Anyone else notice in general, that folks with like less than 5 hours of playtime will claim "x" game is addictive. I've seen it a bunch of times.

8 years ago

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Those are paid/bot reviews. Pay them no mind.

8 years ago

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Or they played a game before it was on steam, or steam didn't track playtime or any of a number of other reasons.

8 years ago

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Steam resseted several playtimes in my library.

8 years ago

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And they all have the same idea of using the same phrases after the exact same amount of short play time, sometimes on the exact same games.

8 years ago

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OP merely mentioned time played and a single phrase which could well be combined with any number of reasons. I'm not saying paid/bot reviews don't happen, I was just giving other potential reasons

8 years ago

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there are acutally bots for reviews?

8 years ago

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Yes. A few weeks ago an entire network of hundreds of bots were shut down, all paid by 2-3 devs to flood the store page with similar positive reviews. Entire giveaway groups are formed around the idea of getting keys from devs, distributing them among the members, in exchange for a positive review, sometimes even supplying a template.

8 years ago

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has corraption gone so far?

8 years ago

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Well, depends on how you look at it. This whole thing is nothing new, the indie market has always been a dog eats dog world, it just arrived on Steam not so long ago. I imagine the mobile market is even worse.

8 years ago

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I see...

8 years ago

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Figures.. You'd think they could put a bit more effort into their shill reviews. They are contradicting themselves by saying it's addictive with 5 minutes of playtime.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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You are vastly overestimating the average user in those groups that do this.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Don't be. I was just trying to tell you that most of them focus on the free cards and that is as far as their efforts go. You didn't say anything offensive or stupid. ^^'

8 years ago

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Look at my XCOM: Enemy Uncnown, or Civilization 5 hours. (barely to make the cards drop) However, I played those a lot before I had em on Steam.

8 years ago

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Yeah, but you should explain that if you're gonna write a game review. I wrote an AOE II review with barely any playtime; but I stated in the review I played the shit out of the CD version before STEAM even existed.

8 years ago

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That might not be a great idea considering they're steam exclusives....

8 years ago

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CivV before on Steam? That sounds… interesting, as it was never released outside Steam, not even on consoles… Even the retail copies just acted like offline Steam installations.

8 years ago*

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pirating games lol

8 years ago

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I have Civ5 in my library but i never played it on Steam, but I spend over 200 hours in Civ5 before Steam. When i pirated this game.

8 years ago

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well they might have fallen into love with the game that wanted to make a review about it.5 days later his/her hours increased by 100.Happened to me too.Not smth strange

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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maybe they played it offline

8 years ago

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Playing offline doesn't count? Never heard of it.

8 years ago

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Yep, playing offline doesn't add to your "hours played" count.

8 years ago

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I can confirm it. I played dead space 1 recently before writing my review. And it only recorded .4 hours of my logged game time. Despite beating the game with 11+ hours

8 years ago

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I can confirm too, some games will even let you get achievements offline, leading to a weird situation where you have achievements but almost no playtime. I beat BioShock 1 offline and only have 1 minute of playtime.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Well. Thanks for the info.

8 years ago

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steam reviews: useless since curators where introduced

free stuff for reviews = fake reviews

8 years ago

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Can't curators be payed too?

8 years ago

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Theoretically, of course they could. If you're gonna use the feature, you've just gotta find somebody trustworthy or who your opinions tend to line up with.

8 years ago

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well I had some free games that I absolutely loved,and some that I dont wanna touch them anymore.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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that's because the game is addicting... for about 5 hours, y u no understand?

8 years ago

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Well, I made some of those reviews too, but only when the game was fiished in that time. For example A Story About My Uncle (finished it in about 3,5h) or Contrast (finished it in about 3h ).

But yeah, I know what you mean. I have also seen reviews with only half an hour of playtime.

Oh, and you have to consider, that some people play the games offline. I completed Ori and the Blind Forest offline and now it shows only 4 hours playtime in my account even though I have a lot more (took me 7 to 8 h to finish it the first time)

8 years ago*

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I personally haven't come across any of those myself but i can't stand seeing reviews stating that said game is better than a different game that isn't even the same genre or the reviews that are negative but only says things like "uses Uplay".

8 years ago

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Or like those "Duck Dynasty" reviews:

"Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack,
Quack Quack.
Quack Quack Quack Quack, Quack Quack?
Quack Quack Quack "Quack" Quack Quack.
Quack Quack Quack Quack!

172 out of 205 voted this positive O.o

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Haha, I never looked at the reviews for Duck Dynasty :P
That is pretty bad though.

8 years ago

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Just had to look if the review still exist, cant find it but the group description of "Duck Society" is still full of "Quack" :D
when i find the review, i will update this post ;)
its Society, not Dynasty. my foult ^^ "Duck Society"

8 years ago

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No worries, either way I am pretty sure the only reviews I looked at involving ducks was Ducktales.

8 years ago

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Steam reviews are a cesspool. So many trashy games have positive scores due to bots, hired spammers, and 'joke' reviews.
I've been considering making a "list your favorite abject failures of the steam review system" thread...

8 years ago

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Happy cakeday!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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As someone who reviews games on Steam, I can confirm that the dark underworld of the review world is pretty effed up. It's pretty sad what people try to get away with, but it's nothing new. Media reviews have a long history of being tampered with.

8 years ago

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Yeah, the reviews on steam can be really annoying. Sometimes there are really good reviews, but other times it's all just things like "why are you looking at reviews? Go buy the game" etc. I get that steam want as many people to review it as possible, but this just isn't helpfull. They should make some kind of form with several options you can fill in and then leave a note to it or something (like gameplay 1-5, graphics 1-5 etc.).

Love your username btw. I saw Iron Maiden live for the first time in june this year. Great experience! \m/

8 years ago

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I think they should add a meh option for reviews. Like neither recommended or not recommended like a mediocre option.

Thank You!

8 years ago

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Totally agree. Right now I just sometimes think a game decent, but not good enough for a recommendation, but also not bad enough for a negative review.

8 years ago

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Steam reviews are about as useful as the greenlight process.

8 years ago

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They get free keys in exchange for reviews
I noticed some positive reviews that state "girls where hot" those are the best reviews

8 years ago

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steam reveiws are like 80% trolling or shit reveiws . look at any call of duty game, the doom beta, or any ubisoft game. If you dont like the game thats fine but please explain why instead of posting an outdated meme.

8 years ago

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Its possible. There are those short simle games like hero of the kingdom or 12 labours of hercules which are really addicting but they are short.

8 years ago

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