Do you like cats?
You are welcome!
I am sad to hear. I guess otherwise You like them?
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I see, its understandable.
Ever thought of keeping a cat outside the house? Like in a shed or something? Well... if you live in a house with garden that is.
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Was hoping You'd find her cute. :) Thanks and you are welcome!
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Yes I am allergic to cats, but I had a cat from when I was a toddler until I moved out of the family home to start my own family. As for a funny story about my cat. It started when my twin sister and I were 4 ish years old. We were throwing klenex around and the cat was having a blast chasing the bits and ripping the klenex to shreds. Our mom came to investigate the sounds, and we were both spanked and sent to our room. later my mom could hear the toilet flush several times. There is a photograph of my sister and I standing on either side of the toilet with the cat in the bowl. We were trying to flush him down the toilet. Our cat lived into my teen years. I still miss him so many years later
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Poor kitty! xD
I am sure you have fond memories of him. :) Thank you for sharing!
Especially over that much time, even if we would not be particularly into a given animal, we would get attached to them.
We had a fiddler crab once, which died of my irresponsible and dumb handling of him (catched a cold, or something like that). It was back in elementary school, I am 29 now for comparison. While my family barely tolerated my wish to keep him, as they found the crab kinda disgusting, to my surprise even they cried upon the little fellow's untimely demise. He only was with us for a short time, but still felt like a loss for my family too.
It was a valuable lesson for me regarding responsibility, so worry not, I am very caring towards my pets, especially since then. The cat on the jigidi is the prime example. While generally lovely and kind in nature, she is occasinally quite cheeky. Once she shredded a toliet paper to pieces. She knows she is loved, even if I scold her for the rare bad behaviour. She winks and twinkles at us a lot, which, to my knowledge, is the sign of trust by cats. When I call out her name, she often responds with cute little meows. :)
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My sister is allergic but got cats anyway. Then she got some kind of allergy treatment to desensitize her.
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:o Is that a thing? People can be desensitized to allergies nowadays?
In that case I am glad, that could be helpful for many people, especially when they have a tough time with their allergy symptoms.
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Yes, but it's not very convenient:
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Wow! I knew cats are popular, but was not expecting the poll to be that much in their favour! Its a good thing I guess. :)
Also wanted to remind you that the GA is still doable for 3 days!
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One more time, wanted to let you fine folks know that you still have less than one day to do the jigi and enter! Its the last chance! Good luck!
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Its time for another Jigi! This time for American Fugitive.
The Jigi is made of a photo I took of my cat.
Her name is Kyra and she is an especially talktive, kind, often purring little fellow. :) Choosed her as a puzzle subject, because her patterns seemed like a reasonable challenge for a jigi. I tried It myself, solved it around 20 minutes, seems doable and no too much of a stretch. Not to mention this is one of my better pictures of her.
We love our cats (yeah, there are more), like many do in regards to their own. Cats in general are adored for their quirky nature and cute appearance.
Well, they cant be loved by everyone, which is understandable, but what I noticed troughout my 29 years of existence (so its obviously biased by my limited personal experiences) is that noticeably, many who dont like cats claim to be also allergic to them. I wonder how much this affects their judgement towards cats in general.
I mean, I have a few friends who claim to otherwise love them, but cant keep one due to their allergy. But they are the few exception, compared to dozens of allergic dislikers. Thats why I phrased the poll the way I did. I am truly curious.
Also, pictures or fond memories of your own cats would be welcome additions to the discussion! :) Feel free to contribute!
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