What do you guys think is going on behind the closed doors of Valve?
They'll probably do something like their horribly broken idle game thing to tie the cards to.
That, or they'll just keep the cards tied to the amount of money you spend, as they've done since cards were introduced.
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There has always been a craftable badge for holiday and summer sales since trading cards first started. Even before that there were sale badges but the way you earned those badges varied. It was not always based on community choice voting. There are other things they can have us do to earn cards. For example, during this last summer sale you could get cards for playing the monster game.
Also, the Mystery Card 0 is actually just Mystery Card 1 but it is named wrong. Or maybe it is really card 0 and all of the other cards are named wrong with card 11 actually being card 10. Many times they have messed up the numbering for the mystery cards and then fixed it when the cards change on the first day of the sale. I guess we will find out later this week.
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they already announced that the daily and flash deals are gone. So I don't see why they would have community choice items. Odds are if they do anything it'll be another game, ala the idle game they had last year. I hope not because that game was rather... bleh..
I'm kind of not leaning one way or the other on those being gone.. One one hand you'd get pricing errors occasionally... but those errors would crash steams servers for 2 - 3 hours each day and normally get fixed almost immediately anyway. The extra % off some games was nice, and gave people a reason to check each and every day, heck every every 8 hours.
Now the sale seems less fun, but it ultimately lets a person plan out their buys a little better, no more impulse buys because you see a game you've been eyeing for 4 years finally get 80% off and you absolutely know you must have it. Then again most of the big games which may have seen that extra 15 - 20% off won't get that sale anymore..
I suppose refunds are worth the loss of those extra sales.. I guess, I've never used one personally but, I guess some people with poor impulse control did..
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It's probably because of the refund policy. They'll avoid a few thousand (or hundred thousand) refund operations because people bought it before a daily, and a few dozen thousand tickets of impatient kids demanding the refund to arrive at their wallet in 3 nanoseconds.
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yeah that's pretty much the reason they did away with daily and flash deals. As long as refunds are a thing, the sales will remain their mundane and boring selves. This way the people who don't understand how steam sales work won't do just what you said.. demand refunds. If anything steam should shelf refunds on any games purchased up to a month prior to sale time, although that would require Valve to be more forth coming and honest about when their sales were going to actually take place I suppose..
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The publishers would revolt and Valve's monthly financial reports would be… a bit funny, I guess, since people would just hold back most of their purchases.
I have to admit though, the magnitude of their secrecy about the exact dates is a bit… overzealous though. I mean sometimes they act like as if it is some state secret.
Well, at least not as bad as Disney. Disney would sue everyone who leaks the sale date. :D
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The cards will drop for going through the discovery queue, this was leaked. (Unless it is a very well-crafted hoax…)
There will be no community choices though, no matter how the cards drop, that is 100% certain: several publishers confirmed that Valve only asked one discount amount, which means no daily deals, votes, flash sales during the sale event, at all.
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As others have mentioned they've already used other methods for cards. On top of that I don't think the exploration sale figures really factor into it. Whilst some users may not know any better Valve and the publishers both know people will be holding out for this sale instead.
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If you haven't noticed yet there's a new mystery holiday sale card in your library. The card in question promptly named "Mystery Card 0". Usually these sort of cards are obtained in quantity by doing some sort of game or event that's sole purpose is to provide community choice opportunities in sales. But just recently steam decided to do away with Community Choice and Daily Deals during holiday sales as you may have noticed from the bland November/ BlackFriday / Thanksgiving / Thing Sale last month.
The question is what purpose or even need is there for these mystery cards if there are no more community choice deals? The whole point of doing those events and games were to get the community deals they offered? Did valve see the abysmal sale figures from the November sale and decide to bring back community deals to experiment? Or is there something more sinister afoot?
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