I think the suspension system can work better. You think the Pre-suspension message of warning can be implemented and good to the users or just too crazy to work fine
In total where 160 votes:
So in the end only 110 users care about this suggestion , the other 50 they dont care.
Of the people who care of this 68 user votes "Too crazy to work" (61,82%) and 42 users vote "Can be implemented and good to the users" (38,18%)
I wanna highligth 2 ideas that pop up in this topic.
Undac idea: Maybe we should get a notification that our account was synced and the system found out that we have un-activated wins.
Aquillion idea:
I wonder if it could be set up to reduce the work by moderators by automatically giving users the option of whether they want to contest a report or not?
Change the report button to ask for a bit more information from the reporter (eg. choose "they didn't activate a win" and then choose the game; or choose "I think this giveaway is fake" and choose a giveaway.)
Then, without it even going to the support staff, the user immediately gets a message saying "you have been reported for [thing]. Do you want to contest it, or accept [automatic default penalty for what you were reported for]?"
If you contest it and it turns out you were blatantly in the wrong, moderators can increase the length of your timeout for wasting their time. Obviously, if you just don't reply to the "contest / don't contest" message, it goes to the moderators automatically (so you can't just ignore it.) It would also use the details of the report to bunch them together and ignore repeated reports for the same thing.
If you choose not to contest it, it produces some message that a support staff member can rubber-stamp with one click. This would keep trivial cases from clogging the queue by encouraging users to just accept a default penalty in situations where they are clearly in the wrong, without a moderator having to get involved.
Some types of reports would of course go straight to the mods (more complicated ones, ones where there isn't an easy default penalty, situations where someone has broken this rule in the past, etc.)
I think this post show that not all people is satisfied with the System of Tickets now implemented , and this can be better , faster and user friendly.
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I dont really care of this
Your wording there is ambiguous. It can be taken to mean "I don't care" (as in, it doesn't matter to me) or "I don't care for this idea" (as in, I don't like it).
Your poll results may be a tad skewed because of that.
And of course, not all people are satisfied. You'd be lucky to ever get a unanimous poll for anything. Hell, money could rain from the sky and someone would complain. ;)
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Just reserve your case.
Let's say it would have been a user's fault that a game is not activated. Now they receive a warning, click again on the "received" button (no not received on their profile any longer) and win two more games, even though they should have been suspended.
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Well, the thing is that the suspension is your warning. It's not permanent and usually can be solved on your side (activating inactivated wins or providing proof that there's a mistake). It's not the support's responsibility to warn you, although mistakes may sometime happen. It's also very likely that the creator of the giveaway you won is the one who reported you.
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I agree with Ronix, this is exactly the point I was making in my first comment.
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So what your saying is that I can't have the same opinion as another user? That doesn't make much sense to me. You're literally contradicting your own words.
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Okay. Not sure why you replied to me at all in that case. :P
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There are over 30 thousand tickets currently opened. I don't think they'd like to double the work required to deal with them.
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Don't know exactly. I know that removing an entry takes forever (I'm waiting for an entry to be removed for months now), but I don't know what problems the people have that say they've got ticket that old. It could just be that the tickets got buried or something.
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not more than a year, but can give you example of ticket that takes months to solve.ANYTHING that has be done by cg - for example GA modification after GA ended. Let's assume you make a 10 copies 20$ worth GA, 12 people enter, 10 win, but 2 of these ask you to request a reroll. But then it turns out the other 2 people already have the game so it cannot be rerolled to them. Support can either reroll or delete GA but they cannot modify GA. if they delete your GA you lose 148,78$ Value for the games you did deliver fair and square for no reason, you also lose 8 GA slots. nothing can be done with such a GA. People cannot mark as nor received because you did send the game, so winners are stuck forever with fake notification on top of the screen. In such a case mods move such a ticket to Admin queue. And when cg has time - once in a few months he takes care of these tickets. It was just one example of such a ticket, there are surely many more examples I don't know about, just pointed one I had toi deal with personally.
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Hrm. I wonder if it could be set up to reduce the work by moderators by automatically giving users the option of whether they want to contest a report or not?
Change the report button to ask for a bit more information from the reporter (eg. choose "they didn't activate a win" and then choose the game; or choose "I think this giveaway is fake" and choose a giveaway.)
Then, without it even going to the support staff, the user immediately gets a message saying "you have been reported for [thing]. Do you want to contest it, or accept [automatic default penalty for what you were reported for]?"
If you contest it and it turns out you were blatantly in the wrong, moderators can increase the length of your timeout for wasting their time. Obviously, if you just don't reply to the "contest / don't contest" message, it goes to the moderators automatically (so you can't just ignore it.) It would also use the details of the report to bunch them together and ignore repeated reports for the same thing.
If you choose not to contest it, it produces some message that a support staff member can rubber-stamp with one click. This would keep trivial cases from clogging the queue by encouraging users to just accept a default penalty in situations where they are clearly in the wrong, without a moderator having to get involved.
Some types of reports would of course go straight to the mods (more complicated ones, ones where there isn't an easy default penalty, situations where someone has broken this rule in the past, etc.)
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Thing is, that type of automation would only slow things down. Say a user opens a ticket asking for a reroll of a giveaway because user X has 3 unactivated wins. Instead of the reroll getting approved in 2-3 hours (that's the usual time for reroll tickets, sometimes much faster), you'd have to wait for the automatic part to go through first before applying the penalty and issuing the reroll, which would need to be at least 24 hours long to accommodate every timezone. It's really just unnecessary, especially considering this "mistake" happens once in a blue moon, and 99% of the cases the problem lies on the winner not using the feedback system properly (in this particular case, still keeping the "received" button marked despite the game vanishing from his library)
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Is true that this case happen once in a blue moon , but it happens. And this come with all kind of frustation.
I have more than 1000 games if 1 game vanish and is one that no play very often is hard to see if is mising if you dont recived a steam message who say "This game is Revoked"
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When I received the game i mark the game as received , later of that time i dont see any warning message who alert me of the revoked game.
This is only possible if you haven't logged on to Steam since the game was revoked. You always get a message of a product deactivation, whether it was added by you, from a Steam gift, or even a key.
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Im contacted with the user who make the giveaway of the revoked game and the thing was he bougth to a thir people the valve complete collection whe he activated that game in his account he already have Half-Life 2 and recive a extra copy for part of steam and then he giveaway that copy , He recive the warning for the whole valve complete edition and i dont see any message or Maybe steam bugged.
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Then regardless of this matter, I'd suggest writing Steam support a message about the lack of a warning message about a game deletion. You may even try to write as if you just discovered that a game was removed and demand to know why… While no support likes an aggressive tone, they are generally taught to answer those as users can turn it into a really ugly mess unless dealt with swiftly.
If nothing else, they can have a ticket about a fault in their software.
Assuming they really don't give a fuck to the point where they send a canned automatic computer-generated response even to that.
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As long as scammers and leaches auto warn givers, sure. Some people will just take advantage of it so I dont see how its feasable.
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i'm not support and i don't want either the extra wait time for tickets this would net nor giving them more stuff to work with...
besides, in a site with 900k users and 12 support members, i doubt their votes would even manage to affect a poll.
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All-time highest peak last month (May) with 13,393 support tickets submitted. D:
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My guess is:
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Happened the same to me! With two games (i got one of them later on one but the other one is still a black mark in my history :/ ) so i found this helpfull.
How did you gave proofs that the games were revoked?, i am almost sure i activated some games (the most recent issue was with a copy of Back to the Future that i had to rebuy) but it doesn't show in the licenses history or the steam support page.
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Recently i was suspended without notice for allegedly had not activated a game in my account , what happened was that i had indeed activated but was revoked for a payment issue 3 weeks later of the giveaway. When I received the game i mark the game as received , later of that time i dont see any warning message who alert me of the revoked game. The one how buy it recived that message. So i found out this revoked game situation becouse steamgift suspension.
Because of that i was suspended 4 hours as the moderators see my proofs of innocence , in that 4 hours 2 of the win games i was won early but the giveaway creator dont send the game before the suspension was Re-rolled, the giveaway creator has all the rigth to do that. But i think this suspension system is not good enough.
And here come my suggestion : the moderators can send a Pre-suspension message for warning the user an allegedly infrigment of a rule. And give to the user 1 or 2 days for submit proof before the suspension.
I think this is more fair than the insta-suspension system used now, is just a suggestion. Let my know of what do you think of this system in the comments and vote the poll.
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