Been waiting for these to come on sale; it's finally happened. I've seen them all on sale on GoG too, but didn't feel the price was "right" enough. I do like the extras GoG gives, but what do you think? Should I just go ahead and get them while they're on sale now?

Also, is there any difference between Steam's Baldur's Gate and Gamersgate's or GoG's?

Of note: clicky

11 years ago*

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Temple of Elemental Evil was fantastic (once patched). I have no idea why they never used that engine for another game. It was exactly what I was looking for in turn-based wonderful.

Note: I realize this doesn't help you choose, I just needed to say it, because I think it's often overlooked, while people talk about Baldur's Gate and Torment all the time.

11 years ago

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Despite having made great RPGs, like Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines and Temple of Elemental Evil, Troika games closed its doors in 2005.

11 years ago

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Don't know what sort of games you like, but I bought each one of those games at retail when they were new, and they were worth every penny. Planescape: Torment is regularly placed near the top of various all-time greatest pc games lists, but they are all good.

And as you suspected, the steam version of Baldur's Gate is not the same, it's the new "Enhanced Edition" - which I have not seen. Gamasutra has a nice writeup here.

11 years ago

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The price is awesome and I'm really itching to buy but I just keep hoping this bundle will come to steam sometime soon

11 years ago

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Steam's Baldur's Gate is the Enhnced Edition. The others are normal. The Gamersgate versions are the same as the GOG versions these days, so unless you really have a nerd boner for the extras, just get them where they're cheapest.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by yupignome.