if by draw you mean view distance its a 2d game, at the moment i am still coming up with unuiqe features, but one feature we do have is the vast amount of characters you can become, at this time they offer no bonuses but they will in the future, you begin as either a fighter, archer or mage, but this only affects your begining stats and apearance, then when u get off the begining zone you will see a monkey he will be able to change you into a monkey, theres also lizardman, wereman (theres lycans but there a class not just a looks charicter and completly different) theres mud golems, and more coming, whatever you change to you are permanatly that until you change again, i am also trying to set up a PVP maze race system, where a number of players enter a map at random points, your run around aimlessly trying to find the exit and the first to get to the exit gains a reward, im not 100% sure if these systems are on any other game yet, but those are what i have so far, im mainly focusing on getting the base of the game in before i work on unuiqe features and things to draw people into the game, because if i had unuiqe features and nothing to it wouldnt keep players very long xD
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OHHHHHH ok, well so far nothing MAJOUR to offer except the aforementioned features and the players that are on it are freindly, then obviously the basic morpg features, enimes, fighting, getting gold, getting a house, guild house, exploring finding secret areas and special items hidden on way out of the way maps
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Eeeh - Only a 18MB download - Guess I'll try it out Shrugs
1.) The folder in the RAR file is called "The Quest" - Rename it to the FULL name of your game.
2.) Mass quantities of .BMP's - Use Paint.NET's OptiPNG plugin, and set the quality to 90%.
3.) Still extracting, and still more BMP's - Use tile-maps o_O
4.) Move the DLL's out of the main folder into a sub folder, and change your reference directory.
5.) There's a folder in your "gfx" folder called "New folder" - Rename it.
6.) When creating an account, set the Password box to Stars, and add a "Retype Password" box.
7.) Server's Down - Guess my review stops there :p
"you require hamachi to play this game, download the client from the client from teh link below, and then google hamachi to get that, the hamachi network for TQOK is called TQOK and the password is TQOK,"
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yes you require hamachi, but in the next version a hamachi install file will be included, the only reason i need hamachi is because in ireland it is hard to get an internet that supports port forwarding and i dont have the money to buy a server host, now about your reviews
XW Beta 1.0.3 is the game engine i am using
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it woukdnt require a a huge engine thats just a low guess of what possible, and no i cant afford an internet, my parents pay for it, im hoping to get enough money to get my own internet to host the game on, also im not 100% sure a VPS is but i need to be able to control the engine directly so if affects that feature then thats a no
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1.) Ok :p
2.) Paint.NET and it's OptiPNG plugin can shrink the images, so they're significantly smaller to download (And subsequently faster to load in your game)
3.) Tilemap Example - A way to have multiple tiles in a single image.
4.) The directory you reference your DLL's. You can change your reference directory in any semi-decent programming language :p
5.) Delete your temp folders before uploading ;) Blizzard made the same mistake - Don't worry :p
6.) Aaah, ok - Fine then :p
7.) I couldn't connect WITH Hamachi either - I'll try again now though :)
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will it skrink the file size or the image itself? and my 2d morpg is in tile mapping O.o where you put down a tile glike grass and it has several layers and all, forgot to delete temp folder again XD doing it next update, it should work now with hamachi, server is currently online so is hamachi, and if billxard made that mistake then im not too worried XD, also as far as i know the DLL directory is harcoded and uneditable. let me know if you have problems connecting, il be in steam group and on this
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IMPORTANT: i am heading to sleep now for the night, and i think i just set up port fowarding, so i am turining off hamachi for the night, and i would apriciate it if someone attempted to log on and let me know if you connect ( you will most likely need to open up the client and click ip config then change the ip to the following, as the other ip is the hamachi ip, the ip that should work is: )
so night and let me know what happens
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Well i'll give it a look, if i like it i'll show it to some friends.
My big big big big big big big big big question is: how are you handling connections? are you using your home connection? that could be a bit trouble (though i'm sure you'll have it covered if you're planning to go big later on), also, when you say one 3rd is free, i pray this doesnt include unique armor and/or weapon sets, if you can explain that it would be great.
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read comment below, also im using home connection for now, but if it starts getting enough players and taking in enough money it will get its own internet connection, however i have tested it and it should be able to hold 20-50 people online at once as long as the people have a moderate internet connection themselves
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the one 3rd is the amount of land you can explore, you could still wear armour from beyond that one 3rd but you would need to get a player who can go into the other areas to buy it for you, but the main things thats blocked is the land and the mobs on that land, because eventually it will get to the stage where in the first 3rd of the game you could one hit everything and take no damage and you would either have to start again or pay to continue, also there is one set that is actually avilible inside the free one 3rd of the game, and there are no locks on any sets beyond that except requirements to wear them
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its not a facebook game, and you dont need to go near facebook to play it, the facebook group is just for people to read up about the lastest news, you dont need to like anything and there is no way to play it on facebook. you download the client and theres a link to that on the steam group, i just posted facebook.com incase people want to see some pictures of the game, or read abit more about the game, and soon its getting its own website, the main reason facebook page was made in the first place was a starting point to get the word out about it :P
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I love this game, played over 25 hours already AND bought it! A great thing is that 1/3 of the gamei s free! The art style is amazing, and works well. The storyline is a bit unclear and unfinished, but will be improved. The people there are nice and will help you out ;) It's constantly being updated with new features. Special events aswell. I love this game.
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ye the storyline has shifted ALOT, at one point krentark was going to be islands everywhere XD, but its being finalized and after dekoria is finished i am doing a complete overhaul of the story line quest chats, it is a bit all over the place right now :P
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Your "Create Character" UI needs some work ;p
Tried to run - Asked me to run as Administrator to register some DLL's - Ran as Administrator, and crashed.
Crash Piccie <--- Seems your sound code is buggy (FMod is a sound library) ;D
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So it doesn't use internet but lan to connect to a server?
That's what hamachi (virtual lan creation) is for I guess.
That's bit of an inconvenience generally speaking.
You should try to remake that system at some point if you want to make proper game.
Just sayin'!
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the only reason i have to use hamachi is because i cant setup port forwarding and static ip with this internet, its the internet not the server, and currently all money raised is going towards the game, more money i get, the sooner i lose the need for hamachi
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can you please change your avatar to something SFW?! lokonopa we need your intervention here...
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cheers, and it really depends what engine you want to use etc, i HIGHLY recomend genesis2d id be using it myself but its too glitchy on my comp to use, but definatly give it a try it will teach u the basics of any morpg engine and more you cant get in other engines, the forum site has TONS of tutorials and very active forum community
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check out the morpg im making, its set in a world known as krentark, any other information can be found on the following links official FB page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Quest-Of-Krentark/270432426316347 official FB chat&support group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/258066420882451/ official steam group page: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TQOKofficialgroup
all players welcome, the game is 1 third free to play then to access the rest you need to make a one time purchase of 5 euro, you can play forever without paying you just cant access all the land. if you want to know more about the game than you can find on the fb pages then contact me either via steam chat group or FB chat group, for small questions feel free to post them here, any thoughts on the game or recommendations feel free to let me know, parts of the games will have community support, for example if you get your own guild you can make your own .midi file and send it on to me, il add it to your guild house maps and then on the next client update the song will be there in your guild house free of charge
i know i didnt post much information here about it, for information look on the steam or fb groups, information is quite dense right now as its a WIP but there is over 250 screens to explore and alot to do right now
Here is a map of aronama the biggest area in the free to play zone, its a really basic crappy looking map that was used by me when connecting the map, its just to aproximate the size of aronama, each box represents a 16x12 block screen, each block is one seperate thing like a bush, or part of a wall, and your character aswell as all npcs on the screen etc, stand on one block at a time, http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/396530_170640856380532_100003038575518_254062_1278190929_n.jpg there is also 111 other screens in the free to play area and more may be added later
hamachi network 1 TQOK is now full, please use the other ones availible, TQOK2, TQOK3, etc a full list can be found in a text file on the client
SPECIAL OFFER: FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY GET FREE TQOK ACCESS, A HOUSE, DESTROYER AND LYCAN 2FOR1 AND REDUCED PRICE!!!!!!!! thats right! limited time offer how to get it: refer a friend to game and one of you two pay 5 euro (THE FULL PACK IS WORTH 12 EURO) and then the payer includes his and his freinds account name in the notes, THIS OFFER IS AVAILIBLE FROM THE 13-15 OF FEB ONLY!!!!!
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