Hi guys, sorry for english first :)

My question is: Why in trading if someone say "looking for offers for my XY game" always get totally fool offer for his game?
Game is in 5€ sale (no under 2€ in any row region) and someone offer him 1 key TF2, lees than 2€ its not normal? Why peoples doing it? He cant do it if spent 5€ cant give it for 2€ :D

Or if you say ,,offers" get 0 offer or stupid offer.

If you set price, peoples crying ,,its too much" with 0,50€ profit on it.. its much or wtf?

Something else... Bundle with 3 games for $1, peoples say i buy one game for $0.33 in cards, so i get $0,99 for my $1 bundle? 100% worth for me, or offer like 4 cards for XY game? 4x random card is cca 0,16... classic bundle with 3 games it is 3x 0,16 .. 0.48€ ??really??

Why trading is so bad with price here? Its too hard give normal offer? Or peoples are so scared to accidentally give bit more than sale?
Always offers are underpriced here. Why?

Peoples cant read too i think i say i want only keys and still get offers for something else, i said no PP and other guy tell me ,,how much PP for" its not normal.... Whats wrong with trading (prices?) 75% peoples offering stupid cards for everything, whos fuk is interested in tons of cards??? T oo much work with selling i mean, much work and bad ,,profit", its really worth for everyone?
This is by me most annoying thing on SteamTrades, you say what you want and still get other offer. Why? i know what i want, which games, which keys...

I know trading is about profit, but buyers are so mad? Whats expect? Always underpriced AF, not normal offers, if you want more u are idiot or cck suker or something... I rather no trade bundle games because prices like 0,20€ for game are very annoying and boring.
My bro have more rep on this site against me, he tells me about this "logic" but its seems UNlogic for me... i want to know yours state of mind about this boring trading. I have only 11 rep and iam bored... not in the mood on potato offers, how to do normal trading here? (with normal price)?

Joke traders to end. [H] 2x Tropico 4 CB [W] 1 60€ knife from CS:GO
Best trade i ever seen... in description :DDDD Its worth $40 on steam!!!!!!! And other offer like this, buy game in -90% sale and in thread.. its worth 15€!! :DDD my god especially traders with 0/0 rep, please increase registration requirements! Its not normal...

Thanks a lot for normal reply if possible.
Thanks also for blacklist for question, its normal on forum in last time...
I know its long AF but i cant tell it in short version. Sry

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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low rep are fine , but high rep are riping off

9 years ago

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Check some threads with 0/0 or 3/0 rep :)
Free game
Free game
Free game
Free game
Skyrim or csgo gift...

High rep selling muuuch overpriced gifts but if buying, whining much about prcies and decline overprice one cent.. but his gift for 3 keys overpriced is good :D
(not all sure, but most of them i see)

9 years ago*

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Yes, but honest low rep will trade close to 1:1

I dont trade often, but I have great trades with lower rep

9 years ago

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"Check my GTA V giveaway, all you have to do is leave a +rep on my profile in case to participate"

9 years ago

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Sorry, but I trade fair. A bundle game is a bundle game is a bundle game. They cost less than 50 cents each normally, so yes trying to make a profit from it by selling it for even 1/2 what is sells for on Steam is a cheat and rip off. Trade it for another bundle game 1 to 1. That is fair. If you don't like the game they offer then politely say no and move on.

I do agree that I see folks who HAVE bundle games of even free IndieGala games and they WANT $30 and $40 games in return. That is a rip off in the other direction. I think folks are smart enough to avoid either end of the spectrum. You have to weed out the idiots and morons. Parents do not teach their children morals for the most part so what do you expect?

9 years ago

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People trading Dead Island Epidemic for a TF2 key ;p

But it's a gift you know!

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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worth 20$ check store

9 years ago

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That's a reaction you'll get from a guy who's just starting trading yes.

9 years ago

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I have Beta one, game is not even in beta anymore (i think?). It's worth fortune now. Gimme 50 CSGO Keys.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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i mean you talking about something other then i write :)

9 years ago

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I haven't traded for months but all my trade experiences are positive.
Mainly because I avoid the OFFER type of topics as much as possible since they usually.
turn out to be "[H] NOPE-s [W] offers", which is a waste of time for both parties.

9 years ago

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Yeah, I really dislike it when prices are not listed
To me, "make an offer" sounds like "I hope you're an idiot and will offer much more than it's worth"

9 years ago

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What is hard on offer then please by you? What is: "I hope you're an idiot and will offer much more than it's worth"
Trader must have ,,any" profit.

9 years ago

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What ? I never said they shouldn't make profit

9 years ago

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Sorry i dont know if i understand well or if i said correctly what i mean, yes my bad english :)
So simple: What is hard on make (no underpriced) offer? ;)

9 years ago

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It's not that it's hard, I just don't like it.
If you need 5 keys to make a decent profit on a game, just ask for 5 keys, don't ask for offers hoping that someone might overpay for it

9 years ago

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My thread is "on offers" intentionally :D
I having fun on it, seems like no one guy can give fair offer (with decent profit for me), always(!) get underprice...
seems like for me, peoples take sale price and decrease 1€ from sale price and offer me it. So if game is for 5€ he offer you 4€ or lees for it.. why no offer 3 keys or something like that? Booo i give 1€ more, sale ended atm and i pay more than 5€ :O :(( .. seems like this for me. I dont know how to say it. I hope you understand me.
By buyers is fair profit for you 3 cards... really iam here for 3 cards in 5€ game.. really.

9 years ago

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You want to make a profit, The one low-balling you is probably also trying to make a profit. Neither of you probably intend to play the games traded for, just want to turn around and resell them.

9 years ago

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Yup, or it's so much effort to figure out what the other person wants.

9 years ago

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I also like these kind of trade threads :

I have...

a list of bundle games

I want...

a list of never bundled and barely even discounted games

9 years ago

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I have...
10 free games from indiegala or others (7€ on steam each!!!!!!!)
I want...
Global offensive (12€ only!!!)


9 years ago

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I see that a lot on indiegala announcements.

[H] Gun Monkeys
[W] Games on wishlist

9 years ago

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I had someone told me a TF2 key wouldn't be enough to cover the cost of a $1 tier bundle.

9 years ago

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after bundle end, separated games may be bigger price than 2€.. maybe because this.

9 years ago

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I guess it would be true if the bundle did end at the time of trade.

9 years ago

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if it's an old one, yeah people put it for higher prices.

9 years ago

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Don't see the problem with that, he was holding the items until the price increased.

9 years ago

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Yeah if you're looking to profit. But literally this is just about covering the cost of the bundle.

9 years ago

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Likely to be the reason to purchase a $1 tier just for trade.

9 years ago

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and then some people just use https://barter.vg/

9 years ago

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Does that work pretty well?

9 years ago

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Yep. It's great if you have a huge list of bundle leftovers to trade.

9 years ago

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Yeah. I did...before I discovered the giveaway section of this site and GA-ed 'em all.

But it looks like a really good idea. Possibly I'll go set up an account.

9 years ago

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I think it is also a matter of perspective. The few times I traded something I was on the buyer side. Often you find offers where you want a game from a bundle and the seller wants 1 key just for this one game or if the games has good reviews even more because it is "quality". Just recently I tried to find someone to buy Dead Island GOTY from. After a little research I noticed there are two main sources: the Steam Sale for 5 € and the Deep Silver Humble Bundle. Since I didn't want to have the Deep Silver one (because it was linked with a key for some SR3 stuff which does not interest me) I tried to trade for the Dead Island GOTY gifts. And the few sellers I found all wanted 4 keys which translates to 8 €. It took some time but i found one selling it to me for 3 keys which I think is fair for both sides. The seller still makes 20%! profit. So I get the impression that most time the sellers are trying to rip off.

Also you should not let stress yourself too much from this. After all the trading is not your job and source of income but a hobby. If it is your job and source of income you are making something different wrong (just my opinion).

And with the [W] offers you are inviting a lot of dubious offers. I would think that a list with prices to orientate could help a little bit. Not much since most people don't read the threads anyway.

9 years ago

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Someone once told me 8 keys for doom classic complete. I nearly died of laughter.

9 years ago

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i dying from guys who offering still something else than i want.
You say "i want only keys or (any 1 game)"
and stiiiiiiiil get other offer, its not normal by me, if i know what i want and type it in thread, why peoples give me offer for others? whyy :D

9 years ago

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Just ignore those who don't show enough respect to read your offers.

9 years ago

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I agree that seems to be the best thing to do.

Also, first time I spot the name change.

9 years ago

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Bro maybe you don't get it... 90% of trades here is for bundles.
To put a game in your trade list means you have a leftover that you want to get rid of, this is why people offer very low.

People selling games and keys for paypal buy them very cheap in some countries, so unless you're from russia (or others) you will hardly resell something making profits.

Bundle games especially suffer for low value because thousands of people buy them and trade what they don't need. I'm pretty sure that if I spend 2 hours on trades page, I can find your tropico IV for one sack of gems (0,6$) or even lower! Or even free if I trade it for another game!!

Also in an economic point of view, on steam trades there is NO REAL CURRENCY. You can pay paypal, wallet, cards, SoG, ToD, games, items and so on. If you were on an "animal trade market" and you wanted to trade a cow, most people would come offering you chickens and pigs. But someone may have 1.000 kg of firewood to trade and he would try to see however if you need it, it's normal!

At the end of the story, don't trade here if you don't like it. People always lowball for things that they can live without, especially when you have so much competition on the market.

9 years ago

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A guy once offered me 10 Steam Cards for Surgeon Simulator Gift.

It gets worse when you try to sell CS:GO Skins...

View attached image.
9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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I didn't read the whole thread, but all I can say is that offers are bad because people try to profit from every trade (that's why I don't trade much anymore, it takes too long to get rid of a game)

9 years ago

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i understand but if i want get rid off my games i want minimal my money back (and maybe few cents +if possible)
If i buy 3 games for $1, can give 1 game for $0,20... iam $0,40 under... i dont know why peoples offer you it.
He never accept trade like this but offer it to you... fair logic :))

9 years ago

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  1. if you know how much your item worth
  2. you will recognize fair price offers than overpriced offers
  3. trade done
  4. profit
9 years ago

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depend on every person what is "fair offer" for him... peoples can cry about 5 cards here. its mad.
I see traders here who talk 30 minutes about if he give him 6 or 8 cards... 30 minutes of their life because 0,08€... who cares about 0,08 my god?

9 years ago

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depend on every person

That's exactly the point !

a real well manner and fair trader will not ruin his/her reputation for a few cents more !

9 years ago*

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Golden rule for me:
If a seller doesn't say a price, don't bother making him an offer, he will try to "scam" you / ask for WAY to much and therefore will waste your time. So I have no problem obviously when people offer him way to little (and therefore wasting his time), he deserved all this "trouble" and it's his own fault.

9 years ago

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You can set your price in threads... and idi*ts still tell you something else... you can say [H] Baked potato [W] 3 keys
and guy come into my thread and say... i give you 1,5 keys ok? this or that.. still fool be here. If someone give you offer, it can be good, sometimes get really good offer :) (rare)

9 years ago

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People are selfish- that's it.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Maybe problem is, peoples cant read... you can say what you want many times and still getting other (bad) offers. (steamtrades worth reply is "maybe something from here") i dying from this offers.

9 years ago

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Well, I read through your post, and I can't really understand your anger. I mean people are trying to get everything for the lowest price possible. Back in the dark middle ages this was called bargaining. And still even now, if you put up your stuff on a website for sale, you give it a price, but don't expect that people will take it for that much. They will try to lower it as much as possible, same with trading. You have to get used to it, and ignore them.

For your bundle concern, I'd suggest GroupBuys the rules allow noone to make profit, so you will meet fair prices there. If a bundle costs 2.5$, and has 10 games, every game should be sold for 0.25$ or less. It's a really good group, and you don't have to buy whole bundles, or face irreal prices if you only need 1 or 2 games.

As for me, I long left actively trading on SteamTrades. When I came here I knew nothing about bundles, but since then a whole new world appeared. I started with an Alan Wake Steam key (believe it or not, it was not from HumbleBundle, but from a local gaming magazine) trying to trade it for ShootMania Storm. Yeah, call me lowballer, but back then I didn't even know what HumbleBundle is, but there were people, who pointed out, that it doesn't worth much. After that I started using my cards, and I still don't understand your anger. Cards are offered for you, because a lot of people love to craft badges more than anything. They wouldn't sell them, but craft a badge from them. I don't understand it's logic either, but thanks to these people I didn't have to pay a cent for bundle games.

So calm down, there will always be people, who can't or don't want to read your carefully detailed thread, but you just have to accustom to it, or give up trading entirely. It's your call.

9 years ago

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SG attracts scammers because all of the trades and giveaways on SG and the availability of a lot of new/fresh SG users/prey... BUT SG also " creates scammers in a way " because SG support is to slow to react... I had 11 years on Steam when I was beta key scammed by a serial scammer that atleast has scammed 5 other SG users with the same modus operandi...My ticket concerning this is now " pending " for 5 months...I can't but wonder how many more SG users he scammed to date...

9 years ago

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Eh, i'm not fond of vague offer as it reeks of people wanting something more than what their stuff is worth. I prefer clearly stated orders so I know for sure what to expect.

9 years ago

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Trading is so stupid. It might have worked, but bundles and sales have ruined it. Since people are getting stuff at different prices, they want what they paid for it, and the people who see it on bundles or sales want to pay that price for it.

9 years ago

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Yep this :) if someone miss bundle or sale, prices is not 5eur anomore but for example 6 now.. Thats all, but peoples want from you 5eur too :D who iam? Any copy saver for late guys? :D

9 years ago

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bump for solved

9 years ago

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Usually see
H: Free games or games bundled for less than 20 cents
W: Games worth $20+
1:1 trade lol or even 2:1 trades
9 out of 10 offers usually are not even worth looking at
Pretty much lowballers and greed

9 years ago

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I mostly trade the repeats I get from bundles for other bundled games, so for me trading works wonders.
I guess it doesn't work well if your intention is to get some cut out of it. But if you really want to just gain a little money, why not go and stocking up in bundles with a hi demand to later resell them for a 10-15% more? Just avoi d making deals you don't like.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Bananananas.