway that I originally missed is somewhat easier than figure's 5, but if you don't have good understanding of the Dress Code it probably won't help you.

1 decade ago

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Okies so there was some movement/new solvers for several of the minipuzzles, although The Hypercuboyish Dress Code and how it applies to The Tesseract seems to have been understood still by only two people.

Maybe I should point out that the hypercuboyish dress code on its own means exactly nothing. I clearly, in English, tell you that you have to play the game to unlock it, and once you've unlocked it, you have to apply it to The Tesseract. Anything, absolutely anything, you are trying to divine based on the dress code alone, is a figment of your imagination and cannot possibly make any sense whatsoever.

1 decade ago

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Can the auxiliary quiz be deciphered (except for Q6) without knowing the dress code?

1 decade ago

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Yes. It's there part to help you figure out what to do with dress code, part to confirm you have figured it out properly (q6).

Also while we're at it, the story of murder of the sheriff cannot be deciphered without it, it does require the Hypercuboyish Dress Code and the understanding of how it applies to The Tesseract.

1 decade ago

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I suppose there's lots to grasp, especially if you count all the minipuzzles, and I'll admit it may be a bit puzzling/confusing by design (otherwise it wouldn't be a puzzle at all, seriously.. for example I don't get how those trivias/quizzes go as "puzzles"), but I also think some folks are getting too hung up on things that don't make sense at all, or don't make sense yet until you understand other things first, so I'll at least try to reiterate what is the centerpiece puzzle here.

  1. The Tesseract is a map.

  2. You need to use The Hypercuboyish Dress Code with The Tesseract.

    This is the main puzzle here, figuring out how to apply The Hypercuboyish Dress Code to The Tesseract. Neither The Dress Code, nor The Tesseract on their own won't make sense. They go together. You are given The Tesseract directly, but The Hypercuboyish Dress Code has to be unlocked first, and then you have to figure out how to use it. To that extent:

  3. Use the gateway (QR Code) on fig. 1 to play a silly adventure game, but mind the wizard's words. Some extraneous elements will have to be discarded, and some you may miss as they don't come from the main storyline. Valid Dress Code has 4 options for hat, 5 options for face, 8 options for body and 8 options for legs. If you take good notes about the code, you won't have to relaunch the game anymore, but I guess having it running in the background may make using the code bit easier (also pay attention to the totem once you see it in the game).

  4. Auxiliary Quiz is there mostly to give you insights at a very basic level, it's practically a separate puzzle on its own. Of course, save for question 6, which is there to validate your understanding of the Dress Code's application. But without those insights from earlier questions, you cannot hope to understand what the puzzle is about and cannot properly answer Q6 (I mean I guess answer to Q6 could potentially be bruteforced, sure, but that would not help you more than what example on fig. 3 is for, Q6 is just meant as a verification tool that you are in fact "getting it" properly). There are some bonus giveaways, too, which you can discover if you properly extend the concept explored by the auxiliary quiz, and they don't require the dress code, either.

  5. Having understanding of the basic concepts from the quiz, and minding the wizard's words where he really stresses what you have to understand, you use figure 3 as an example to work out how The Hypercuboyish Dress Code applies to The Tesseract, and Q6 on auxiliary quiz gonna verify that you understand it properly. There are some dots to connect here and this is the main puzzle.

    Having connected those dots, you should be able to solve fig. 5

  6. Additionally, fig. 4 (besides acting as some reinforcement/extension of the core ideas from the quiz that you have to grasp, so may be bit helpful alongside the quiz and fig. 3., too) introduces Totem to the mix. Based on the example on fig 4 you should be able to figure out how the Totem works. And by the way, this is something separate from the Dress Code (do you see Dress Code on fig. 4? I didn't think so).

    The totem applies to a few giveways. Most notably figuring how it influences things is required to solve fig. 6., and it's also required to get the reward for solving the auxiliary quiz (solving it doesn't give you the reward directly - you need to at least apply the totem's influence.. so potential bruteforcers don't get reward just for bruteforcing, d'oh).

    That's it, that's the main "storyline" of my puzzle here, the centerpiece, how to solve fig. 5 and fig. 6. Everything else is side activities (some of which do require the Dress Code and The Tesseract, too, though).

So, play the game, unlock valid dress code, solve q1 - q5 on the auxiliary quiz, get some extra giveaways connected to it, figure out fig. 3, answer q6 to see that you in fact understand things properly, at which point you should be able to solve fig. 5. no problem, too. And after you additionally figure out fig. 4, you'll be able to solve fig. 6 and get reward for the quiz, too.

Besides the main puzzle, some side quests/minipuzzles start with what the wizard says about finding a hidden bin in OP here, and with deeper inspection of the mysterious image.

Okay, that's it, I didn't want to give any extra hints, but this wall-o-text hopefully helps with the hints and guidance existing there right from the start.. I can't really explain the stuff better to you, or otherwise this stops being a puzzle. Maybe once the giveaways are over I will give more examples/bigger hints for potential completionists of the series, would be unfortunate if only 2 people were able to complete whole series and get all the rewards :D But if there are no more solvers for the present state of the puzzle without additional hints, so be it.

I'll perhaps throw in some hints for some of the bonus minipuzzles, but not for the centerpiece puzzle. We'll see. And if I do, we'll see where I place them (maybe on the fig. 5's giveaway page? :D )

1 decade ago

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I can't really get this pillow thing to work so I am giving up. Thanks for the giveaway though. I did manage to enter one.

1 decade ago

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Hm the pillow thing is just one of many quite separate things. Seriously though, one would think downloading two installers and running them, and then double clicking a file, is not that hard O_o Unless you're running Mac I guess. But apparently some people on Windows are having trouble with eggs? Frakking *.exe installer is right there so why not use that instead of fighting with pip... sigh.

1 decade ago

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Installed both files and the window pops up and closes instantly. Has to be something wrong with python. I am sure that other users are not experiencing this. (Not being sarcastic). I however, did enjoy the hard work put into this puzzle and it looks to be quite fun.

1 decade ago

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well then it likely means everything is actually working well

1 decade ago

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Have a free bump.

1 decade ago

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can't find the formula of dresscode to thoughts

wow, 1280 combinations? o.O

1 decade ago

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What can I say, you're clearly, and sadly, not alone. (you got some other puzzles in this one though, so still nice :3 )

1 decade ago

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got the idea of tesseract
got the idea of totem-ish
but blank on dress and thoughts connection

1 decade ago

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you can't claim you got the idea of The Tesseract and then say you can't match the stuff on fig. 3. This goes together, I said it multiple times by now, The Hypercuboyish Dress Code and The Tesseract go together, at least for the main puzzle, and fig. 3., along with some other things, is there to help you figure out the details. So it means you overestimate your "getting the idea of Tesseract". Better reread my earlier longer clarifications on what constitutes the centerpiece puzzle/main flow

1 decade ago

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Allright a rundown over the giveaways shows some progress over the course of the day, and most importantly, there's a third solver of the centerpiece puzzle! :)

1 decade ago

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Well, I give up :( Tried everything I could think of. Can't wait for the solution, I'm sure I'll learn something interesting!

1 decade ago

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It's going to be a while before all solutions get posted xD Anyway you did get to some giveaways, solved some of the puzzles, so still nice! This is practically 14 minipuzzles in one package, although some more related to each other than others.

1 decade ago

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I'm just hoping that the main solution is something that I've never heard of, because if it's something I considered but just did incorrectly, that'd be super frustrating XD

When you post the solutions, I should at the very least be able to pick up some new knowledge on cryptography and steganography techniques. I've learned ways to parse and organize pixel values in Python (I actually wrote my own program because of this puzzle, but it lead nowhere as far as I could tell), so I came away with some new and interesting knowledge already. As a side note, I wish I knew a bit more programming to automate a lot of minor bruteforcing I tried, it'd save a crazy amount of time :D

1 decade ago

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Oh nice, there are two more solvers of fig. 5, bringing the grand total to.. five xD But only three of them so far also figured out the totem and got fig. 6.

And "thumbs up" still has only one solver :O arguably that's the most complicated one, though. I hope you're at least seeing properties on that one.

1 decade ago

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Checked the thumbs up, but without knowledge on matching fig 3 is that possible to proceed?

1 decade ago

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no, this is one of the things that use The Hypercuboyish Dress Code and The Tesseract, and then some.. but that should be clear.

1 decade ago

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Little bump for breaking into the fortress. Still in the middle of pillaging though (9/14).

1 decade ago

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Little update. 11/14.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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There's one additional centerpiece puzzle solver, who practically gave up earlier, but then again, couldn't, and came back, and did it :D And also figured out the totemic influence! Bringing up total to apparently six solvers so far for fig. 5., and four for fig. 6.

Not really going to track other giveaways/sidepuzzles or how many of them particular person has gotten to, but yeah, progress is constantly being made (to the point every giveaway has at least one entrant, if not more solvers who didn't enter), but I suppose it goes at a rather slow rate. Could use more eyeballs on this but ah well, whatcha gonna do.

In other news, I'm getting word that the game apparently does save your progress if you don't have as paranoid browser settings as I do :) Well, no surprise there I guess. It's just the sequel had specifically option to "save game" (not that I used it) and in this one, I didn't see it.

1 decade ago

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going to drop this one

need to get back on real life

1 decade ago

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sure :3 you did solve some of the stuff though, right? so still good!

1 decade ago

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Stop calling it a tesseract already. It doesn't even have enough faces to make a cube.
What's the deal - you think using fancy words will get your thread more b̘̔u͇̔m͉͐p͊͜s͔͗?̺̋

1 decade ago

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I shall not stop calling it what it is. You should know better :P

1 decade ago

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Edit: 2 puzzles left...

1 decade ago

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This. Is. A. Bump.

1 decade ago

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Well, 13 out of 14 isn't bad I guess, but I can't find the GA with the $0.01CV, which seems crazy since I did everything else. Must've missed something :(

1 decade ago

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Oh? Ah right I made one with 0.01 CV. Well it's one of the two supposedly easiest to find xD I know how it sounds to you, considering you got the hardest one and all others for that matter, too. Cross reference with the parchment from the hidden bin, it should give you at least some insight of where to look.

1 decade ago

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Well, that's infuriating. Can't believe I'm quitting (for real this time) on the 'easiest' one :P Anyways, thanks for the fun!

1 decade ago

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hehe, man, 13 of the 14 is really, really good result, especially that you knocked down the really hard ones!

1 decade ago

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OK from what I gather, there's another 100% solver, and two other folks have 13/14. I don't really keep track though so I'm just basing on what solvers said themselves, they can keep track of themselves individually the best xD

1 decade ago

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Bump for solving all Fig, and getting 11/14. I see one more in someones dirty nails, but missed one 'easy' and one tesseract :(

1 decade ago

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overall nice result though! :)

1 decade ago

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Nah, nice would be 13/14. 14/14 even better, so i could boast with getting to all Awards in series. I'm going to continue following wizards trail after work. ( No bumming for me too:( )

1 decade ago

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Allright most of the giveaways have a bit over a day left on them (three of them happen to have two more days). It's a good idea to no longer postpone more serious attack on my puzzle as there's some competition coming in today, in terms of bigger puzzles, so you perhaps don't want a clash here. Certainly I didn't want it, although there's enough competition I guess already, if not in quality of the puzzle perhaps :>

I'm considering having a giveaway for peeps who reached enough of the giveaways, perhaps 10 out of 14, and require that for series recap, perhaps running a bit in parallel with it, too. That would increase longevity of my puzzle a bit as well :] I believe there are like 6 people who'd classify (at the moment)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Award.