-Had great advises, thanks everyone! I'll leave it open if people want to discuss it for others that have to deal with it.-

So i went on a perfect date today, a friend introduced us and we barely new each other and went on a date the next day. It was perfect, wont describe it, but it was... BUT... She told me she had Panic disorder 4 years ago, had to use a lot of medicine.
I want opinions from people who have experiences, are psychologists or have the issue.

Is it dangerous for her, me or anyone if i screw up?
should i back off?

For the hateful guys: i researched on google and couldnt find the answer im looking for, im still a little emotionaly drunk from the date too since i dont go to one for a while, so understand my current situation haha

9 years ago*

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What should i do?

View Results
RUN!!! (if you answer it i'll only consider with good arguments)
No big deal
HAHA YOU ARE SCREWD! (if you want to be a funny dude/chick)
You shouldn't worry but... (comment)

This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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thank you, i know how to deal with stressful situations, i'm just worried if she would get suicidal or started trowing everything she has in sight on me when she is mad at me hahaha...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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thank you, it makes me really happy :)

9 years ago

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thanks for the link, if just googled "panic desorder" i would get the answer haha, i tried "how to deal with a person with panic desorder" and it wasnt as good as this :)

9 years ago

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I suffer from agoraphobia (my sister did, my brother and mother do as well), which can result in panic attacks, so I'll give this a quick go --

Just take it easy and don't press things too much. Ease her into the dating thing, perhaps by not making it seem like a formal date (unless she agrees to it). Take her someplace comfortable, quiet and uncrowded, so you get the point across that you want to get to know her, but you're not putting her in a situation to panic. A cozy restaurant, a simple walk in the park, or going to watch the sunset would be both calming and intimate enough that you'd be able to get to know one another. Be accommodating and understanding of her "problem", and she'll eventually get used to not only being around you, but also being in public places with you.

9 years ago

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thanks everything you said makes sense with some things that happened on that date. I tried really hard to move things slowly, tried to avoid kissing her but it happened. I think i'm actually trying to go slower than her, and thats what worried me. What you said will help me a lot :)

deadpool is awesome too haha

9 years ago

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No problem, and good luck on your next date. It sounds like you really like her if you're concerned enough to look into her condition as much as you have. :)

9 years ago

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Just carry on dating and see how it goes. If you find a dead bunny in the pot then run like hell though ...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Lucky you that you have friends like this! My IRL friends can only introduces me some new ARPG in steam -_-
On serious note, don't do stupid things, if she told things like this she really likes you and she think that she can trust you. Read about it on wiki, deal with it, and don't even dare to screw up your relations with this girl.because of your concerns. DON'T.

9 years ago

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every relationships has its flaws, i was just worried the consequences would be bigger than usual

9 years ago

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If you are confident and calm the panic disorder shouldn't be a problem :) I would suggest that you see how it goes for yourself before you decide if you think it won't work. Personally I think that if you are able to remain calm you can actually help her deal with the problem :)

9 years ago

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It honestly doesn't sound like a big deal, just read and learn about it and be sure to make the situation as easy and without stress as possible for her. And don't get upset at her for having them if she has them in the future, it's not her fault. Not that i'm saying you're going to do this.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by blerghasth.