It's all done now. Thanks to everyone who participated. These all finished at various times today. Often I created them as I added their puzzles. Special extra thanks to the several people who pointed out a few mistakes I had made. :) :(
I had fun with it. I will take a bit more care setting up next time to avoid mistakes requiring edits. I'll also try to take more care with ones that may be extra difficult for people whose English is not great.


1. Indie Gala 2 - The Epic Gala Bundle this was the standard, first letter of each word is the giveaway address. Except I didn't realize for first couple days that was an L, not at I, hence the hint.
2. Greed Corp was a Pink BushBaby toy my daughter got at the zoo. Someone though they'd be funny though and make point to Number 11.
3. Toki Tori Metal Zangief, Qq, 8 (infinity on it's side)
4. Killing Floor replace the with
5. BioShock 2 the address to be used with was written in the alphabet from LEGO Bionicle. Incidentally, the address was also a Steam key for Bunch of Heroes
6. Humble Indie Bundle #4 the picture was actually a JPEG with a RAR file copied inside of it. Renaming it to .rar and opening the RAR file revealed two files. One, securitybreach.txt described some kind of hacking attack, and included several codes (Steam keys for the three Hacker: Evolution games, and Critical Mass). The second file, just called hosts, had a bunch of nonsense words in it, and also included several url shortener addresses mixed in. Using the codes along with various shorteners could take you to various places, including the original thread, the public giveaway Number 11, some pastebins with random translated versions of Number 8's clue, and some other stuff. One of them took you to this image. Which happened to be a Steam key for Greed Corp, but the word GREED was the real clue. It referenced a movie, Wall Street where Michael Douglas says "greed, for lack of a better word, is good." This indicated to use the letters in the image with the url shortener
7. Humble Indie Bundle #3 was linked to from Number 6
8. Magicka following the directions as I mean them worked like this: n (from sentence) → n52 (count words from the chatlog I originally posted, including when it was part of a name) → then52what → then5what → then5what11 (at the end, not add to 5) → winthen5what11start → winthen5whaxat11start (put ax in the middle of what) → winthen5wat11start → (very good job meaning to use
9. Steel Storm Weapon Pack DLC 4square, Ouch!, B (the third character in the case example), Isaac (The Binding of), p(ee)
10. Renegade Ops linked from Number 9 after a joke about that one being a crappy gift
11. Titan Quest Gold (DE) was a public giveaway
12. Tropico Trilogy Inside the Titan Quest giveaway I had said GLHFetcBBQ and Lollercopterwafflerofl just being silly. One commenter thanked for the giveaway and said he was going to start working on decoding those now. So I figured I should oblige. One was a link to a pastebin of an encoded set of directions. Another was a link to a pastebin with instructions, written in Scottish vernacular, for decoding the directions. It was a keyword cipher with GLHFetcBBQ as the keyword. It instructed you to look in other puzzles to find encoded words, that could then be combined to create a shortened url link to the giveaway. The words were submarine, laryngitis, aardvark, microphone. The answer was
13. Hydrophobia: Prophecy this was supposed to also be found through a similar process to Number 6, but I messed up and it wasn't, so I just decided to skip it
14. Humble Introversion Bundle I intended for this one to be found inside one of the gifts, or maybe a couple, but I forgot to do it, so I just added it to the original thread near the end
15. Indie Gala 2 - The Carebear Bundle this was a bonus gift I linked to in one of my hint responses

I enjoyed doing this whole thing, and I'm planning something new for May some time. I'm off all next week though, so it'll be later on. Other gifters and/or puzzlemakers who want to participate, get in touch with me in a week or so please.

The following people found six or more giveaways, they earned a voice in the post-puzzle celebratory giveaway. Post your votes in the thread, or find me on Steam and we'll chat.

Award, Butters782, chour, juzer, Rys33, Toff

If you think I missed you, let me know

Oops! Thirteen giveaways. I'm done making them.

Anyone with SIX or more solves is invited to the after-puzzle celebratory giveaway. :D

On, like, Monday, I was thinking that I was going to get around to making a big multi-gift puzzle thread deal.
Now it's Thursday, and I worked on it for maybe half an hour.
Brought it up in chat. They didn't care.


But I made a gift anyway. HERE.
HINT: My EYES are bad, what the el is wrong with me?


What is this?
HINT: site/adjectivenoun


A&B, Steel Wrestler
E&c, crying on the Internet
D, Have you guys tried a turn of this?
HINT: Like many puzzles, this is the giveaway code.

4. & 5., Also, you're all a Bunch of Heroes!
HINT: _Yes, this is technically two clues in one. UPDATE: It's possible that the image is untranslatable. EDIT: KSI says it works. I gave a hint to him below about it._
HINT 2: I'm bad at, think of the answer as a KEY.
HINT 3: Take into account the details of the second image.

6. + 7. & not 13.

Who remembers this picture?
HINT: The opposite of 4's punctuation. o.O


˙qoɾ pooƃ ʎɹǝʌ ɐ ƃuıop ǝɹnoʎ ˙ǝuop ǝɹnoʎ puɐ sʞɔɐɥ llɐ ǝʌoɯǝɹ ˙xɐ uɐ ɥʇıʍ ʇɐɥʍ ɹnoʎ ʇılds ˙ʇɹɐʇs ǝɥʇ ʇɐ uıʍ puɐ puǝ ǝɥʇ ʇɐ ʇɹɐʇs ʇnd ˙uǝʌǝlǝ ppɐ ˙ɹǝʇɔɐɹɐɥɔ ɥʇxıs ǝɥʇ ǝʌoɯǝɹ ʍou ˙ǝɥʇ pɹoʍ ǝɥʇ ɹǝʇɟɐ puɐ ʇɐɥʍ pɹoʍ ǝɥʇ ǝɹoɟǝq ǝsǝɥʇ ǝɔɐld ˙ǝuo pǝɹ ǝɥʇ ƃuıʇunoɔ ʇou sɐpuɐd ɟo ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ sǝɯıʇ sɐlɐoʞ ɟo ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ ǝʞɐʇ ʍou ˙ʞɔɐq ǝɥʇ ɯoɹɟ ƃuıʇunoɔ `ǝɔuǝʇuǝs sıɥʇ ɟo pɹoʍ ɥʇɟıɟ ǝɥʇ ɟo ɹǝʇɔɐɹɐɥɔ pɹıɥʇ ǝɥʇ ǝʞɐʇ
UPDATE: _I messed this up. Fixed. Original text also works now.

9. + 10.

An easy one for you kids today! 1aBCd
_square. uch! . Frequently bound. Now I have to go _.


Even easier? LOL.


This is reached from within the others. :P


I welcome feedback. Thanks for playing.
1 decade ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I'm on my way to Ponyville.
1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Ok, Gloves, you can hold the hint.
This is very similar puzzle to some other puzzle topics posted earlier this week, maybe last week too.

1 decade ago

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Clop clop clop

1 decade ago

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I didn't mention this before, but I need a bump now.
I LOL'd.

1 decade ago

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I didn't see it, also <3 red pandas

1 decade ago

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I went to and was scarred for life.

(spoiler alert, it's an invalid URL)
1 decade ago

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Not for long.

1 decade ago

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Here, have this.

1 decade ago

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In their defense, they were talking about koalas and pandas.

1 decade ago

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It is the most engaging topic ever

1 decade ago

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I personally get pretty carried away when discussing pandas and koalas.

1 decade ago

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Can't stop the chat when they get to talkin' about pandas, sadly.

1 decade ago

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This is a post that is not about pandas and koalas...aww crap.

1 decade ago

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i can believe that, i mean THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT PANDAS AND KOALAS... so yeah you got ignored :)

1 decade ago

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Why does everyone forget the Otter!

1 decade ago

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...but then you took an arrow to the knee?

1 decade ago

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Kinda stuck....

1 decade ago

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With the puzzle?
I'm already annoyed noone is entering or commenting the giveaway. Hints in 15 minutes if no entries. But only one hint, since it's open for nine days.

1 decade ago

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I was not smart enough to realize there was one, let alone solve it, but thanks :)

1 decade ago

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But, but . . .
I said:

But I made a gift anyway. HERE.

1 decade ago

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lol, that's a clue? :)

1 decade ago

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Yes. See hint above on first comment.

1 decade ago

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I think I found something, but I don't know what to do with it :o

1 decade ago

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You can find me on Steam and ask.

1 decade ago

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Number 4 was easy, dunno about the rest though.

1 decade ago

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Try the new, improved Number 5.

1 decade ago

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Need some brain exercise for this

1 decade ago

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The very first one was broke because I'm dumb. Two people managed to get through it anyway, but I added some help.
I was so confused why more people couldn't get it.

1 decade ago

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Ok lets see

1 decade ago

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I don't get it, ppl fap to ponies? oO

1 decade ago

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bronies do :P

1 decade ago

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This is making my brain hurt.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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can`t solve it, but thanks anyway ;)

1 decade ago

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None of them?
Like I said, people are free to ask me for hints on Steam.

1 decade ago

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I feel dirty asking for hints :P

1 decade ago

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As a note, you've got 9 days on all of these. At some point they will contain additional puzzles inside them leading to more gifts.

1 decade ago

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I have no idea how to solve it, thank anyway :|

1 decade ago

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Which puzzle?

I added a hint for #2 early, since I'm probably busy all night.

1 decade ago

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Don't worry, I'm really limited on puzzle cause my english sucks xd, anyway thanks :3

1 decade ago

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I could translate the last one with the weird circular symbols, but there are two that I don't recognize: the third (and fourth) of the first row and the fourth of the second row. What I got doesn't make sense anyway, but I'd like to know why those two symbols don't look familiar at all while the rest of them do.

1 decade ago

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Because they're apparently someone else's interpretation that predates 'discovery' of the actual ones.
I may have researched this insufficiently. Give it some thought though, you should get it.

1 decade ago

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Now that you mention it, I remember those symbols, as well as when, where and why they were used. However, I still can't make any sense sense of it, as it's not what I thought it would be (judging by the dashes and the second hint). I believe is the piece of the puzzle I still haven't figured out where to place... Any more hints on that? =P

1 decade ago

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About ten people have solved #4, and one person solved #5 now.
The two images translate about the same. I added the second because of some ambiguity.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for Elf Bowling!

1 decade ago

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Steel Wrestler is causing me problems

1 decade ago

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He's not a real person.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for 6-7!

1 decade ago

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Leave comments so I know you were there. :P

1 decade ago

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Maybe he stopped before reaching the final destination as there was a prize along the way, as I understand, but it is grabbed. I myself thought there's nothing more to it but your comment makes me wonder.

1 decade ago

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I would try to do this puzzle but now i'm all out of points from the rabbit holes :(

1 decade ago

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Take your time, they're open for another week. :)

1 decade ago

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i know the answer 6-7

but i don´t know what to do :S

1 decade ago

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Do you recognize it because you've been there in real life?
What I want people to think of is what it involved last time it appeared on SteamGifts.

1 decade ago

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So how do we find out about these old giveaways? :P

1 decade ago

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It was an augmented reality one by thelastlambda.
I'll put another hint about it in a day or two. I know at least one person has solved it.
Or at least knew what to do with it to start solving.

1 decade ago

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ugh, I never got past that part in his puzzle. :[

1 decade ago

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Thanks Dys!

1 decade ago

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You're welcome.
As a note to everyone, here are all the giveaways I've already created:
Tropico Trilogy, Toki Tori, Titan Quest Gold, Steel Storm Weapon Pack DLC, Renegade Ops,
Magicka, Indie Gala 2 - The Epic Gala Bundle, Humble Introversion Bundle, Humble Indie Bundle #4, Humble Indie Bundle #3, Greed Corp, Killing Floor, BioShock 2


1 decade ago

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Hmm, I have some more searching to do I guess :P Much appreciated!

1 decade ago

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I think I kind of got carried away with these. o.O
This should be the final addition to this thread. Though I may still add hints.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by dys.