towards regular Russian people is insane! It really should stop now. I want you guys to understand, that the absolute majority of russians eager for peace. Same as you are! Same as everyone else. No one needs a war, except some politicians, that don't care about human lives and pursue their own interests. Regular russians have have nothing to do with it.

"But wait, why the hell don't you russians protest against your authorities then?"

I have an answer for that too.
There have been numerous protest acts, mass meetings and even riots since 2010. Not only against the government, but against Putin himself. Thousands of people have ruined their lives by getting real prison sentences, some even were killed, and basically, nothing has changed during all these years as none of the populace demands were reached. In fact, the resistance became much weaker after every year.

Not only regular people, but even opposition key figures had no success. Boris Nemtsov was so far the only real threat to Putin and his power, as he had a lot of power and connections himself. There was no success in this confrontation for him either. After the Russia's takeover of Crimea, he was heavily against such policy and was looking to save Donetsk and Lugansk from war. However, just in a couple of months after claiming this position and starting to look forward on possible resolution, he was brutally murdered right in front of the Moscow's Kremlin...
So even the people of power can't do much.

All I'm saying, that most russians have nothing against ukrainians or any other nations, we want peace. No need to judge us by the acts of our government, please be better than that. Just remember, we all are HUMANS, and not a single crazy politician or news media should set us against each other. Wish you love and patience, I hope both ukrainians and russians will overcome any kind of difficulties and stay strong!

Please refrain from discussing here the conflict itself, as there is the special thread for it

3 years ago*

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I agree, hating the citizens of a country for the actions of their government is incorrect. However, it might not be easy for the mass to change such a behavior.

3 years ago

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Somehow, when people look at their small social circle, their neighbors, friends or classmates, they can see each one of them as different individuals. They know, if one of them makes a mistake or commits a crime, the others will be completely unrelated and the criminal will have nothing to do with others. But when it comes to countries, people look at them and see only one stereotype, think of the millions as the same kind of person with the same ideals and thoughts. Is it so hard to understand that Russia isn't only Putin or all Germans are not like Hitler?

Even worse, most people from the developed countries never had to live in a dictatorship. They think people can protest or resist and change the government, they don't understand what a dictator is... Nope, once a dictator is in power, he won't go with an election and nope he won't go easily.

3 years ago*

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That is very well put and I agree with it.

3 years ago

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You mean... being racists?

3 years ago

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Not sure if "racists" is the correct words, but yeah pretty much any kind of discrimination is difficult to eliminate.

Also, happy cake day!

3 years ago

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I subscribe to your every word!
P.S: Peace to all!!!

3 years ago

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2008 Georgia, popularity booms.
2014 Crimea, popularity booms again
2022 Army build up at Ukrainian border, Russians again approve their beloved Putin's actions.

I agree with you that there are elements in Russia society that want and desire change, I hope they get it but clearly the support base to issue change isn't there yet, far from it I would even argue.

I don't hate Russians but they deserve the world's stink eye that they get now.
and not some "Oh those poor Russians"
I will save my sympathy for the Ukraine.

"Every nation gets the government it deserves."

3 years ago

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I partially agree with your opinion, because indeed there was pretty big patriotic uplift back in 2014. But for the recent 5 years this opinion changed completely, russians finally understood the upsets and fails of this policy.

If we take some of the latest independent population surveys as of 2020 or 2021, around 76-78% of russians are against the government policy.

Now when I see the news of some russians being attacked by the ukrainians in New-York or Germany, or Poland - it's absolute madness...

3 years ago*

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I agree that attacking random Russians on the streets of New York is madness and totally unacceptable.
Much like it was/is for Asians to get attacked because of Covid.
Absolutely disgusting in either situation.

3 years ago

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and now think about this,
in both cases - no one told attackers to behave in that way, It was a human instinct taking over.

And now imagine magazines telling you that Trump is your enemy, just the next day he was formally elected!

3 years ago

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Now when I see the news of some russians being attacked by the ukrainians in New-York or Germany, or Poland - it's absolute madness...

Douchelord, can you provide sources for these incidents, please?

3 years ago

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While I doubt it's ukrainians, at least for germany there were proved cases of specific attacks against russians.

3 years ago

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I hoped someone could provide sources for these claims. I want to read the articles about these incidents but could not find any. Please, if you can provide sources do so.

3 years ago

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Can only provide something in german:

While I can't provide police reports etc. I doubt that the above would provide fake news/lies/propaganda of the sort.

3 years ago

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Thanks for the provided link LordXenon! I hope these incidents stay isolated incidents as stated in the article. I missed these reports. Some people are just not right in their mind. As if these russians had anything to with the front line.
Some Chinese looking people got also attacked when covid started. Same stupid idea.

3 years ago

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I hope so to. They seem to be small regional hate(so not important for big tv showing) and limited in quantity and dimension(nothing like real hate and terror against those).

3 years ago

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Douchetchlord, no one attacks Russians in Poland. This is where I am livivng at the moment and I have not heard of it. If you are sure about attacks on Russians in Poland provide sources that we can check. If not then stop spreading fake information that really does not help in the current situation.

3 years ago

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There's a large number of dumb russians, so called putin's fanboys who talk about american conspiracies and that they provoke poor Vladimir and his Russia. So yeah, maybe you're right here...

3 years ago

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And I am sure you can find them in every country around the world easily enough.

3 years ago

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Oh, it's never that black and white. The popularity boosts are rather inflicted by the propaganda tubes. For a while now, quite before the actual war started, the broadcast driven by the government was clearly with one purpose - to turn people against Ukraine, to convince them it's nazist regime and so on. Similarly in previous cases.

Obviously, there are many people who wouldn't follow that, especially younger or educated ones that have access to other, independent or international sources, but also quite a lot of people simply don't have a good access to any source outside of the state ones.

Maybe they deserve their government as you said (I wouldn't be that one sided myself, tho) but the war is not on them. It's on Putin and his circle.

3 years ago

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Yes, I am aware it isn't that black and white but I won't also let excuses such as "it's the propaganda who lied to us" be a reason to let them acquit themselves of any blame or guilt.
Anyone will have a moment of clarity where they realize that when going to war means you are going to destroy countless lives.
As an individual it is scary I bet to stand up for your believes in a country as Russia that's why I said the necessary support base is clearly not yet there.

3 years ago

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I know, I know.

I myself just watch it calmly from Poland, but I've heard enough stories not to jump to conclusions. People of older age, contemporaries of our parents or grandparents would sometimes really believe what they see in media when it is the only version they ever see. I'm not saying it's excuses. Sometimes it's really all they know for a long time.

I read one statement today, regarding what Anonymous did with the Russian TV, when they hacked the transmission and played images from Ukraine. It was really eye-opening for many people. There was apparently a woman who had her sister living in Russia for years now. The one in Russia would only see the message of Ukrainians being nazi regime and stuff, so fed with these messages, she would mock her own sister on that. She simply didn't know any different. It's not like she turned a blind eye on other sources, there weren't any other sources for her to compare it to. We're used to having hundreds of channels on TV, limitless internet. Not everyone has this privilege. Anyway, she saw the hacked transmission and she really broke. Called her family, cried, apologised, all that.

I just hope everyone could access enough media to see as full picture as possible, as easily as we can. 🙂

3 years ago

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What I want to see from Russia as a whole after this whole madness is over and things return back to a more normal state is a similar thing that happened to Germany after ww2.
Germany made huge efforts to reconcile themselves after ww2.
A sort of collective guilt that still affects them to this day.

This is what I need to see signs of from Russia otherwise nothing has been learnt and they are bound to repeat history.
So a story of a woman crying when she sees Ukrainian images while nice means nothing if the next day everything is back to business as usual and she can shift all blame to others to wipe her conscience clean ( humans are good at that). They need to know that they are part of the system that is the problem. A small cog for sure but still a cog.

I just want to end by saying that I completely understand your view and agree with it.

3 years ago

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Amen to that! I couldn't put it better. We'll see what the time brings.

3 years ago

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Russian people don't deserve this, especially in comparison to what germans did during the WWII. Current invasion is outrageous and absolutely crucial for Ukraine we all admit that, but it's still nothing close to the events of Second World War, notedly with the genocide towards various ethnic groups.

Although the sanctions will still significantly affect the level of wealth in any case.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 years ago

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If anyone, USA is close to Nazi Germany in the amount of suffering it caused. Also British Empire, if we look further into history.
But I guess the USA today has the biggest propaganda machine, so they can make make any of their atrocities look like a humanitarian mission.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 years ago

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It's rotten, but I think it's fair to expect the same treatment as USA/NATO when they do rotten things. Ir's called hypocricy when we call the same action invasion or peacekeeping operation depending on what side we're on.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 years ago

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Lybia, Iraq, Yugoslavia if we go a little further...
I'm pretty sure that if the China was a world hegemon with countless propaganda sources, it would be easy for them to be the good guys in the eyes of the world. who pays the piper calls the tune.

3 years ago

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especially in comparison to what germans did during the WWII

Just wanted to point out that you ask everyone not to generalize and not think that every russian is to blame for Putin's war while at the same time you say that every german was part of what Hitler did in WW2 and thus doing the same to germans what you ask others not to do to russians.

3 years ago

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I am sorry to say, but there is a little more to that. The "1968" movement in Germany was a lot about Nazi-Structures, which were not abolished until then, maybe still living today regarding some political movements and even parties in the parliament. A lot of Ex-Nazis were not punished, the "we didn't know"-argumanetation was very big among the population and nationalists are getting stronger nowadays.
I do agree, that there were huge efforts towards acknowledging the resposability, which came with the recocgnition of being guilty of so many crimes against humanity. But if you call out to russian civilans with that comparison in mind, it will take decades or even more (this also includes, that the russian government needs to take the first step towards acknowledging a "wrongdoing").
I fear, looking at the world after WW2 humanty can't really say, that they've learned as a whole.

3 years ago

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Russia made huge and genuine efforts to be friends with the West after the fall of USSR. During Yeltsin time, during the first years of Putin rule and lastly, under the brief Medvedev stint. Russia even wanted to join NATO at least twice. Those efforts were always repelled. The West kept crying wolf all the time.

It's not about Putin really. If Putin steps down tomorrow, if Russia withdraws its troops, if we give Crimea back to Ukraine, Kuril islands to Japan, Kaliningrad to Germany, Karelia to Finland, Pskov to Estonia, if the whole nation publicly repents...nothing's gonna change. People in the West will just say 'Nah, they're Russian, they can't be trusted. We better keep them under sanctions so they wouldn't try anything funny'

This is the sad truth.

PS: F@#K the war.

3 years ago

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Russia even wanted to join NATO at least twice

What source do you base this on?

3 years ago

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I don’t recall the details, but I can second that this is true

3 years ago

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Sad but true

3 years ago

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A sort of collective guilt? Sounds like heritage shame???

3 years ago

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Keep in mind that the approval rate may or has been faked . Keep in mind that most reports of citizen support for government/ their actions/ whatever else associated may or has been faked. Keep in mind that Russia in political sense is a branch office of China and North Korea. Keep in mind that freedom of speech in Russia is basically non-existent. Keep in mind that there are thousands of arrested people for participating in protest acts, including those taking place since February 24. Keep in mind that russian people want to live in better future, but are too scared to go out and speak their minds.

Yet stiil it is quite safe to express any of your thoughts on foreign forums, which is what we do, because where else you'll be safe.

3 years ago

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Keep in mind, that the majority of people are not as much self-reflected as they would need to be to go beyond "My life is quiet accaptable, so I deal with whatever is the price for keeping it". Prosperity kills every revolution before it even begins. I don't know, where you're from and it does not even matter. But ask yourself: is everything good in the country you're living in? Are you up to forcing a change in a direction you would prefer to the current with the uncertainty if life would be as "good" as it is right now? Are you waving the flag of your country, sing the national anthem and let your government take part in international actions you might not agree with?
I am just saying: yes it would be nice, if all people would be enlightened and self-reflected. But this is a status which needs a ton of work from everybody. The easier way: "I live in prosperity (of some kind), my government provides it, so I agree with the 'social contract'." There are many made believers in Russia, who honestly believe in the reasons the goverment named for the war (they do collect donations for the russian people in the Ukrain, because they think they are being slaughtered, such as people from the "West" collect for Ukrainians). I would wish for the russian people, that they would get more of what the "west" would call "democratic rights", but I still think, that the majority of russians support the government without even asking questions of "why" or "why not" and as long as this is a fact, the approval of the government doesn't need to be faked, even though public informations, educational programs need to be filled with it, to keep the power. If people believe in what they're told, without raising questions or inform themselves, even a lie can become a truth.

3 years ago

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where did these statistics come from .... after the (last) elections, Putin fell like never before and there were no prerequisites for his growth

3 years ago

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Couldn't have said it better myself, thank you for your support.

3 years ago

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Slava Ukraini!

3 years ago

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most of the polls are wrong. the current government has no support among the population. But, unfortunately, most of Russia lives in villages and they do not have access to the Internet, and the only source of information for them is the federal channels, through which the whole day there are programs with information about how the West wants to capture everyone, enslave, and Putin is the defender Russia. People just don't get real information. And they have no money to move to another place, and they see other countries only in pictures and on federal channels, through which they say that everything is bad in other countries.

большинство опросов не верные. у нынешней власти нет поддержки среди населения. Но к большому сожалению, большая часть россии живет в селах и у них нет доступа в интернет и единственный источник информации для них это федеральные каналы, по которым целые сутки идут программы с информацией о том, как запад хочет всех захватить, поработить, а путин защитник россии. Люди просто не получают реальной информации. И у них нет денег переехать в другое место, а другие страны они видят только на картинках и по федеральным каналам, по которым говорят, что в других странах все плохо.

3 years ago

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So you say, most of the citizens don't support the government and in the same sentence you also say, most of Russia lives in villages where the only thing they hear is propaganda. Those two statements are in direct opposition to each other. What do you base your first claim on? Empirical evidence?

3 years ago

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Some Russians can only communicate in English with the help of an interpreter. What I wrote has changed due to translation difficulties. It's hard for me to describe it in English. 37 million people out of 140 million live in villages, they are severely limited in access to information. There are many, but they are not the majority. In our country, opposition news is banned and blocked, but even on this site, which is considered loyal to the state, there is information that Putin is supported by 35% of the population.

3 years ago

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I see. Can you show a source for that statistic?

3 years ago

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You might want to double check that now, cause the same research institute most recent study puts Putin's approval rating above 70%:

3 years ago

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According to your link statistics from government sources. It has nothing to do with reality. In the elections of the president, deputies and other high-ranking officials, there were large falsifications of results. People can be arrested for going to the main square with a white sheet of paper. news
I live in the central part of Russia. I work in the environmental industry and I have a good education and a good salary compared to other people in the region. Salary - 40 thousand rubles, but I spend 20 thousand to pay for an apartment. The cheapest new economy class car in our country costs 800 thousand rubles. iPhone - 100 thousand rubles. All goods are very expensive. Many people save money to buy winter clothes.

3 years ago

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I understand but the same institute that you posted is claiming this, so I'd be really interested in actual stats instead of anecdotes.

3 years ago

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Why did you decide that this is one statistical institute? The text at my link describes well why there is a difference. In our country, many state and opposition departments conduct surveys of the population. And government departments publish results that are hard to believe. Even here, from the comments, you can see that among users from Russia, the government is not respected. If you are interested, I can tell you about real life in Russia in a telegram chat or steam chat.

3 years ago

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The article you posted has a stat from Levada Institute. My article's source is the same institute as well:
If you deny my source you also have to deny your own. Again, anecdotes and personal stories are not helpful when assessing a complex situation. Statistics are far more important.

3 years ago

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In Russia, statistics are falsified almost always. The population of Russia has never believed the statistics. We have the state statistical organization Rosstat, and according to its data, we had practically no covid, there are no poor people, the population lives in their own housing, salaries are several times higher, and foreigners admire Putin and are afraid of Russians. Statistics can only be trusted if they are not falsified. By the way, in our country several times, according to the results of voting, it turned out that 146% of voters voted.

View attached image.
3 years ago

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"Statistics can only be trusted if they are not falsified." please show an unfalsified statistic then, that's all I am asking. If they are falsified why are you quoting them?

3 years ago

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she is close to the truth. no one knows about the real situation. We have people going to prison for the truth. You can watch YouTube videos of Alexei Navalny, who is also in prison now. watch the current clip about life with us, read the translation of the lyrics. Клип

3 years ago

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Actually, as far as I've seen so far, almost everyone expressing hatred to people like you or me on this site are actually Russian themselves, and foreigners who've chosen to hate all Russians are the minority. Then again, this forum has always been more on the sane and friendly side, and it would be probably overly optimistic and naive to judge by local public.

3 years ago

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Agreed. Considering the current situation the treatment of Russians in general has imho been very fair and rational, way beyond what one would expect.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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(o'Θ'))yup... yup..

Are you from another planet and hiding out in Russia?👽
We may have many, many similarities with each other, but it's a tough job, good job.

I hope that peace will return to Ukraine and Russia.

Russia's communication restrictions are Twitter and Facebook wide.
Monetization on You Tube is over.
AppleStore is also not allowed to accept bank payments.
I'm concerned that things will come to a head with Steam.

Tomorrow, the Central Bank of Russia is going to do this.
Reuters on Twitter: "Russian says repo auction on Monday will have no limit " / Twitter
There are strong concerns about the value of the ruble currency.

I hope you have more than one means of communication.

It seems that a stinky Japanese businessman is offering these communication tools for free in light of Russia and Ukraine.
They seem to be claiming that they will protect the confidentiality of communications and speech and not hand them over to some other country.

Rakuten's "Viber" Free Calling Program in Ukraine and 34 Other Countries - Keitai Watch
Free Program Countries
Ukraine, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Tajikistan, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan

Remove all ads from on Viber in Ukraine and Russia. This is being done in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The company explains that Viber does not and will not share information about its users' lawful and free speech activities with any government.

Statement from Rakuten Group, Inc. on Rakuten Viber Service in Ukraine and Russia | Rakuten Group, Inc.

I don't know if this will help you, but listen carefully and spend your days finding the good news.

3 years ago*

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Free Program Countries
Add Russia
The space translation device had accidentally erased it.
I think I figured out from the context that it has free support.😆

3 years ago

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that`s interesting, Thanks

3 years ago

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The RUB has turned into a monster due to the actions of the Bank of Russia.

Russians Rush for Dollars as SWIFT Sanctions Threaten Ruble Collapse - Bloomberg

3 years ago

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Reuters Business on Twitter: "Russia hikes key rate to 20%, tells companies to sell FX " / Twitter

AFP News Agency on Twitter: "#BREAKING Russia's central bank hikes key interest rate to 20%: Russian agencies" / Twitter

It seems to be a boss monster that has a few transformations left.

3 years ago

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AMD и Intel приостановили поставки своей продукции на территорию России — РБК
Intel and AMD Halt Processor Sales to Russia: Reports (Updated) | Tom's Hardware

In Russia, computers for enjoying Steam games also seem to have limited stock and will be impossible to procure in the future.
В России компьютеры для игр Steam также, похоже, имеют ограниченный запас, и в будущем их будет невозможно приобрести.

3 years ago

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Yep. I actually purchased a new CPU/mobo to upgrade my PC yesterday, and my RTX 2070 will hopefully serve me for many years to come if the world doesn't literally end tomorrow. The prices have skyrocketed already (plus about 40% since Sunday), but PC components are still available for sale and, I guess, will be available for a short while longer. But it doesn't really matter since even in the best-case scenario will have to live with a new iron curtain, and our economics will plunge into the state it was 30 years ago. And I can't even say that's unfair, we deserve that.

3 years ago

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ALL Humanity may stop using money.💸
Seeds of various plants, especially cucumber seeds, might become popular.🥒
(My preferences are probably included.)
We have to think about survival first.
However, the island nations of the East are so peaceful that they have few nuclear shelters.
I am wondering if I should dive into the bottom of a river, as it would be a nuisance to humanity. (It's cold in winter, you know).

Yesterday I look"Cresson H. Kearny's Nuclear War Survival Skills. This is a FREE book to download.📝
This is a FREE book to download. (Something like that, roughly.)
I can't read the contents, so it won't help me, but most of humanity may need it to survive.

Various devices and machines are full of academic books and manuals that explain the current cultural and technological standards as a matter of course. Will we be able to make them again in an age when everything is precious? When you think about it, maybe it would be better if there were no human beings called politicians anywhere in the world. Humans probably fight when they get together too much.
I am very sorry.
I hope that the inadvertently wicked politicians will get sick and conveniently leave and settle down.

I hope that in time we will have a unified global seed currency and life for mankind will return to being enjoyable.🌻🌰

3 years ago

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Money is a social construct. We used to use things like seashells, salt (where the word salary comes from), and jewels, among other things. We just decided that now we use bills or physical currency in the form we see it today. Obviously, the world would be a better place if we didn't need any kind of currency, but instead just provided for each other.

3 years ago

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And the numbers that did not exist in physical form continued to cross the globe to cheat the weak and exploit their labor.
All that was gained was used to make weapons and armor for each other.
The technology gained in making weapons and armor is now being used by people in the form of games and the Internet.
If you are old enough, you know this.
Today's young people don't care about such things, and even a three-year-old can use a smart phone.
I suggest that the next generation of young people may have them in their heads.
The body of the gambling game, the country, which has as much money as it knows that the value of money will change tomorrow, will win.
I would really like to live in a world where that doesn't happen, but it hasn't happened yet because of the word game that the total amount of salary doesn't match the reality.
In this day and age, the numbers are bigger than the cash in the bank, so when people rush to the same bank or ATM, even though there is money in the account! I can't withdraw money while screaming "I have money in my account!
In some areas, there are a lot of people who have a strong aversion to electronic payments because of their aversion to such things.

I don't like money where the number is too big. They will use money to manage money and trample our lives to manage money.
Please donate, please help, please don't give money to strange people, thieves are coming! It's a robbery! Various.
I think there needs to be an upper limit to the amount of money an individual can possess.

There are days when I think about that.
Don't worry.
I am always poor.😂

3 years ago

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Russia to spend up to $10 billion from rainy-day fund on buying Russian shares, source says | Reuters

As a result of the situation.
Russia bought Russian private companies with money made from unrestricted contributions after they crashed their stocks.
People's free business activities were taken away and their bosses became the Russia.

Россия потратит до $10 млрд из фонда "на черный день" на покупку российских акций, говорит источник | Reuters

В результате сложившейся ситуации.
Россия купила российские частные компании на деньги, полученные от неограниченных взносов, после того, как они обрушили свои акции.
У людей отобрали свободную предпринимательскую деятельность, а их боссы стали Россией.

3 years ago

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AFP News Agency on Twitter: "VIDEO: Passengers arrive in the Finnish capital of Helsinki from St Petersburg, the only current rail link between Russia and the EU. Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, large numbers of Russians are reported to be looking to leave the country " / Twitter

💸🧻Plan chenge? no choice. ....( 'Θ') 🚉

3 years ago

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your username does not check out, you don't seem like a douchelord at all, peace brother

3 years ago

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Rest assured that the western world knows that Russians civilians are not to blame.

We blame Putin and his puppet Lukashenko for the situation.

Also sorry for all the problems with internet but we have to cut out Putin propaganda so there are a lot of DDoS now.

3 years ago

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^^^^^ This

3 years ago

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The only ones to be angry at are Putin and any and all that support that empire wanting lunatic! To all those that oppose....WE STAND WITH YOU!!!

3 years ago

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There have been numerous protest acts, mass meetings and even riots since 2010.

There are protests in Russia now, still. Every single day since the war started. And every single day people get arrested for that, thousands of them. My heart's full of respect and gratitude every time I see coverages about that in the media.

It is not your fault. War is something regular people never benefit from. It brings only suffering, on both sides.

3 years ago

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Most people here know the Russian public isn't to blame. There's nothing but dislike publicly towards Putin in Russian as far as our media shows.

But it's also a shame what the Russian Army has been doing. From murdering their own who are telling other soldiers to not murder civilians to running over civilians in an APC and making sure they're dead. Bombing residential buildings and overseeing the fulfillment of a kill-list for dissidents.

The army has a choice and it has chosen wrong. If the civilians have the bravery to stand up to a tyrannical government, then the army has no excuse.

I wish the best to the Russian citizens. Their bravery doesn't even compare to those chosen to be brave for them.

3 years ago

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Sadly when the people in charge are doing bad things, it's the common people who suffer. The sanctions against Russia might sting a bit for Putin, but he'll still be able to eat and drink well, while the common people who have nothing to do with it will be the ones who will have to ration every scrap of food. It's a terrible situation on all fronts. I sincerely hope that you can get rid of Putin and his cronies soon and things can return to normal.

3 years ago

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Haters gonna hate :(

3 years ago

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I was unaware of any hate towards regular Russian citizens until this thread, but like others have said, most people know not to blame them. It reminds me of the increase in Asian hate when the pandemic first started: it's really just an excuse for already-hate-filled people to act on their prejudices.

There have been numerous protest acts, mass meetings and even riots since 2010...and basically, nothing has changed

Honestly, my main question is why do people still do it when it's so ineffective.

3 years ago

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Honestly, my main question is why do people still do it when it's so ineffective.

I guess hope dies last.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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quite a nice experiece you had, to dispel the notion your grandma had of them

3 years ago

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thanks to other informative comments, with more pieces - puzzle is getting more clear

a naive and lost soul you are... like many others ...
I don`t consider there is more hate, in relation to recent events.

we all human and should know how it works by now, at least get educated if you`re young :) share is care!

Russians are Geo-political and economical enemies of Americans and some European countries.
Americans by all means are conducting an aggressive dirty politics, fakes and disinformation to force ALL European nations into building a wall in between west and east,
maybe the last step will be that your country will get attacked and destroyed (peace and "Democracy" by force).


more Global peace to come, no country seeking peace will throw such INSANE amount of dollars especially being in a crazy negative debt !!! :


Your territory and resources matter.
Americans will not be the first to get their hands dirty, less causalities from their side is priority, as everyone can guess by now - most important are the profits and a Glorious win.
Cold war will escalate into an active one, it just a matter of time. (we hope not, but history proves us wrong)

All please watch this excellent lecture, to understand global War-games:

btw, sparks for Ukrainian civil war begun in 2004 (if you count it right, 18 years is a new generation of anti-Russian nationalists and radicals)

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3 years ago*

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Where are you seeing hatred for Russians? Here on Steamgifts, or other places online? I haven't seen any hatred for the Russian people, nor have I heard anyone talking about you guys that way here in the US. I think most people realize you aren't responsible for the actions of your government, just as we aren't responsible for our corrupt leaders here. The thing that has really surprised me is the hate towards all the Canadians fighting for their freedom.

3 years ago

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Yes, this hate for those Canadians is saddening.

3 years ago

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I`d rather say that ignorance towards them is SHOCKING !

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago*

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The freedom to go outside, work, travel, and go about your life without having to show a digital passport or QR code and be tracked everywhere. The freedom to protest against this tyranny without being called a racist or white supremacist, have your kids or pets taken away from you, license confiscated, or bank accounts frozen. I couldn't care less about Fox News or Mike Lindell, I don't listen to either.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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They aren't willing to live in a 'papers please' society, and good for them for standing up against it. There's going to be bad actors in every movement that gains momentum, both genuine and controlled opposition. They neither represent nor delegitimize the movement. The foolish position is to point at a confederate flag or something and say "look they're all racists!"

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Canadians? Really?
It's called democracy, the majority decides.
The loud minority was trying to force the issue and were allowed to "protest" for weeks while saying they had no freedom, then finally the government did what the silent majority wanted and got rid of the anarchists that were only thinking about themselves under the guise of "We are doing this for everyone!"
The same thing happened in New Zealand and today they finally got rid of the Christian cultists, gang members, mentally ill, anarchists, professionally unemployed, racists, contrarians, etc, etc.

3 years ago

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Well said fellow human.

Communication towards a peaceful agreement that benefits all should almost always trump a rush to judgement coupled with violence. Those who actively seek to sow conflict and division are almost always seeking power with an agenda to benefit a few or may well be misinformed ideologues.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Not even Russian Tzar were immune to revolt of Revolution. So no, pressure will raise - until we have peace. Imagine what Ukrainians are going through. & you think you can't do anything against it.

“Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”, John Stuart Mill

Hope everyone here learns a lesion. Putin to stop & Russian people to prevail with good over evil. 👍

3 years ago

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People are being murdered. Literally murdered in a war and it is the responsibility of Russia. Russia has 140 million people. That's enough people to remove someone from power. Civilians are being murdered by people who wear the flag of Russia. Fucking do something about it instead of coming on here saying "don't hate us". People are fucking dying.

3 years ago

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Russia has 140 million people. That's enough people to remove someone from power.

How many of those 140 million are loyalists, though? Is one side better armed/trained/prepared/etc. than the other? Just saying, they may not necessarily be able to do something about it.

3 years ago

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Pick a number then. 100 million? is that better?

3 years ago

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Hi taytothief,
thats the opinion of majority ignoring the fact that Europe turned a blind eye on causalities in the civil war thats in Ukraine going for years.
what have you done?

ps: it`s a gaming community and all our discussions remain in a closed circle with no impact on real life, ohh my dear keyboard warriors.

3 years ago

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What have I done about the "civil war" in Ukraine? I have done nothing about the "civil war" in Ukraine. Stop grasping at straws, that's a non-argument. It's flat-out a stupid thing to say to someone in Ireland. Cop on to yourself.

3 years ago*

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People are fucking dying everywhere on this planet. Do you think posting here wil change anything? You literally hate russians instead of their goverment. Yikes.

3 years ago

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Now people should united and support each other like never. Humans are dying on both side on this pointless war.

3 years ago

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There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch

3 years ago

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BTW, is Eefrit still a member of support? The main thread about war would definitely benefit from a bit of a Russian-speaking mod's intervention.

3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Same happens with muslims around the world, or chineses people when covid19 outbreak started. Dont hate entire race or country because of one man madness.

3 years ago

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This is a thin line you're walking, to be honest.

At the moment, yes, most of the sane and educated world knows that it were not the russian people who started or even want this war and that, instead, it is Putin's war.
But how the world will view russians will be decided in the coming days and weeks. It all depends on what Putin and his entourage will do next.

World War 2 has ended 77 years ago and still many people in the world think that many or most germans are still Nazis, hate foreigners and are evil. There is a stigmata attached to german people after all these years, even to the third generation that came after the war.

If Putin will drop a nuke, if he will start World War 3, if humanity as we know it will end because of him, the pendulum and public opinion towards russians in general will swing in another direction. Questions will be asked: Could they not have stopped him? Did they support him? How many did support him? And so on.

Sadly, how the world will see russia and russians all depends on the actions of a single mentally ill madman.

I honestly salute all the 5250 russians who were arrested while protesting against the war. I fear for their safety and expect them to be beaten an inch to their life at this very moment. The courage of these women and men has to be known.

Edit: Corrected the number of arrested russian anti-war protesters.

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3 years ago*

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"I fear for their safety and expect them to be beaten an inch to their life at this very moment"

Similar had happened in my country, looking at photos - majority are kids under 20, will be handed over to their parents safely.
That`s the reason behind disconnecting social media - kids are getting impressed an manipulated.

3 years ago

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Actually, it's not even about fear, it's worse than that. We've been gradually and, as it turns out, rather skillfully taught that street protests are useless. I don't know if you are familiar with the recent history of Russian protest; we've been at it since late 2011. At first, rallies were comparable to the today's one in Berlin in size; half a year later after several huge and peaceful rallies yet another one turned violent after the provocation organized by police (I was there, I know what I'm talking about). People got sent to prison. And then, already then basically everyone who could stop protesting because of fear did exactly that. There were precious few of us who kept protesting on the streets after every noteworthy occasion (and being detained, beaten, fined, subjected to administrative arrest, sometimes - incarcerated). That went on for years and years. Nothing changed. Nothing ever changed. We influenced nothing. The political situation in the country kept gradually deteriorating. I stopped protesting on the streets when the protest got diminished to single-person pickets (that happened during the pandemic). I burned out. What I'm trying to say is, it's not fear, it's despair.

Edit: looks like I was answering to someone else, you were not talking about fear. I guess, I leave this here anyway.

3 years ago*

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It's awesome that you stood up before and I can imagine how frustrating that development must have been for you. I get the despair.
But now we are at a point of no return. Ukraine is getting support, Putin will most probably not stop. His threatening towards Finland and Sweden and the announcement about nuclear weapons could be "a barking dog doesn't bite", if he wasn't already biting Ukraine. Putin's reasons for this war aren't rational and seeing the results won't make him more rational again.
Even if Putin attacks a NATO country, the NATO isn't allowed to invade Russia. Only the UN could allow something like that in the end, and that's a long way with Russia's and China's veto rights, countries not willing to send their people just to die and all the casualties that would mean (on all sides). If there's no Austin Powers suddenly finding a way into the Kreml or whereever the lunatic is hiding right now, the change needs to come from the inside (also to rather convince those who still believe the propaganda).
I hope those people who were already arrested for protesting didn't risk this for nothing and will be praised in a new post-Putin Russia.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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