What's that mean? I kind of had the same reaction as Tahuru :/
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Go have a life. Honestly, go to gaming clubs and what not. Meet people, and you will have way more fun than any MMO could ever offer. Fly free my brother!
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The whole point of MMO's was to take a break from real life and become a fantasy character.
Why even play video games by that logic? You can do both you know...
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But you really can't.
Being success at life or an MMO requires sacrifice of the other.
Video games take an hour of extra time here or there, but an MMO takes an enormous time investment, they are designed that way.
I've been to both extremes. Top raiding and PvP in Wrath of the Lich King one year, and the next I went barely playing at all finding myself constantly meeting new people while having a great time.
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Take a time management course, really its very possible....One of my friends was big into raiding/pvp/etc... in MMO's and had two jobs and still hung outside with us, you are really wrong on this, not everyone is you. Hell he meet his real life girlfriend in WoW....
Not everyone has an issue with time management or getting out while still enjoying games. He eventually quite when he got bored and sold all 5 of his WoW accounts for a really nice sum of money...
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I'd say WoW because some of the lore behind raids and dungeons is actually amazing.
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You could try roleplay servers. They offer an environment where everyone is immersed into their own small part of fantasy and actively sharing it with others.
Other than that, i'm afraid I don't quite know.
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You are looking for a RPG MMO, not a MMO itself.Try a roleplaying server or maybe a single player RPG Gothic/Elder scrolls style, it will be more inmersive for you since they are designed for an inmersive playtrought and you can play hours and hours with mods without other people and gold seller ruining your inmersion.
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Exactly this. I played it for half a year, until I maxed out 3 characters, did most of the dungeons and got some of the best gear (which really isn't hard). After that, there's nothing else to do, except for farming ingame currency and play some more advanced dungeons.. or PvP (which I find kinda boring).
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No MMORPG has ever been immersive as they cannot be by design. You cannot immerse into a world you cannot change, which is substantial part of an MMORPG.
You may get close to it with the future of controllers (not crap like failnect 2.derp) and VR, but it's gonna be a long way til mind projection that will at least make you think you're not just controlling some fool, still you won't be able to feel the world as it will merely respond to your actions.
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Beta-tested Elder Scrolls Online recently... It was really fun and sounds like it'd be right up your alley. It's too bad they still have a long way to go with the game and it won't be out for awhile.
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This. Join up with an active corporation and help them maintain security in their sector. If you play this game alone it will be quite boring, but with other people in low security space it gets really interesting. I played a lot of UO back in the days and it's still my favorite MMO, EVE Online is kind of like UO in the sense that you start off a simple character and then you just go do whatever you want to earn your stuff. You can master all skills, there are no classes. You can build space stations and conquer territory. The whole universe is pretty much driven by the players.
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Go outside. Shitty gameplay but totally immersive and has some nice graphics.
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Dragon balls. Go on a quest to gather them before you die. Once you do, make sure a friend is there to revive you.
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If you just want to go mine ores and such then sit around in town blacksmithing you should try Final Fantasy 14. You could skip most of the quests and only do the missions if you wanted the story and could skip all if don't care about reaching max level in any "reasonable" amount of time. You would be able to teleport a lot and stealth with a class ability to mine and such but if you didn't level a non-crafting class you wouldn't be able to defend yourself from aggro once you left towns. I dont remember for certain but if they kept the repair system that was in place before you can also repair other people's gear for them which can help any RP aspect of blacksmithing.
Not sure what your definition of immersive mmo is but to me this is pretty realistic for a blacksmith and the environment is also very nice to just go out and explore and take pictures. The game comes out on Aug.27th, you can download a character creator/benchmark now and there is a beta upcoming 1-2 weeks before launch that is sort of a soft launch.
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I'm looking for an MMO which is more about just living a life than going on quests and what not. Something presumably similar to ultima online but not quite as archaic.
Please don't say second life.
If you know an rpg which is truly immersive and it's not an mmo, don't be afraid to say it, but mmo's primarily.
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