So, you create your personal wishlist with max 10 games (or just top 10 of your steam wishlist) and maybe everytime a game on this list gets a public giveaway you get a notification or something.

Also, people have the option to create a semi-private giveaway of a game. This means that only people who have this game on their wishlist can see that giveaway and join. Group and min value restriction can apply to this type of semi-private giveaways.

Any change to this list leads to a 24h disable of this feature for your account in order to avoid spam.

Sorry if this is stupid/ too hard to materialize/ suggested before. I think this is a good idea because people who actually want that games can join and have a better chance.

12 years ago*

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brb adding every AAA game released in last 6 months to top of wishlist

(Not that it's a bad idea, but I can't see it being executed well.)

12 years ago

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Since there aren't a lot of AAA legit giveaways you wouldnt benefit

12 years ago

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brb adding every single game I don't own to wishlist

12 years ago

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10 slot limit :)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I wouldn't say that the suggestion is bad, but it's not needed.

12 years ago

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I see people care alot about gifts not going on ppl who actually want to play those games. Its just an idea

12 years ago

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Wouldn't hurt to have something like this.

12 years ago

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The notification part: good idea but SG plus and search is enough for me
Semi-private based on top 10 on wishlist would be interesting but I don't know how SG could prevent people from changing that list.

12 years ago

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Reread and editted accordingly :3

12 years ago

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Have the users manually create a list on SG and limit the amount of times it can be changed in a set time limit. Might do the trick if it's not too much work.

12 years ago

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When a user changes his list he triggers a 24h cooldown.

12 years ago

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That sounds like an interesting idea, though it might be difficult to prevent abuse. I just had another idea. What if you could mark one game (only one) as your most wanted, and whenever you entered, you'd get three or five entries instead of just one, so a one-in-a-thousand shot. And you wouldn't be able to change you most wanted game more than once a month, to prevent people changing to whatever giveaway is ending in three minutes. Just a thought. :)

12 years ago

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maybe you can change it after a week or if you win a giveaway for it.

12 years ago

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Yeah, if you win it you should definitely be able to change it immediately.

12 years ago

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Actually, this is an interesting idea. The 10 slot max wishlist would force people to prioritize what they are entering for instead of entering for every thing that comes along that they don't have.

12 years ago

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To add to what I wrote in another topic, it would work if the game would need to have been in your wishlist before the giveaway was created. There would be no "looking at giveaway, adding game to wishlist, sync and join giveaway". If it was not in your list at the moment of the giveaway creation, too bad for you.

12 years ago

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Well, like group-giveaways, maybe it won't even be visible unless you already have the game in your "SG Wishlist". That way, people won't be able to simply browse through the list of giveaways, and add whatever games they want to their "SG Wishlist" just to be able to enter.

12 years ago

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I hate wishlists and only use them as a small reminder. I like the openness of the current system because it introduces new games to me.

12 years ago

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I must say, I have been introduced to a few gems (AAA titles get so much attention in the gaming press), not always indie title either, just different ones. Also I use my wishlist purely as a means for close friends/family members to buy me stuff for my birthday and such (I am very hard to shop for mostly because if I want something I normally just buy/pirate* it =p, but sometimes lots of good stuff comes out at once so it goes on the wishlist for later).

I don't think the recommendation is BAD, but it would involve a bit of work (I don't know the backend of SG, but as a PHP coder I would rather add/fix some other stuff first) and with the addition of add-ons mentioned you can already see games up for sale that are in your wishlist (which covers part of what you mentioned).

12 years ago

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I dislike steam's wishlist system as well. Thats why I suggested a wishlist featured on sg. But I understand that this is harder to make.

I am not against the openness of the current system. I am just suggesting an extra giveaway type/feature.

12 years ago

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Anything that automates entering in any which way is IMO bad.

12 years ago

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I didnt say smthing about automatation.

12 years ago

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Any change to this list leads to a 24h disable of this feature for your account in order to avoid spam.

That's too harsh.

12 years ago

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Not harsh enough. After 24 hrs, there'll still be plenty of bundle game giveaways for everyone to jump in on, especially if the bundle in question is still running. Plus, daily sales, mid-week sales, limited time Amazon sales, pricing incidents... the aftereffects most certainly last longer than 24 hrs.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Orestisf.