Gave a gift marked with a "*" and didn't expect points for it but then I actually LOST points? That makes no sense, offer reduced points or even zero points but NEGATIVE points? Really..?

7 years ago

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No not really, you didn't lose cv on something you just gave away, it happened because something else dropped in price.


7 years ago*

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Is that a new policy? I've never known my rating to drop because of price/value changes. I've given away AA titles when they were hot, if they drop price years later, you're saying my rating will drop? A GA is a GA. I actually buy it and give them away, if Humble or GOG offer them later it should not affect the value of previous GA's.

7 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. thats's what you get cv for, Bioshock 1 for some reason dropped to 0p, and monday night combat, dead bits, snuggle truck and some awesomenauts dlc, you get nothing for because they been put on the free games list.

Yeah your ratio can drop, it can also happen due some price "bug" on some steam bundles your cv temporary increases a bit.
The website reads stuff from stuf steam itself, can't be helped if things change there.

7 years ago*

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Insurgency and certainly BioShock were full retail gifts I got when they came out, I paid full price and gave some away. If I get 0 CV for it or my ratio later drops because of a price change years later, well, that's just BS.

7 years ago

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It doesn't matter where you bought a game or if it comes as a gift or key. If it is listed here it will only give 15% CV and Insurgency has been on that list since Winter 2014 because it was in the Humble Jumbo Bundle 3.

Bioshock on the other hand is a special case: Since the original version of Bioshock was removed from Steam in favour of the Remastered Edition apparently Steams reports the price as 0. I know it sucks but it's due to technical limitations.

7 years ago

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Bioshock was full retail gift you say? Paid full price and got in when it came out? And you just happen to gift it 2 days after it appears in tier1 of Humble 2K Bundle, along with other games from it. With description that says "Link sent via Steam".

that's just BS

Yes, it is.

7 years ago

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points =/= cv 🍉

7 years ago

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You only lose points if you enter a giveaway. You will never lose points for giving away gifts -.-

7 years ago

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