Probably because you did a user report when there was a key issue.
Choose right category and it might be solved faster.
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I believe it is more classified as an user report issue than anything (although I could be a wrong judge, and of course I'm not giving too much info about this report), hence why I put it as a user report. I just think it's still kind of ridiculous that user reports in general take so long to be addressed. But then again, idk how many user reports are actually reported each day and how many staff member actively check them.
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Choosing the right category would speed it up a lot
Yeah but the reason for it is that support is understaffed, so some categories deemed less important are neglected
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Oh I'm not criticizing the staff's motivation, I'm just saying they're not numerous enough. So, naturally, choices have to be made in order to keep things running as well as possible given that limitation.
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Me neither, I was criticizing the users who put reports in wrong places or do them just for fun. Giveaway related issues are what need to be solved fast for the site to work well, drama between users is secondary. And anyone who criticizes the staff for not doing enough should just apply to join their ranks and see how long they will last.
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Certain types of reports require higher level staff members to process them; due to fewer staff members and higher complexity, long waits aren't unusual for user reports. As such, unless your issue is really, definitely a user report, you should probably pick another category.
Edit: to clarify, I mean that as a general statement, which may or may not apply to this particular case.
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When filling out the report, I thought of why this particular case was a user one instead of a key one. I now know some categories take a shorter time to be addressed, but I still believe it's more so a user report (unless a staff member say otherwise, they are the judge afterall).
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You can see the amount of open tickets for each category on the stats page. I think the longest time I had to wait for a response/action from stuff were about two months. Just wait and don't close the ticket.
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User reports take "forever".
Not enough staff members and the highest motivated one left sg and deleted his account. Yes i miss him
I give you a example, a very clear harassment report take, AT LEAST, 3 months for a reaction.
From my point of view is that timeframe MUCH TOO HIGH in such a case.
So you have only the option to slow down/quit the use of sg in such a case or live with the "Wild West at sg" (at least for different users...).
And now think about "normal user reports" and you know how long you will wait in the most cases of the user reports...
Or with other words, if you want something else as a reroll or that a game get added to a list then bring much time to wait.
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Yikes, that's very unfortunate. But thanks for telling me and giving that insight.
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And that feeling when you look at your support page and see that "Deleted-4008671" solved more tickets than any other support member.
Yes. I miss him too.
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He done more as all other ones together (no joke).
But that it don't sound negative about the other ones, they do, for sure, mostly what they can in their free time but all in all sg haven't enough MODERATORS, with time/motivation, for the reports.
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It's sad to see some mods having too much time - and moderating formums with their own interpretation of rules or even non existant rules, while some people have open tickets for couple of months!
At least they try to make rules more transparent now.
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Support cannot access user reports, only moderators can.
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09 Support staff
13 Moderators
05 Supermoderators
01 Admin
That's not a lot of people to deal with thousands of reports, user reports I guess also have the highest burden of proof; You really want to make sure you are doing a fair job and giving a fair ''verdict'' so those takes time.
Especially considering most (all?) of these persons aren't paid staff but people who do it in their own free time.
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^ I currently own a 1k+ discord server, and there are a total of 7 mods/officers, half of which aren't really active. I feel this pain.
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not everyone is active
about user reports: don't know if you think other mods are needed (and i'd like to know it :D) ...but i just want to add that those few of you that are active and resolving, sometimes get results that are not visible.
and, usually, if my ticket has been successfully resolved in a few days, i don't write a thread (really not saying OP shouldn't ask/write a thread or smth. just saying that i'm aware of user report tickets resolved successfully and fast)
thanks -also- fo' that!
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During this time, there was a discussion of “guideline revision”.Proposed Guidelines
I think I'm resting a little for adjustment.
(They will be busy with volunteer work.And real life should be given priority over the Internet.)
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Oh wild. Besides deleting GAs and maybe one reroll, I've never sent a ticket before.
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I had in v1 of steamgifts reports that were over 1 year old, closed them myself without them being resolved, this time I am waiting on 2 user reports that are 7 soon to be 8 months old, I am not closing these 2 reports.
In guidelines sticky thread, users are asked for patience, I gota ask, 7+ months of patience, is that not enough?
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If I was you, I know I'd be done by the 4th month.
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I was wondering if there's a shortage on staff members who review reports, or if user reports are just ignored now.
That's just a tradition.
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I made the experience how better prepared the report is the faster it is done.
A few multi account users were detected by me.
Provided formatted Screenshots and links. Was done within hours.
Only links where to look for the information, took a week.
One where I only provided steam profiles - while they are still pretty obvious the same. Still open after 9 months.
I have some experience with Report Tools from the Mod site, not sure how steamgift handles these:
You can choose:
Guilty, Don't Know, Innocent
So if you are not sure or don't want to hassle with it, you press Don't Know and another Mod will get that report.
Now imagine all 5 Supermods press the Don't Know Button. Depending on the (SG) System that Report ends up in the Limbo not beeing assigned again as there are no more fresh mods available.
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I made the experience how better prepared the report is the faster it is done.
So much this.
Whenever I have delved into User Report tickets, it has been mostly "blank" tickets. No reason given, no evidence provided, just the fact that ticket was created. It's a lot easier to resolve a matter when you have information.
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If you don't solve it they may keep sending the same empty ticket over and over again. So you should explain why action was not taken.
Sometimes users keep sending the same tickets even when it is explained, and only reminder that re-creation of the same irrelevant ticket is considered to be a spam stops it.
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???? There's actually blank reports? Smh ok reporter.
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The trouble with this kind of thing is not necessarily people gone AWOL, but people who do this on a site like SG are volunteers. It's not their full-time job, so stuff gets handled at a much slower pace than it would on a site like Steam, who have paid staff.
I can tell you that working on a team of staff myself where there were 14 supermods, including myself. There were like 2 who actually did the bulk of the work. Then we sorta got burned out and things were not done so quickly because the other 12 were a lot less active. It's just the way it is. When people are volunteers, it's not easy for all of them to be very active. You think "oh, I wouldn't let that happen." But it's no joke when you're up there. I was one of those mods that cared too much and burned myself out some, and to be honest... I eventually learned that it isn't worth the stress, took it easier, but was still one of the people who did the most. You can't exactly blame the volunteers just because one is doing more. One might have less responsibilities etc, or work is going slow for them at certain times of the year leaving them more time for forum stuff. It's not an actual job, so you kinda take whatever time they can give to the site.
Just relax. =) It'll get done eventually. If you feel it's not being dealt with, try a different category. An issue with a key might be easier to sort out by contacting support instead. If the user is clearly breaking rules though... then sit tight, they'll probably smite them soon enough.
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Don't really do serious discussions, but I've been curious about this... About a month ago, I made a user report. And, I know, there's a message that says "Due to the high number of user reports, comments are disabled. Reports will be closed by a staff member once they're reviewed, and action taken if deemed necessary." I know dealing with reports can take a while, I completely understand that, but the user report was also made over a month ago. And this specific user report is regarding a key issue from a GA. It just seems like these user reports aren't taken very seriously. I was wondering if there's a shortage on staff members who review reports, or if user reports are just ignored now.
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