This change was a boomber from Valve?
Welcome back! Yeah, now you can't store gifts on your inventory unless it's a 2-pack, 4-pack like this.
You still can gift games from Steam, but you must purchase the gift after the giveaway ends, you add the winner and gift the game.
EDIT: Agora que eu vi que você é BR eu preciso te lembrar que mandar presentes pela Steam também tem restrição de região, se for fazer um sorteio tem que marcar que só gente da América do Sul pode entrar. (Tinha uma época que não tinha isso e não sei por quanto tempo ficou "por fora" das coisas, mas não custa nada avisar)
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Essa questão da restrição de região já existia. O problema é que agora se eu fizer um GA de um jogo que está em promoção na Steam por 24h, digamos, e a pessoa não me adiciona a tempo de passar o presente com desconto, aí eu fico "obrigado" a passar o presente com valor cheio ou então levo um feedback negativo. :[
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Você acha que os preços da GMG são melhores que os da Nuuvem?
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Não sei, mas eu já tomei na tarraqueta uma vez com a Nuuvem e nunca mais quis saber de comprar lá, mas se tiver uma promoção de um jogo na Steam e na GMG ao mesmo tempo, maioria das vezes sai mais barato na GMG.
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You have to add the winner as steam friend and buy the game for him/her. You can do this as long as the winner is not from a country with a regional pricing substantially more expensive than yours. You can check region prices of the game in
For example PUBG here in Argentina costs less than half than in the US.
So an user in the US can buy it as a gift to an user in Argentina, but an user in Argentina will only be able to gift it to other users in LATAM, Russia and some Asian countries.
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"substantially more expensive"
Their only needs to be a 10% difference in price before gifting is blocked.
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Yes, I really didn't remember the exact number and was to lazy to search it. Thanks for the correction and clarification.
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We had this "issue" before. The gifts from LATAM couldn't be delivered to USA users. So the rule still applies as i see. Thank you for the info though.
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Previously there was only one region-lock rule. That is, steam was divided on different regions, some of them had no restriction at all, and most of them where limited to gifting only inside region. That rule is still in place.
But now they added second rule, if the price for giver is lower by 10% or more than price for receiver, you can't send this gift even if you're both in same region. As an example, I'm in RU/CIS steam region, but prices in this region are different for different countries. Previously we were able to freely gift games inside this region, and now, for example, people from Russia can't in most cases send gifts to other countries, because price is greatly lower for them. But people in other countries still can send gifts to Russia, because their price is higher.
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Really? This is even worse than i thought. I don't think Valve will change it back in the near future, that's sad for the community. :[
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For sure a lot from countrys that was able to buy games cheap exploited it with buying and then selling it (with a good win) to people that normaly pay much more = a big loose for valve = a change...
Normal business behavior and understandable if i like it or not stand on a other side^^
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Yep, that change messed up gifting pretty bad. The amount of interesting non-bundled giveaways on SG dropped a lot as a result, and several very generous members even quit the site :(
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It started a couple of years ago, probably just after you left Steam. I'm sure there's a connection. Maybe they decided that without you to appreciate the ability to buy games as gifts there wasn't a point in keeping that feature. And hopefully now that you're back they might change their minds. If they do that then you're my hero :)
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Crossing fingers so they step back on this decision! :]
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Well, you can still gift games, just can't store those gifts. I made a couple of gift giveaways few days ago and everything went fine. But it still was a boomer, because now I can't trade for ROW gifts to make giveaways, and I can only make region-restricted giveaways (or do a giveaways with keys when I want them to be ROW). That's sad.
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As i said to OmegaRozenkreuz (in PT), the worst part is that now if i do a GA for a game that's on sale for a short amount of time, let's say 24h and the person that won the GA doesn't add me in time, i'm left with only 2 options: 1. i'm "obliged" to buy the gift with full price (since the sale is over) or 2. get a negative feedback here on the site. This is just an awful situation. :[
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Yeah, I can recall that exact issue happening not too long ago with I think the xmas sales. I feel it was longer ago than just this last season so prolly last year IIRC. Maybe ask that people be understanding and if they can't be prompt enough then partake in a gentalman's agreement upon entering to allow GA deletion. Of course this isn't perfect nor guaranteed to cover your ass but as long as the winner isn't understanding then better than nothing. Thus far most of my interactions on this site have been very positive and so it seems to be generally a pretty good community. As much if not better than one can expect from an open place on the internet. I've had a couple giveaways encounter unexpected region issues due to HB keys but both times I promptly offered a no salt way out in my consent to delete rather than bother with customer support to get a new key. One of the times the gifter even went through with getting a replacement key after we had already agreed upon no worries but before they actually went through with making the delete request.:) The way I see it is I'm no worse off than I was before, save for a few moments wasted and a bit of unfulfilled excitement. But I digress, it was a very unfortunate change that I wish had never happened. Only real safe way would be to account for the sale length and adjust your GA accordingly to compensate for maximum claim time. Irritating to say the least :-/
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Yeah, the change has effectively made buying gifts from Steam for SG so inconvenient that no one does it anymore. You'll just have to use your remaining Steam wallet credit on yourself or your friends.
Now almost everyone has switched to getting keys from authorized resellers - Humble, Fanatical, GMG, IndieGala, etc. Just check the region restrictions on the game before buying, and for Ubisoft titles make sure it's a Steam key you're getting and not a Uplay key.
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Agreed :'( I've only just recently joined and that is a real bummer for me. Doing unbundled giveaways can be hard on the wallet. Can't just wait for the summer/winter sales to stock up on good games to giveaway.
Right now, I just check the weekly sales on Steam for those 5-day sales, filter by positive recommendation, and try to get a good deal on them.
Then gotta rush to give them away by adding friends.
But one option that might be overlooked is send gift to winner via email.
I just don't know if the winner's email is up to date, so I prefer adding them as friends first.
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There is no such option anymore.
You can still send old gifts from your inventory to email, but you don't need it, because they already in your inventory and not going to disappear (unless Volvo will decide to change that). But for games from the store there is no more "send to email" option.
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I was away from steam and games in general for a couple of years, returned couple months ago, had a bunch of Gifts on my inventory on steam and started to give it away here on the site, sold few cards and whatnot on market and went to buy more gift so i could store them on my inventory and continue to give them away and then BAM! You can't have gift stored on your inventory anymore! What? For real? What made Valve think it was a good idea? And how am i supposed to do giveaways now? I have those couple bucks on my wallet and i can't buy gift anymore, we are supposed to do only key from bundles giveaway now?
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