Try reading this for some background information:
And what do you mean "better linux distro"? The whole point of SteamOS is to be the better distro for gaming.
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Why exactly would it take more time to release a game using OpenGL? And why wouldn't the quality be the same?
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Seems like you dont know what exactly DX and OpenGL are.
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ok, so u wanna tell u see any difference in rendering?
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dont u think it will be optimized to even overlift that dx fps?
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why even invent something with that kind of logic?
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Why would it take more money and more time to use OpenGL instead of DirectX?
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Nothing's forcing the devs to release games for Steam OS, and I'm betting that DirectX games will stream to it. And you're forgetting about those indie devs who only release on PCs but go with OpenGL so they can release on Windows, Mac OS and Linux.
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That video didn't show any slideshow on the OpenGL side.
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The reason OpenGL is rendering at half the FPS that DirectX is is because for some reason it's only having to render half the number of frames that DirectX is. If they were both rendering the same number of frames the FPS would be identical.
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The reason OpenGL is rendering at half the FPS that DirectX is is because for some reason it's only having to render half the number of frames that DirectX is. If they were both rendering the same number of frames the FPS would be identical.
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1st, all cross platform devs and some Windows devs already use OpenGL
2nd, yes, that would work, but would require you picking up your computer and bringing it over to the TV, extra work cabling, or some other workaround. I don't see how it would be easier than using a device designed to do that.
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Can't tell if trolling or just really really dumb.
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Thirst: from what they said: faster on linux (need to wait for that)
Secondly, the streaming allow you not having to move your big tower downstair for example, you will not have a weird tower in your living room.
Moreover, streaming is not only for living room: for instance you can stream to your laptop into your garden (playing on the sun a dream).
Finally you can get rid of your tower in your bedroom (get it on the attic for example) , and still play it in your bedroom, but this time, you don't have the noise of fans (which in my case are pretty noisy and annoying)
That a couple of use you can have of it. ;)
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Try using a real Linux distro, such as Debian or Gentoo, rather than a dumbed down version designed to appeal to non-technical users.
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You can use ubuntu and be a programmer...
I used many a distro, from archlinux to openbsd, and ubuntu has the great advantage of working out of the box, not necessitating any maintenance or hours of compilation etc.
Ubuntu is here in every programming enterprise and in every programming event.
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I have no idea what any of this stuff means, but I'm fairly confident you don't either. I'm just capable of admitting it.
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I sure you don't know anything about game development at all. OpenGL is not some crazy alien technology, it's actually used on PS3 and many others non-Micro$oft consoles, also it's faster than Directx.
I am quite sure Valve must be working on a better solution, like using Wine to run the Windows games directly, but it will take time since Linux video drivers are awful.
For now let's wait and see. If everything works out, I will finally be able to get rid of this computer cancer called Windows.
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computer cancer : u cant find better word for windows
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Works fine for me, I can run so many programs from the web, I am healthy.
Windows 7 is pretty good, obviously better than any Mac OS.
Linus may be more stable etc. but it just hasn't the support for programs/games like Windows does. Therefore Windows is better.
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That's where SteamOS comes in, the more people use it, more devs will create software and drivers for Linux, making it the best OS for everything.
Let's not forget that Android is based on Linux and it works great, so I have big hopes for SteamOS.
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It's pretty simple: Gabe doesn't want to rely on a single OS so he makes his own.
The SteamBox is a way to spread his OS and probably some console gamers jump on the train, too. It's true that the SteamBox is only for those that a)don't have enough money to afford a real PC and b)can't connect their PC to their TV for some reasons
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You certainly don't have to like Windows, but saying it is shit either means you're a complete idiot or just a troll.
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There are already Linux games on Steam. Click. Devs won't be forced to make Linux games. You won't be forced to play them.
For the second thing. I'm gonna buy Raspberry PI, connect it to my TV and stream games without moving my whole computer to the living room. That's what it's for.
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What I hate about SteamOS is the interface. It's slow and lags a lot.
Another thing I hate. The ON button in the SteamMachine model #2 is kind of cheap and breaks easily.
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Oh.... Isn't this thread about assuming stuff from the arse and speculating about things no one has seen yet??
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I think that you are the victim of Microsoft's marketing scheme...saying that DirectX basically is #1 technology for gaming.
Also I don't get why you seems all upset by's not like they are forcing you to use it anyway.
"I’m pretty happy with my PC Gaming setup, do I have to buy a new piece of hardware now?
No. Everything that we’ve been doing on Steam for the last 10 years will continue to move forward."
So what's the fuss about it?
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OpenGL vs Direct X is also about more than just performances.
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What's the point in releasing this OS?
Steam OS native games will suck. Why? Because it's Linux and devs will have to use OpenGL instead of DirectX. (Windows, xBox, PS, all these are using DirectX).
You can play all your Windows and Mac games on your SteamOS machine, too. Just turn on your existing computer and run Steam as you always have - then your SteamOS machine can stream those games over your home network straight to your TV!
Oh, so now if i want to play a windows game on my TV, I'll have to connect my TV to the SteamOS machine and then i'll have to connect my SteamOS machine to my Windows PC?
But what's stopping me from connecting my PC to my TV? It's much, much easier.
It's quite sad seeing all these people getting over hyped....
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