I've gave away $90 in hustman, my cv went $200 down.
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Developers ran out of their stock and there's only one Raiden left, you can hardly abuse it now, can you?
smacks Raiden
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Holidays?! Oh you filthy volounteer, that's why we don't pay you!
How was it, btw?
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Looks like you've given away a bunch of bundled games.
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The cv should not drop after a game price get less in steam, for example if i pay $60 in game, i receive 60 cv now, after 2 years will be only, i dont know, 20 cv? Its stupid.
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They would have to save more than just basic data about every user. It would raise the cost of maintaining the site as well as cost of data. Considering CG already operates the site at a loss it's not likely to happen.
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Remember to make sure the site Ads are visible (do not user blockers). And sometimes click them :)
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+1. The current price in the Steam store is what counts toward your CV. i.e. if you give a $60 game away and then the price drops on it... ever.... your CV goes down with it. Only one price is displayed throughout the site and that is the current price.
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You know the bundle list is manually edited by Shobo... You are proposing that someone manually keeps track of all steam store price changes? Even if they got code to do the work for them, Steam API is not reliable for always reporting the right prices. At least that has been my experience with it. Recently my CV went up and down because of hitman being reported by API as 45 dollars when it's really 25 now. Then later it reverted back to normal. Someone can't keep track of all that and a computer can't differentiate between that type of bug and a real price change.
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Well the site would be able to automatically load the price changes and then a staff member would just need to validate that the change is accurate. It actually probably wouldn't take that much time to do but it would require constant upkeep similar to the bundle list. The advantage though is that its more straightforward than the bundle list since it only deals with steam prices.
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Is there some reason that there is an unreasonable hostility directed at people who give keys from bundles? Are they not still free games? Do the recipients not get the full benefit of playing them?
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I've said nothing about CV. I've only mentioned that people get really hostile about bundle donors.
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A lot of people believe CV will give them super powers. In the end it is a pointless stupid number on a website. Noting more nothing less.
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But my CV gives me power to fly and to pwn the leechers from above!
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And I say people do? Shall we keep going back and forth like this? There are examples of it in this very thread. I've seen it in other threads. Burying your head in the sand doesn't make it go away.
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You may not have said anything about CV, but the hostility to which you refer is generally directed at those who complain after failing to generate CV through bundled game giveaways.
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Most likely price variation and games being added to the bundle list retroactively.
But seeing your giveaways I bet it's Huntsman: The Orphanage, because it was added to the bundle list from to count as a "bundle game" from Sep 11, 2013 onwards: http://www.steamgifts.com/bundle/list
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This whole CV and bundled = no value stuff is starting to look more and more flawed. Not only is there no real reason why people must have no benefit at all of giving away games, even just if they only paid $1 it still shouldn't be valued as 0. Of course it mustn't be counted at 100% either, but not nothing.
Are you a new user that enjoys indie games rather than blockbusters or are you playing these blockbusters only on consoles (or "your" game(s) isn't/aren't on steam in the first place)? You play dota 2 and put 5000bucks into your account? Too bad, doesn't count.
You can't be part of this, because your steam account is valued at 0 even though you bought many indie games at full or half price long before they came in a bundle.
Sure, something is needed to prevent multiaccounts. But when I look at my steam library then the only reason I'm here is because I happen to play Civ 5 which again happens to not have gotten the asterik treatment yet. If it happened to be bundled before I was registering here I'd have never be able to become a member of SG, because I simply don't give a shit about those blockbuster games like GTA and Bioshock, Battlefield and Batman and whatnot - but those are the only games that because they're mainstream never get a supersale discount.
If CV was gone, what would we be missing. What would change? Everyone that wants to give away stuff to other rich and generous people only switches to certain steam groups rather than making GAs with ridiculous CVs. That's about the only difference if cv was removed.
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Agreed. The FAQ should simply state, "Do not give away bundled keys here. You will be punished for it."
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First of all - I'm totally pro-removing-CV for a long time, just wanted to mention, so you don't take the rest of the comment wrong way :>
So first of all bundle games GIVE YOU VALUE. You just can't get it from bundle games only. If you are bundle capped, create a bundle GA worth 10$ CV you will got nothing. But if you create 50$ more CV of non-bundle games you will get your FULL VALUE, even if the game was byundled. cause 20% of your non-bundled CV will be added from your not-counted bundle CV.
Second - not all indie games are bundled and there is a pretty big number of awesome Indie games that are being given away while never bundled.
Third about account value relating to Dota - well, sadly there are no mechanisms in Steam Api to determine how much you invested into your account. The only mechanism is to calculate value of non-bundle games. Because the game in library of person who invested 5000$ into Dota and person who just activated a free game and never played it looks the same and gives the same data.
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I kinda know the rules; it's just a simplification. They are valued 0 UNLESS you additionally buy non bundled stuff. Point is I may have never bought a Bundle, but given away 50 games (I bought at full price) and my CV is still zero. Why can't it be 0.25 CV for every GA, no matter what you paid for it or how many (again, simplificated) "blockbusters" who bought (undiscounted) and gave away?
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it can't be like that, becaue it could still be abused. Look for the current example with train simulator. The Game worth 55$ CV costs 0.75$ in a bundle. It is over 98.5% discount. iwth your 25% system, I've I'd spend 15$ on it, I'd get 20 copies, worth 1100 dollars, so even after reduction I'd get 275$ CV. Which is still 18.(3) times more than what I've spent. Or in other words still 95% discount.
Not to mention exploited games that anyone can get in unlimited copies for free, and would still get 25% of their value without spending even a cent.
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Well you got me wrong there. Didn't mean 25%. Just +0.25 CV Points per GA. So giving away 4 shitgames from a single Bundle gives you +1.00 CV points (not the non-discounted $ price equivalent). Only 1 point.
@ Incog: 30 = 0
Sure when I'm at 60 CV that's 50%. But when I'm at 1000 CV it suddenly is pretty much zero.
Also: Look got an extra copy of Trine2. Why would I give it away. I'm over 30 bundle-CV already and I'll probbaly never giveaway any non-bundled/blockbustergame. So this spare very good game copy is walys worth exactly 0 in my case. I'd rather keep it around in case some friend comes along and wants it someday than giving it away now for 0.00. If it still gave 0.25 CV points (which is absolutely fair as you actually did pay ~25 ct for it) a lot more people would happily give their stuff away. Yes I know, many will just toss their bundle stuff away anyway, but those are the people with 250+ games in their library that do actually give away blockbusters too just because they can.
If i paid 25 cents for a game, why wouldn't I get 0.25 cv points for it (unconditionally)?
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wait, what? in 1st post you voice that CV should be removed, yet now you're telling you're giving games solely for CV - it doesn't make sense. Also you should be giving Trine 2 away to make someone happy and because it's an awesome game. If you're giving solely for CV you idea wrong.
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Well, not quite. You get $25 of bundled games count as full value. Then you get 20% of that back if you buy more bundled games. So if you gave away 50 games the minimum your CV would be is $30, and every non-bundle game you gave away would be 120% of the normal value until you got all the value of your bundle games back. And like zelghadis said, your way there invites massive abuse, especially since you can commonly get many games for $1 that are worth over $55 (totalled together) in bundles
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It's probably an older AAA game going down in price. CV goes down in that case.
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My cv went down $200, why this happened?
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