Watching people play it and playing it yourself are different.
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CoD is practically the same thing over and over again, and it has been for years. That's a trend, regardless of quality. I suppose these scams could follow a trend, too, but like so many on the internet, you're making a statement, going to personal insults, then stopping. Anyways, I'm done. It's extremely unpleasant talking to those sorts of people.
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Don't sweat it, this dude seems to think everyone here is dumb and that he is the best ever haha....
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Never played it, but don't judge the game until you at least give it a try. Don't hate on the game, hate on the support team!
Although, many times for smaller dev teams they can't afford a dedicated support group, causing a huge backlog... who is the dev team?
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Tried it today with one of the free beta keys, didn't like it.
Do keep in mind it is still in beta though, so things might still improve. Saying there are glitches and bugs is silly reason for hating it, it's beta. You are supposed to tell the devs about it so they can fix it before the release.
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Yeah but when I run out....poof, why do you need magical keys in a wasteland to open a wooden crate or sleeping bag, this is basically WarZ.
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Seems like thats where most of the weapons are hidden from what I gather, also if its P2W it should be Free....well at least in my world.
Meh....oh well.
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What was well deserved, my bad purchase? That was well before that discussion with you anyways. That post was well before my discussion with you. I never said the game was good, I only said don't call a game shit unless you've played it. Of course there are exceptions, but the devs were different and the person who copyrighted it is a lawyer, not some sort of evil mastermind remaking the same shitty game. Anyways, stop trying to drag this on, though you have indeed succeeded in antagonizing a response out of me. Well done, you're a very successful troll.
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Wait what..
"found a silencer and some bullets for my knife"
"some bullets for my knife"
"bullets for my knife"
Edit: Come to think about it.. Your knife needs silencer too?!
Your knife needs bullets? Proof or it didn't happen.
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That was the joke, in other words I ran out of keys and now need to buy more with real life money in order to play the game.
It gave me useless junk, then I died and lost that because a guy came at me with a samurai sword and killed me.
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ok i own this game since nearly the release and i played little time as recorded so that shows , the game waaaaaaaaaaay fin before they started putting wierd stuff .. make gun crafting ?! how the F can i craft a gun .. then another thing is the tribes .. turning the game into stupid PVP shit and nether will be just meh .. then the motorcycles they focused on it and gave one big mid fing to the game itself .. i loved the game earlier .. but this release sucks .. i will change it from recommended to not .. when i play one more time to decided
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I comes with the extra spicy VAC system, you must like it, not ?
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I did get a Chosen key for free yesterday and tried the game.
Selected "Spawn in safezone", spawned in an empty house, top floor. walked down one floor. found a box and don't remember the contents. walked down to ground level, got mowed down by a horde of monsters.
next try.
Selected "Spawn in safezone", spawned in a playground(?), surronded by monsters, was attacked immdiately, killed 1 monster, got mowed down by more monsters.
next try.
Selected "Spawn in safezone", spawned on the streets, players with an angry mob of monsters behind them come running at me, got mowed down by either player or monsters, don't know.
Well, I'm sorry I got a Chosen key in yesterdays giveaway and thereby taking a chance from someone who really would have wanted it, because I probably will not start this game again :(
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yeah, I'm pretty sure it did indeed say something about nether generators on top of the screen.
I still didn't know what to do and I got killed to fast to figure it out ;)
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I played the 3 day-trial a while back, kept getting killed by players that I couldn't even see. For some reason when I tried to hit one of those monsters with my little kitchen knife, the hits would hardly register(probably because of my crappy internet) so I would lose more than half my health trying to fight one. I could hardly find any weapons either.
I also get horrible framerate in this game. Damn you crappy Dualcore processor!
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Another "bad game-good advertisement" case.I played it with a guest pass, I ran around aimlessly for 30 mins while randomly spawning monsters chasing me.Killed some them but even killing isn't fun.I don't know how to have fun in that game -_-
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I get it free ,I mean its can be good game ,but developers kill it with exiting of early access ... If they give me 3 hours I can fix all map bugs ,becose its wery simple ... If they delete microtransaction ,game can be 100% better...
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i love the random loot containers that can only be opened with real money (you can buy them with the in game currency too, but meh) keys... no, wait. i fucking hate that. worst idea ever.
i get a chosen key from the last GA and i decide to try it out. the game is WAY unfinished, i liked the "safe zone being attacked by monsters" thing, but is broken, everything is broken. on of the events is a escort mission, where you grab a package and have to deliver it to the main safe zone. i'm not entirely sure, probably i was doing something wrong, but you can't drop the package, you can grab anything while you have the package and you can't equip your guns while you have said package, so yeah... real fun there.
The game needs a lot of work, A LOT.
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Of course that you hate the game, you have a VAC BAN ! HAHAHAHAHA, poor cheater. Developers of Nether have implemented the VAC BAN in the last patch and ofcourse that you can not play this game! Why we should trust a lame cheater like you ?
1 VAC ban(s) on record on your profile:
Your Steam ID: 76561198057638639
First seen as banned (CET): 2014-03-08
I really like your Steamgifts profile: :D
Stay away kiddy :))))
I love the game, its in alpha stage so do not cry me a river, give it time.
Dont forget to join the STALKERS in game :D
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How fucking stupid are you? Just because somebody has a VAC ban from 92 days ago from playing natural selection it does not have anything to do with Nether. And how cute that you decided to take the time and process my ban and find my steam ID. Stop hating and take that dick out of your mouth.
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"Steam has just enabled VAC for our current servers. We are currently working with Valve to get VAC completely up and running in Nether. Due to VAC support that has already been in Nether from the development side, when VAC was enabled by Valve, that old support may cause a player with a VAC-ban to be unable to play at the moment.
An update in our next patch will end up switching this to ban only Nether cheaters through VAC." -Nether community admin
Oh, guess not. Googling: too hard.
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Wrong. Read the FAQ before making things up.
Note: Excluding the games listed above, VAC bans will only apply to the game the cheat was detected in. For example, a VAC ban in Modern Warfare 2 will not affect Modern Warfare 3.
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The Game isnt perfect but it has got ideas...... The tribes, safezones with attacks, Escort missions and quests .... is not pay to win .... with the gold can you buy only cismetic items and the key can you buy for cahs , when good playing you.become on 1hour playing 3000 $ and 5 keys are 2500$
And for the other loot contains you dont need keys
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I agree, the idea is great but the game itself... pretty bad :D
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I love it. Great atmosphere. I love the idea of feeling all alone, yet be scared of everyone I see.
The game runs like a dream for me, and it's absolutely beautiful.
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It's ridiculous. Another first person survival game. The server system is terrible, everything about it is bad. I haven't even played it yet cause whenever I start the launcher it won't let me log in! Ive sent 3 support tickets a week ago on the nether site and nobody has responded. I'm so glad that I didn't buy this piece of shit and that I won it. I hate it when they make a special service for games where you need to sign up and login just to play the damn thing.
Anyone else mad at this game?
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