Stop being a cheap bastard. As if 50% off a new game wasn't already a good deal.
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Hence why I called him a cheap bastard. The deal is good regardless of people's opinions. If you don't like it you don't buy it, that doesn't make it a bad deal. A game's age has nothing to do with quality, but it influences sales prices. You can't expect a game that came out 4 months ago at a price that is already low compared to games of similar genre to be that low on sale.
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You're calling him cheap for not thinking a game is worth its asking price? Really?
How good a deal is is a subjective opinion. Certainly, new games won't be deeply discounted soon after release, but that doesn't mean low discounts will be good deals. They will be good for some people, those who value the game highly, and they will buy it. Then the next discount will be bigger, more people will think it's a good deal and will buy it. And so on, until the lowest price that the publisher is willing to go to is reached. And at every sale there will be people for whom it's not a good deal, because they don't value the game highly. You can't call them cheap for having a different opinion to yours.
But then, not getting a good enough sale is no reason to post on forums. So please keep it to yourself, OP.
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No. I'm calling him a cheap bastard for his mindset. You can certainly disagree with a game's asking price but who thinks like that when buying a game? "Hmmm I'm only going to get three dollars and seventy-four cents of fun out of this game, so that's what the game's worth for me."
As for the sale/deal, you can't qualify it as good or bad simply because you like it or not.
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"No. I'm calling him a cheap bastard for his mindset. You can certainly disagree with a game's asking price but who thinks like that when buying a game? "Hmmm I'm only going to get three dollars and seventy-four cents of fun out of this game, so that's what the game's worth for me.""
Isn't that how most people think? Unless you mean the specific 3.74 number. I guess it makes sense to look at what the price will be at certain common discounts (25%, 50%, 66%, 75%) and decide which one you're going to wait for before buying it. I assume that's what the OP did.
"As for the sale/deal, you can't qualify it as good or bad simply because you like it or not."
What other criteria is there?
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To begin with you can't know how much money worth of fun you'll have until you've actually had it, unless he has some sort of psychic powers which allow him to see the future. You can think: "Maybe I'll get my money's worth." But from there to thiking: "I won't get $7 of fun out of it, but I'll sure get a good $3." Do you put a price on your fun? What's the conversion? 1 hour $2? 2 giggles $1?
Again, you can't qualify something as good or bad because you like it or not. Not fitting your personal likings =/= being bad.
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If I bought it for full price or not has no importance, but no, I didn't pay full price for it. I don't give a shit if you personally like the game or not, that's beyond the point. You either like the game or you don't, my taste won't change because of the price. If I like the game I'll buy it, if I can get it for less than the asking price, that's a bonus, if I can't I'll pay full price.
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I find it weird how the complete pack is only 2.50$ more then CSGO. lol (Which adds like 3 or so extra games?)
Shame we don't get extra copies of those games in our inventory..... I'd probably pick it up. Maybe. Probably not.
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It's a matter of how much the game is worth, not how discounted it is. I've often skipped 75%+ sales on games from my wishlist, because the price still wasn't low enough to match their value in my eyes. And I've bought games that I knew would someday be cheaper because I thought they were worth it.
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"I've often skipped 75%+ sales on games from my wishlist, because the price still wasn't low enough to match their value in my eyes"
You can't accurately judge the value of a game before you actually play it. How can you know the game's value without playing it? I wonder how you put a value to your time and enjoyment. What thought crosses your mind when you think: "Hmm, I'm not gonna get $60 worth of fun out of this game, but I'm definitely going to get $15."
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I was talking about perceived value, should have clarified that. For me that's based on the description and feature list of a game, the impression I get from gameplay videos, and the reviews, both from critics and users, that the game got. Reading reviews especially takes a long time, so I often wishlist games without reading too many, and sometimes without even watching a video. I do more thorough checking when a game is on sale or in a bundle, when I actually have to make a choice on whether to buy it. As a result my wishlist gets re-sorted fairly often.
Another factor in my evaluation is the company that would get money from my purchase. If I like them, I might be willing to pay more. If they've done something to piss me off, I'd pay less than the game itself is worth to me. And if they're really stupid or evil, then they're already on my boycott list and won't be getting any of my money.
DRM is also a factor, as most forms of it (limited activations in particular) reduce the value of a game to $0.00.
While the above is certainly not accurate, it at least gives me an idea of what price range is acceptable for a game. I might get pleasantly surprised and I might get disappointed, but I'll never be mad at myself for wasting a lot of money. And if I undervalued a game, I can make up for it by buying gift copies and giving them away or by paying more for another game from the same company.
What is accurate, however, is my evaluation of games that I've pirated. If I'm unsure about buying a game, I'll almost certainly pirate it to figure out how much it's really worth. And then it's up to the publisher to offer at it at the price I'm willing to pay.
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It is new game, maybe at summers sale it will.have
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Complete has been for the price CS:GO is now for like 10 minutes or so. I didn't manage to get it but somepeople did, then they fixed the prices
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People tend to be grateful when a game they want to buy is going for half of it's original price. David DeMartini was right after all.
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I don't see any logic in that. The original price of a game is often a pretty arbitrary value. And it's very easy to get it for free. Publishers should be grateful when we decide to pay them their asking price, not the other way around.
And before you say I'm entitled, consider the following: Games are a luxury, not a necessity. And there are MANY of them. Enough games have already been made to keep every gamer occupied for a few lifetimes. I already OWN enough games to keep me busy for decades. So even without pirating anything ever again, I wouldn't need to spend any money to keep enjoying my favorite activity. New games bring only variety. That variety is certainly worth money, but I'm the one who decides how much, not the publishers.
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The original price is an arbitrary value and so is the value you put to the game. You don't know how much enjoyment you'll get out of it until you actually play it fully and get bored of it.
About publishers and devs being thankful, I'm sure they are, but they are not going to undersell their product just because some entitled prick on the internet thinks that the amount of work that went into the game or the amount of fun they'll have with it isn't worth $7.
If you can't afford a luxury, you don't buy it, as you said, it's not a necessity. You are given the chance of geting it for half of it's original price, or even less, and yet complain instead of being thankful. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Complaining is just a way of showing how spoiled you are. And no, you are not the one who decides the value of it. If you don't agree with the initial price you won't change anything, you'll either pirate it or wait until the publishers decide to give you the opportunity to get it for less, but you are not deciding anything, you are only agreeing with the decision that publishers took.
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I agree that it's stupid to complain about a game's price. I disagree that we should be thankful when a game goes on sale. As you said, if we don't agree with the initial price, we can pirate it. So when it goes on sale, we just get the opportunity to pay for something we already had access to. What's there to be thankful about?
And we do get to decide how much a game is worth to us. By either buying or not buying a game at a certain price, we're doing just that.
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What the fuck does his ideology have to do with anything posted in these forums? And what retarded mental process did you employ to arrive to the conclusion that he is nazi? Just leave please.
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Last sale, CSGO (also, complete pack) were 75% off
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I'm also hoping for 75% off, since I have $4 left on my Paypal
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well i see flash sale ,50% discount
so it means i cannot buy it for 3.74usd this year?
sry valve,but in my mind it worths only 3.74
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