So i have this game and i gave it a lot of shots, but i never get into it even though it looks like a great game. Should i try again and again until it gets good or it's not worth it? thank you mates :D

10 years ago*

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every part of stalker games are worth it, i loved clear sky because it was on my language and its rare :)

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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To build off of what Lessmessino said, the Stalker games are absolutely fantastic games, and even have a number of mods you can download to help spice up the game. Clear Sky is thought of to be the worst of the series, and while I haven't actually played it yet myself, I've still heard it's a great game. If you enjoy Clear Sky, try playing Shadow of Chernobyl next, it was my favorite between between the other two that I played, and I can guarantee you'll enjoy it.

10 years ago

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One of the hardest games I've ever played. Cruel, relentless, unforgiving, torturing...fucking harder than Max Payne 3(and that's saying something) It's more like some crazy ride for S&M fans than a video game. A lot of people like it, but it's just not my cup of tea. I guess I'm not hard-core enough. I Loved Shadow of Chernobyl, but that game, although pretty hard itself, was actually not a continuous death trap. Clear Sky is just...sick.

10 years ago

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i'm not good with hardcore games either, but there's some that hook you up and compensate the difficulty with the gameplay and plot, i didn't felt like this was one of these hehe

10 years ago

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This guy is overreacting. The game is harder than your typical FPS shooter but its not as hard as dunno, Souls series or smth. I wouldnt call it cruel or torturing as this guy said

You can still choose the difficulty level and overall the hard part in this game is that the enemies hit hard in early parts where you dont have a good armor. Especially enemies with shotguns - one shot and you are dead. Overall instead of mindless shooting like in CoD you need to actively search for cover (enemies can throw grenade pretty accurately), be carefull (sneaking is helpfull a lot), search for supplies etc etc. Game is hard only if you allow it to "screw" you :)

Tho I admit that once I had a part that made me totally mad. As far as I remember I was near some bandit settlement and I was out of medkits and food. Srsly, took me few reloads (smth like 7-8) to carefully clear out the buildings

All in all just play the game, be carefull, dont walk carelessly near the anomalies, collect all sort of stuff and sell it to buy the stuff you need...and save a lot :)

10 years ago

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i really hate having to shoot twice with high caliber weapons to kill and to be killed, so this is a positive point for me :D thank you

10 years ago

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I'm not saying it's bad because it's hard. It is hard for right reasons, not because of extreme cheapness like other games and it has a very nice atmosphere to it, which makes it very immersive, just like Shadow of Chernobyl. But it is fucking hard and I'm not good enough to play it, I admit. I haven't played Dark Souls, so I can't compare it to it, but for me it really was torture. I like a good challenge in my shooters too. Some of my favorites are F.E.A.R, Far Cry, the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R(as previously mentioned), the Max Payne series and I don't think anyone can accuse these games of being too easy(especially Max Payne 3), but this thing just went way overboard. It was virtually unplayable to me on the fucking second level of difficulty. I guess I could have turned it to the lowest level, but I was afraid of being raped by this game even then and I couldn't stand the shame.'s HARD.

10 years ago

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Well, everyone got their opinions :P. For me Clear Sky was at the same difficulty as the Shadow of Chernobyl but well to say honestly - even tho I used the same difficulty level, the game was only a little harder

But overall I wouldnt call it hard :) Unless you are playing on the highest level

And FEAR was rather easy

10 years ago

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gotta get the clear sky complete mod. fixes a ton of things and makes it run smoother. i had to turn off dx10 to keep it from crashing but after that ran amazing. this one i've played less than the other two but just cause i haven't made the time for it! awesome series

10 years ago

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+1 for complete mod

10 years ago

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is it a good idea for my shitty computer? i mean, is the mod heavier than the original game?

10 years ago

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i'm not sure. it doesn't change much graphically if i recall correctly, just a few tweaks. another post under my original post said to use something called Fraction Wars which i haven't heard of. Might want to check that out too!

10 years ago

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thank you!

10 years ago

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Probably because the mathmagician faction does not exist.

10 years ago

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Complete is ancient. Try Faction Wars.

10 years ago

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maybe i just haven't heard of that since i modded my copy. haven't heard of that one!

10 years ago

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I played every stalker, finished Call of Pripyat a week ago. I recommend you to download good mod that fixes bugs/bad gameplay mechanics/graphics. I enjoyed this particular game, but it's still considered as the worst in the series (there was a time when you could buy 2 pack on steam, which wasn't including clear sky). You said that you tried many times, but you didn't specify how long have you played. The real gameplay starts after ~4h

10 years ago

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haha, i tried 4 times but played for only 35 minutes total (got pissed getting killed by random boars and other things) and didn't get hooked up haha. i think i'll give another shot for longer now, thanks

10 years ago

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It's not like the game forces you to start over after dying or anything, you can even manually save whenever you wish =)

EDIT: Also, I hope you're not talking about the first boars you find =) because you're not really supposed to try and kill them, even though you can do it with some exploit of their inability to follow you... XD anyway, just run up the tower.

10 years ago

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thats why i was pissed off, i leave him alone, i even avoided to get close to it because i fear the boars and i don't like killing for no reason lel.

10 years ago

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Best game ever ;) I still buy game if it cost 100$

10 years ago

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I think its because you're american. It seems to be Russian-oriented game. Its cultural thing, I think. That, and Russians like HARDCORE!!!!!!!!!! games (bugs, glitches, unpatched and imbalanced soooooooooo much. Try playing DOW 1 Dark Crusade without patches to get feel of it. Bonus points if you beat it on hard. :D) Also, I blame realism :D

10 years ago

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I'm not american haha (also don't generalize, it's bad for you :D) and i think i really like russian games (if red orchestra and metro are russian games lol). STALKER just wasn't appealing enough to me, but this thread convinced me to try liking it again and i will :)

10 years ago

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red orchestra and metro are russian games.
They arent. One is Ukrainian-made, other is US made.

10 years ago

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STALKER is Ukraine game. not russian scum.

10 years ago

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I think you forgot the comma. Here, have one. On me: , :D

10 years ago

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I suggest you start with the first one, Shadow of Chernobyl.

Clear Sky has a weird difficulty spike at the start... they rush you quite a lot at the begining to finish those quests which is kinda lame considering how many you do affects your gear reward...

Then after you get out of the swamp if you didn't have enough supplies and stuff you'll probably be stuck, being mowed down, so I suggest you pack a lot of medkits and just run for it, taking cover behind trees, you'll know which part I'm talking about when you reach it xD

10 years ago

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Its a game about Russians. All Russians call it legendary. All who call it crap gets rekt.

10 years ago

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It's made in Ukraine and takes place in Ukraine...

10 years ago

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For now. Mwahaha.

10 years ago

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It's okay, but also the worst part of the trilogy. Do you have other two installments?

10 years ago

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I am from Ukraine and I played Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky, as for me, Clear Sky is much bugged and I hadn't finished it because of that, didn't tried Call of Pripyat but in steam I will play only it I guess, hoping it has less bugs

10 years ago

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best game series i have ever played i fucking absolutely loved them at least played 6 times each

i recently replayed with the complete mod and they make the game amazing and fixes alot of the bugs

10 years ago

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best game series i have ever played i fucking absolutely loved them at least played 6 times each

i recently replayed with the complete mod and they make the game amazing and fixes alot of the bugs

10 years ago

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my favorite is Shadow of Chernobil but i loved Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat too ... but don't forget the unofficial Stalker Lost Alpha, it's free

10 years ago

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Wonderful game, both it and Shadow of Chernobyl (I wasn't overly fond of Call of Pripyat, mainly because of what I consider a weak plot, but that wasn't a bad game either). Clear Sky was my introduction to the series...I got as far as Cordon, then bought Shadow due to how much fun I was having.

Clear Sky is a tad more action-oriented than the other two, especially towards the end (STUPID FREAKING HELICOPTERS!), but if that's your thing it's quite fun. Yes it has bugs, some of the more annoying ones with the Loner/Free Stalker faction tend to prompt recommendations to ignore the faction entirely (if you join it, just...ignore...the constant 'need help in Garbage!' comms because they will never, ever, end due to the faction being unable to hold the station building). If I recall, the bandits sometimes needed more shots than should be necessary (kind of like this). As others have stated above though, there are mods that fix things.

10 years ago

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