Stop getting new games , spent an hour or two each day on your backlog , lastly , quit SteamGifts (i kid :P)
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I honestly can't!!! Like right now, I just bought The Witcher 2 and Cities XL Platinum (not even sure why I bought the latter....!)
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I use the Wishlist for things that I think I might be interested in. Then I try and forget them until they're on sale. Often by then I'm no longer interested and delete them from the Wishlist.
For games that I know I will definitely want and soon, I put them in the Shopping Cart and then leave it for a few days to see if the 'ooh shiny' thing wears off.
Another thing that works for me is to put money in my Steam Wallet rather than paying by CC. For some reason, I'm less blasé with Wallet money than CC (which just doesn't seem like 'real' money).
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You could try and do what it tells you to. :P
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This site needs some kind of directions or additional information. I logged in and I am staring at a list of games in my library.
So what?
There are like/dislike buttons, some kind of 2 timers, star/ban?
How is this intended to be used?
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One game at a time.
Or two or three at a time.
Four at a time just gets complicated.
With five at a time, at least one will always get lost in the shuffle.
Six or more at a time: you're fooling yourself. You're not going to finish any of them.
EDIT: (Also, I suppose a "backlog" post from me wouldn't be complete without a link to the Backloggery.)
EDIT2: As McJobless wrote, pull the infinite multiplayer games out of the list (if you use Backloggery, make them "Null")
EDIT3: From your list, the ones I've played that I think are must-finish games are Portal 2, Sleeping Dogs, and Deus Ex: HR. Unfortunately, they're all rather lengthy. Also, Half-Life: Lost Coast is extremely short, so you can cross that one off your backlog very quickly (as I recall, no significant HL2 story spoilers are in Lost Coast, at least none more than are already in HL2 promo screenshots -- a few types of the basic baddies).
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Thanks for all the tips, I'm mostly only going through single player only games now and I've categorized them into lists with the help of another program.
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Truth is that I feel like playing them,but then I see my list and look at ALL the other games I didn't even touch for more than 2 hours.
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^ This is what I do. If I start to see my library as a backlog, it would drive me insane.
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I have about 170 games on this PC (Steam and other), and I made a list of my backlog, which was about 65%. I can't help myself buying new games either, so I broke it up. Any multplayer games or games like Minecraft/Garry's Mod get thrown off the list. Any games I've started but haven't finished I put to the top of the list. I make a schedule every week, and I usually aim to get about 5 or so hours a week in to these games, and when holidays come around I go nuts.
Sometimes you'll also want to play games you like, for example when I redo F.E.A.R. for the second time or KotORII. That's alright, just remember to keep having fun with your games. If anything gets boring, put it off, play something else and come back later. It's what I do when Deus Ex or System Shock 2 become too frustrating at difficult points.
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Got a Green Man Gaming account? Start beating those unbeaten games and then write reviews for the site. Each accepted review is 25 cents credit to spend on the site. Then you can use that to get more games. :D
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Wait seriously? :o
How would they know if you owned the game?
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They don't, which is nice since I don't need to review only what I bought there, unlike GG. However, they do check your reviews, so having a decent one makes sense.
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Do you have to have at least like 5 lines or something?
Can you only do like 4 a week or something?
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They will check for content, so it depends on who is checking. And I've had two done during a week, but never wrote more is that span of time (since I'm doing about 600 - 1000 words per review). To my knowledge though, the only cap is after you get about $5 credit, your reviews stop going through until you spend some of that credit. Seems they won't let you build huge amounts.
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Well,after about 20min of deliberating I was able to pick a game and launch Fallout : New Vegas. I had forgotten how fun this was!
PS: (How about a rehab for steam addicts?)
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Man, I have a few games that I haven't played once. I don't have your problem of buying games constantly, though.
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I sink all of my time into Binding of Isaac despite having a fairly extensive library spanning three consoles. I feel you, bruh.
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I know that feel, bro. I've got games spread out over generations of consoles I haven't touched, whether it's from being busy with school, or how some of them (looking at you, Destroy All Humans, Death by Degrees, and Sonic Colors, among a few others) refuse to work, along with many other excuses. :P
But yeah, you can always use The Backloggery to try and keep track of your collection. It is a bit tedious to use at times, and it can be a pain to add DLC onto a game (especially if you mix up the names in the wrong places), but it's still a well-done backlog tracker, with a handy "what-game-should-I-play-next?" generator.
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Its like its me but its you. I forced my self to play one hour of the game it picked.
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I broke the steam roulette with my amount of unplayed games xD
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Since we started our backlog crusade in our group I've completed like 20 games. We started it back in May so not too bad in my opinion. A few games did get tedious but it feels good to get through them. I have a way bigger backlog than you though so I'll be working on it for a long time.
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Yeah, bury that backlog under a pile of new games. That's how I do it too.
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Stop complaining until you have more games.
I have 550 games and dont have time to play most of them.
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You don't. Trying to finish your backlog is like quitting drinking or joining the gym on New's Year.
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So, I have about 96 games which I haven't completed ( out of 110 ),and I just don't feel like playing or completing any of them! If I force myself to play I just find myself very very bored. Ironically I'm spending almost all my gaming time now playing Warthunder -.- and none of the games which I have paid for.
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