Sorry, the only people that get to punch my face are my wife and kids.
Maybe when the kids go to college, I'll have some extra face-punch time to give.
Have you tried your local Kijiji? (I see 'face-punch buddy wanted' ads all the time there).
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don't feel lonely, you always going to have Gaben's love.
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I'm afraid the Nazi party rightfully earned there demonization.
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Yes, I clearly do. And since HIstory is written by the victors, I do not wish to debate on wether what they think or what I think.
They can be a brainwashed bunch for all I care. - To be honest people shouldn't have an issue with it now, Why? Its in the past, and why is that because it doesnt matter anymore, You live in the present with killers going rampent under the legal window. No one cares right.
People who are calling me stupid are stupid themselves, Leave the avatar alone! or else, the chicken master race will triumph and kill all you KFC lovers!
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People still do have issues with it, not only because of the historical implications (there are survivors who can tell you about what was going on). And history is not always written by the victor, history is written by the people who can write it.
Apart from the historical implications though, there's the present, where this symbol has been adopted by extreme right groups, many of which (all?) stand for a view on humans that is outdated at best (the idea of one group being inherently better than others) and harmful in many cases. It's also not uncommon for groups that use this symbol to be violent. Currently over here, groups that use symbols like yours have taken to arson. So even if you live in the present, the symbol has lot of negative "baggage".
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tldw; there are no good sides in war
Six-Legged Soldiers: Using Insects as Weapons of War By Jeffrey A. Lockwood
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well, that a hugely overestimated value and not the nazis were responsible for all the deaths. not like i defend them, they were evil, at least their leaders not the average germans whose were conscripted and so on.
39983k died total according to our current knowledge, from that: 14362k soldiers, 5542k jews, 20079k civilians, thats Europe only tho, i guess Japanese expansion wasnt the fault of nazis, was it?
but the russians shot eachother if any tried to retreat (probably thats why half of all casualities were sowiets, 20millions) russians holocausted a 2millions german minority around the Volga region and revenged on ukranians for supporting germans.
Churchill was responsible for a famine in Africa becuase he ordered the fleet to get all those food from that region to Brittain. He responsible for about 3millions deaths just because of that, yes it helped UK to survive, but he wasnt god to decide which human can eat and which should die.
Additionally, i think it was crime agaisnt humanity to use nuclear bomb on civilians they could have chosen other targets. It would have shown their power aswell but no, they just wanted to kill.
For the same reason anyone using any anglo-american symbols could be judged aswell because the brittish empire responsible for the death of about 150-200 millions humans not included armed humans whose fought against them. + americans still like to invade random countries at least once each decade to keep their weapon factories happy.
Before anyone think i defend nazis, hell no, they were evil, but there are never good side in a war, just the crimes of the winners will be never advertised.
Thanks god there arent many nazis on earth anymore, however, sadly, there are still too many imperialist thinking american/brittish/french.
BTW, SGTMakoto reported on steam for that avatar.
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Just had a look, that's an official avatar from Steam.
Thought ist looked familiar, I once played the game a little bit.
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but being rich could give you golden teeth, or teeth made by solidified pepsi!
I'd take one any day, instead of the Coke one, good for dissolving your murdered neighbor bones, and blood stains, but bad for health! XD
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I don't know how to respond to that.... anything I say can and will be used against me in a court of law... XD
Just don't send the squad, Major, tell Batou I'm sorry for the last time, btw, try camo next time, and watch out for the laughing man
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I don't judge, but i doubt you will make a lot of friends with that avatar of yours :)
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That guy has a shady steam profile, not to mention some shady texts written in russian and he has taken VACation.
But it is certainly interesting profile just for purposes of knowledge.
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Ah yes... I'm always a sucker for offers of double suicide on the first meeting. Let's be friends.
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Wow seems most people don't want to be your friend, I could try to be though if i'm friend material ;)
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Two months ago I was in Japan: I stayed at Tsukuba for a couple of weeks. I don't like it too much, but I will have to come back in Japan. :(
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:( I really wish I had friends to talk to.
If you think you can be a great friend, add me on steam and we can be friends forever!
and ever, and if you want, we can be friends in the afterlife too, and if you want, we can be friends even in the after-afterlife!
We can suicide together, we can punch eachothers faces together! and yeah
add me on steam. please. ;-;
EDIT: So much aggression against my avatar. (, NO COMPLAINS! Live and let live. Everyone has different reasons, views and interests, And that is what makes an individual. PS: Lets be friends, eh?
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