Are you okay with winner being a Game Collector who most of the time doesn't play a won game?
I mean, I guess I can understand giving away a game, you consider a good one expecting the other person enjoys it... and feeling dissapointied if you notice days and then weeks pass without the person even starting the game.
THOUGH, you shouldnt really judge someone for it. I have a lot of games on my library I havent played EVER or very rarely and most of them are games I paid for myself. I dont exactly feel pressured into playing. I guess its even less likely for a game you got for free.
Maybe you just dont feel like playing in a particular moment. And then you can even forget you had the game or have no free time to play it.
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I personally that collecting games via GAs is pretty disrepectful against other participants :/
Like... I don't care if you get my game and don't play it, usually I give away games I don't want, already have or I know I won't play even if it looks interesting. But it always felt like taking away the opportunity of enjoying the game to other people who might actually want to play it. Of course this doesn't apply to everything, I sometimes give junk just to get a higher CV and I'm not surprised if they don't even install it
I personally try to play all the games I win and entering only in those I'm interested in but I have some other priorities in my backlog before them.
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I don't think people who only want to collect tons of games with no intention of ever playing them should be entering giveaways generally, that doesn't seem fair to everyone else. HOWEVER, that's about the only time I think it's a big problem - if it's a wonky game in a single big series that someone collects and is missing but doesn't want to play, that's not that weird. Also, loads of people have a big backlog to work through and might not get to the game quickly. (I'm still slowly chipping away at my own backlog, which includes more than just Steam.)
I've seen some giveaways creators acting like they expect you to play their games quickly or they act like you're evil, somehow. Some of the worst offenders even specify that they expect you hit credits within a certain timeframe, and like, no? Forget the timelimit (which is still bad), demanding someone play everything to completion is unreasonable regardless. You don't get to dictate how the game is played, it isn't yours, you gave it away! That's not how a 'gift' works! If you add a bunch of strings and requirements, that's not actually a free gift at all - this is 'steamgifts', not 'steamborrows' or 'steamfreewithanasterisk' and it certainly isn't 'steam-i-want-you-to-play-this-but-only-exclusively-my-way-on-my-timeframe'!
I think the quality of the game being given away matters too. If you're giving away tons of cheap obviously-low-quality games you yourself have never played, six copies of generic porn title game, or one of those absurdly high-priced-just-to-fake-sales-or-trick-suckers games clearly just for the points, let's not pretend you actually care about said game being enjoyed! On the other hand, if you're giving away something big like Spiderman or FFVIIR (probably better examples, but these were the first that came to mind), then the only people not strictly planning to play it that I think is okay to enter are the collectors that specifically collect those series/franchises and not like dozens of other things. Most specific collectors like that will care enough to actually at least try it, anyways, even if it takes them a while.
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Depends on the game, if it's a sub $5 game I couldn't care less. Other games I would prefer went to someone who is actually going to play at some point. To be fair, I have not played all my wins so I'm not going to hold someone to a standard that I don't meet myself. I do try to only enter giveaways that I am interested in playing.
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It depends.
If I think that game is worth playing - I use group designed for that kind of giveaways. Otherwise:
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I don't think that it is disrespectful, at least to some degree. I try to complete or just beat the games I own and I definitely intend to play my wins, but at the moment I have a list of games to beat before I'll attend to the next set. I understand that quite the amount of people want to share their love for particular titles by allowing the game to gain new potential fans. Though personally I'd rather see people play their wins when they feel like they will be able enjoy it to the fullest extent. Of course, a reasonable timeframe is also a nice addition.
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I was curious so I decided to look at about a dozen of my giveaways ranging from recently concluded all the way back to a few of the very first. Two had been played but neither reaching more than 10 hours total game time. One person had enabled the private profile feature. About half had been idled with around 2 hours "playtime" give or take, yay cards! The rest had never been touched.
I am a bit surprised, although, I can't say I care too much. I'm not all that keen about the idea of keeping tabs on winners or trying to enforce any sort of commitment. I'm pretty lazy honestly. On the flip side, I do think I would feel good about folks playing what they won or making their best attempt at least. There are groups for that sort of thing though and I have considered applying a time or two.
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It's hard to judge without knowing why they haven't played yet. I won a game not long ago that I installed with the intent to play but then Palworld came out, and I've been playing that with friends almost every day leaving me with no time for other games. I'm not going to ditch my friends to play that game I won alone. I'll eventually play it when that time is free up again. Then I have another game I won that is multiplayer. I'm not touching it until one of my friends get's a copy as well so that I can play it fresh with them. I've found that knowing everything about a game while the other is new usually takes away from the experience for my group. So personally anyone who wins a game from me doesn't have to play it at all. I have no idea on why they haven't played it, and that's okay. I'm sure they have their reason.
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Everything else being equal, if someone stated in a giveaway that they wanted the game to go to someone who would play it, then that is something that should be respected. Not ever playing in that case is going directly against a giver's wishes.
There's worse problems on the site (for example bots, and people who won't even redeem something past a week unless you hunt them down). But it's still very disrespectful to enter a giveaway with no intention to play where there was indication they wanted the game played.
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Absolutely disrespectful. :|
It's hard enough to justify to myself making giveaways at all nowadays and every time I loosen the leash even a little bit (by including groups other than Playing Matters) it doesn't take long to get a winner who doesn't give a shit. Those are games that I liked a lot (or am sure that I'd like a lot, in DOOOM's case). I wanna share the experience of playing a nice game with people so at least they'd feel a little bit of "happiness" even if I am unable to anymore.
If people wanna increase their number by 1 or sell a bunch of cards for 10 cents, then they can buy those games themselves! <.<
Y'know, I used to be less restrictive... Never really trusted public giveaways but at least I gave everyone a chance with puzzles. Then my ideas for puzzles ran dry and I realized no-one wants to do those for a random "bundled" game I happen to be the only one to like a lot so I moved on to groups made by people I trust and respect. Then those groups fell off one by one when the unplayed giveaways in them piled up. Now it's only PM and a few long-dead groups left... I try giving Playing Appreciated a chance once in a while- lol, no. Odds are 50/50 that you'd get someone who'll "play" the game for as long as it takes PA's system to mark it as played and then ditch it forever. Or not even bother playing anything and take as much as they can for the month it takes them to get kicked out. That's how "committed" some people are. And they pull everyone else down with them. I ain't perfect either, but at least I try.
"But I gave away 3000 games which I didn't give a crap about, so it's fine that I took 1000 games which I don't give a crap about." NO! FUCK THAT! DON'T ENTER FOR STUFF YOU DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT! OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT ACTUALLY GIVE A CRAP ABOUT IT! Ugghh, just let me die already!
...Yeah, I might be a little bit upset about this.
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