Which card should I get?
I do agree that GeForce seems to be a better choice for now. But it has some features that may be useful in future. And this is quite important, as it is rather a long-term investment.
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Actually, bad poll because most people will have a older 970 and fewer will have the newer 390. Hence, they will be biased and know very little about the newer card. A 290 vs 970 would have been a better comparison, but I think 970 would still have won except on price. Better comparison would have been 290x to 970, with the same result except for price.
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390x for a long-term investment. With the current halfl-assed drivers it keeps up with the 970 and 980 and in 1440p and over is a little stronger. It is also has native DirectX 12 support, so future releases will run a ton better on it.
The drawback that it needs a power supply about 50 Watts stronger than a 970, and I think it is about 50 USD more expensive.
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Did you mean 390 or 390x? 390x is more expensive and a bit overpriced IMO. But anyway, I plan to use this card for some time and, as you said, new games could run better on Radeon and that stops me from just taking GeForce. But in fact, I can never be sure how it will be in future.
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I can't find a reliable source on the price difference, sadly. If it is that large, just go for 390.
Although if you aren't in a hurry, wait a little for the second generation of these 300 series cards. But based on what we know so far about them and the upcoming DX12, plus the fact that nVidia to my knowledge doesn't have anything that revolutionary in the works (probably busy making every last line of their software proprietary and buying off developers to only optimise engine to their drivers, so no money left for hardware development), I'd say that the 300 series looks a much better long-term investment just for DX12 alone. And if you can afford the ones with the high-performance memory, all the better.
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Yet there aren't many models of 300-series available at stores here, in Poland. But as I found, the difference is about 400 PLN and that makes a difference. I am rather in hurry. Soon I'll be finishing all my exams and will have time to start my project. For the last 4.5 years I've been using a notebook and I am also tired of not being able to play newer games. I am not yet sure what card I will take, especially if someone else said that CUDA cores are good for gamedev, but I'm certainly grateful for your help :)
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Yes, that will help a lot if you plan to write a lot of things in C++ only. Otherwise… well, here is an article about its actual performance "boost" in, for example, Java.
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Well, right now I'm using mostly C++. And AFAIK it's also used in UE4. Yay, I was hoping that this topic would help me decide, but now it's even harder :P
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not sure, why you think the AMD card would be better for gaming. you mentioned dx12 as argument for AMD. the 970 supports dx12, in case you didn't know. also, if i remember correctly, the 390 is just a slightly overclocked 290 with more RAM.
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Well I have the 970 and I love it but I just want to say the Arkham Knight reviews are really bad so you should factor that out
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970, the 390 needs a power plant to run :)). CUDA cores are important for 3D work (only Nvidia has them) and you said you need it for game development too. DirectX won't be an issue, I used an ancient card on a DirectX 10 Windows and it was fine, the same will be for a DX11 card on DirectX 12.
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Oh, didn't know about it. Guess I have to get some more information about those cores.
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Did you actually try to run games on DX10? Because I had very strong DX9 card and DX10 was literally unplayable (10-25 FPS). Or just had DX10 Windows/drivers? That's a big difference.
Also, jump from DX11 to 12 will be if anything far greater than 9 to 10, the only question is how much of its features will be actually implemented in games. If Mantle/Vulkan will be such big deal as promised, not taking DX12 will be huge mistake.
CUDA? You know there is OpenCL and DirectCompute, both of which work fine on 390? If anything, the fact CUDA is yet another proprietary closed format is very off-putting to me...
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All I will say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdwUsalwBJ8
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I'd go for 390, it has bigger future potential. And drivers - it's a newly released piece of hardware, in 2-3 months they will be much better quality as well as games will be much better optimized for it ;)
As for poll results I wouldn't look at their raw data - R9 390, as I mentioned, is brand ew product, only small fraction of userbase have any idea about it, yet even smaller fraction had direct contact with it. And 970 has been around for quite some time - people recognize it, a lot iof users own it. When presented with something they know and something they don't, most of ppl will vote for soomething they know just because of that ;)
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390 is just a rebrand for 290, nothing new here. Only Fury got the new architecture (with HBM, much shorter PCB, and power efficiency). I think Fury Nano is worth to wait (against 970? No date, not sure). Fury X is for 980Ti (slightly slower but much cheaper).
And if you wish to use it on Linux, go for Nv, AMD's driver for Linux is a pain in the ass.
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But on the other hand some people say there are some memory issues with this card when more than 3.5GB is used.
The biggest problem with this was that they advertised it as a 4 GB dedicated VRAM card and their spec sheet didn't make mention of the gimped block when the thing came out. Most games won't use that much, and those that do can generally be run at lower settings to compensate; you're really only going to be running into it at the highest settings of the most demanding games, at least until it's time for another upgrade.
Between those two cards I'd say 970 (even with the gimped memory) just because of my hellish experiences with drivers on AMD cards. Whether it's the graphics drivers themselves being bad, the devs writing bad code that doesn't work with drivers, or exclusive features like PhysX and Gameworks, generally games are better supported on the Nvidia side of things.
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I would go with the 970.
note: Both card have dx12 support, which level, we will have to wait for win10. The 390 is a re-brand of the 290 from 2013, but with 8gb of memory and depending of the manufacturer a different PCB.
It also depend what PSU you have. 500W PSU with the 390 is cutting it close.
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GTX 970. (In fact I ordered one today.)
I doubt for 8GB being helpful unless you go for 4K and then you really should go for higher end GPUs too.
Or if you want to max, you need to go with higher end anyway.
I do value lower TDP & less noise, which is another plus for GTX 970.
Lastly also Nvidia has Gameworks too, which (unfairly) gives some advantage on certain games.
AMD should be launching bonus games with new cards soon, so if you decide to go you should wait.
AMD also has Freesync, while Nvidia has GSync, which should be avoided due to vendor lockin.
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(unfairly) gives some advantage on certain games
That's the thing right there. Imagine Steam locks game FPS to 20 on every non Steam OS system to promote their own devices. That's basically what these proprietary NV technologies do. Buying GTX in such situation is sadly just supporting blatant monopoly market grab that will end very badly for everyone involved, especially consumers, pretty soon. Pentium 4 fiasco, anyone?
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If you're not in a massive hurry nvidia is going to release a new series soon-ish. While all we have to go on is what Nvidia themselves have said (and thus they've tried to paint it in a positive light, obviously) it would seem like it will be a massive upgrade. They've stated that the mid-range cards (so the ones that costs about 200-250€) will be on par with the current Ti cards (650€+).
I personally just bought a new GPU (my old one died) and it would seem like the 970 GTX is the better bet here. Most of the tests that I read indicated that it gave you more bang for your bucks. Not every single one pointed in that direction, but most did.
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Both are amazing cards, the GTX is faster and more energy efficient but the 390 seems to be superior in everything else.
I would go with the R9 390 specwise but GTX 970 driverwise, as always Nvidia seems to be better optimized for games (such as Batman Arkham Knight), both are amazing cards, check the early benchmarks:
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Good question, maybe the price could help decide. (8gb are not really needed but the 970 has that 3,5 gb bullshit that annoys me)
The 390x should be close to the 980 in most benchmark (due to the clock bump), but it's quite expensive and can reach over 100$ more than a 970, maybe a 290x would be a better deal over the 300 series that carries a price premium being "just released".
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Hello guys!
Soon I am buying a new PC and I don't know what graphic card I should get. I can't decide between GTX 970 and R9 390, as they both are in quite similar prices.
The other parts of the PC are gonna be i7-4790K and 16GB RAM. It will be used for gamedev - I'd like to start a project in UE4 - and of course for gaming. I won't be switching to anything bigger than 1080p now.
At first I was sure about getting GTX 970 as it
But on the other hand some people say there are some memory issues with this card when more than 3.5GB is used.
However, after release the R9 390 turned out to be better than I had expected.
but it
GTX 970 seems to be a little bit better choice due to better culture of work and better drivers (and Batman of course). But, because of bigger memory and dx12 support, R9 390 may be more efficient in future. GTX 970 can be nicely overclocked, but it would still have only 4GB of VRAM (or even 3.5).
So these are my thoughts that keep arguing with each other and preventing me from making a final decision. I would really appreciate if you helped me choose one and maybe share some opinions or experiences you had with those cards.
Thanks in advance! (All GAs ended.)
EDIT.: I finally made the decision and ordered a GTX 970. Thanks for all the help!
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