better buy this at this moment because brazilian currency is melting (which is absolutely expected since last presidential election).
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Go to settings and it will show when the next payment will occur for Humble Choice, which represents the month after your annual subscription ends. If you applied the gift it should show an extra year to the next payment date for Humble Choice.
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I will refer you back to Bigshrimp's post, it is clearly stated there.
Below is mine before buying the 99 USD deal, after it will say 16 instead of 4
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Kudos to you Provence-san, and thanks!
Been skipping almost every month this past year but eh, maybe something good will come up.
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It's good to think in terms of Choice credits - with anual subscrition you will get 12 credits (12 times to claim the Choice).
If you have 6 month for 8$ I think it's better to wait until you'll use the last month of that offer and in January you can redeem gift subscription - so you'll be able to start using this offer.
Like Golwar wrote -
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Thanks for the reply. My question was if HumbleBundle is going to charge me another year (my charging date is 31th December), if I activate this gift mid December.
I should contact them to make sure they won't auto charge, considering I already bought this deal and got the the gift saved in my e-mail to activate after I get the December bundle.
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Yes, if you'll activate subscription this month (December) you'll not be required to pay for something else.
But you'll need to wait for the next Choice to be revealed (if you didn't activate November's Choice) and if you don't have any other offers (like 6 months for $8), feel free to activate gift and you'll not be extra-charged for Choice this month (and next 11 months :) ).
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So if I currently have the 6.50€ coupon during six months from july to december and I were to pick this offer, how does it apply? Do I lose the discount for december?
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Thanks for the info, I wasn't sure I would be able to do redeem the gift link after the time was up for the offer.
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Honestly, I have no idea if there is one. The promotion's end date, I took from this comment here. I guessed the coupon code once HB Choice timer reset at 1800 UTC and it just worked. I was hoping to find an official source (and the end date) for this coupon code but I have yet to see a "source" floating in the common areas I checked. Maybe it was sent via newsletter but I don't have an email signed up to HB newsletters.
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do you have an active membership? i got the mail but only on my second inactive account
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yep, newsletter has the end date
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You can buy it as a gift and redeem that later whenever you want.
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Maybe I will use this promotion. My main problem is that last time i checked it used default payment method (which means presaved PayPal for me) = I can not set in Paypal to use original value not PLN. Last time I felt into this trap and bought it with big provision from paypal to convert USD/Euro into PLN (it was still cheaper but some of promotion was just wasted). It is very stupid as usually it ask you how to pay but not for this one. I guess if I decide to buy this time I will try to delete all saved methods of payments and then I will try to pay :).
It is always much worse to convert using Paypal or bank then using conversion directly by credit/debit card.
EDIT: Heh, even this is blocked.. When I try to delete my default payments it says my subscription will be canceled. I guess it is the only option to pay without exchange rates... But I think currently there is possibility to check not default payment method. Probably it was changed before my last time. Hope it will work :)
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Ja nie mam konta walutowego tylko podpinam dobra karte do konwersji wczesniej to byla Visa w jednym banku, ale jak mi zlikwidowali, to uzywam revoulta (niestety ma ta wade ze w weekend 1% i trzeba kupowac poza weekendem ;) ). Paypal wycwanil sie i domyslnie konwertuje chyba ze mu sie porzy kazdej transakcji wejdzie i zmieni ze chce placic w orygininalnej walucie. Wiec jesli HB pobiera z automatu to Paypal zamiast karta przewalutowuje i wychodzi drogo.
Ps. Nie chce mi sie bawic w kupowanie walut. Ale mozesz sie podzielic swoim rozwiazaniem moze przemysle :).
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Możesz zmienić domyślną walutę każdej karty, tylko trzeba support o to pomęczyć i to mi zawsze wcześniej działało - aczkolwiek przyznaję że nie wiem jak to jest z tym automatem TERAZ bo ostatnio zawsze mam na koncie trochę eurosów więc i tak mi pobiera z konta jakby co.
EDIT: z tego co widzę to nawet powinno się dać zrobić to bez konieczności jazdy z supportem, dawniej musiałem jeszcze ich o to wypraszać.
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Ale mowisz o zmianie domyslej waluty karty gdzie? W Paypalu, Revoult czy banku:)? Bo w Paypalu kiedys tak bylo obecnie mam wrazenie ze PayPal wymusza PLN na mnie i za kazdym razem musze zmieniac.
EDIT: a tak widze w Paypalu pod karta mozliwosc ustawienia waluty. Mam PLN, rozumiem ze jak ustawie inna w ktorej akurat place to nie bedzie konwertowalo? Wiec pozostanie tylko kwestia zeby placic w tej samej i zmieniac miedzy Euro i USD w Paypalu :)?
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No to zmieniasz (w Paypalu) walutę karty na EUR, ustawiasz ją jako preferowane źródło płatności online i następnym razem jak będzie automatyczna płatność z HB to paypal POWINIEN :) próbować ściągać z tej karty EUR, czyli ewentualna konwersja waluty będzie następować w twoim banku
Nie wiem jak się paypal zapatruje na ciągłe wachlowanie kartą między EUR i USD, teoretycznie powinno się to dać zrobić ale nie wiem czy nie ma przypadkiem na to jakiś widełek czasowych
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Mysle ze dla bezpieczenstwa tak zrobie przy kupowaniu z HB tego rocznego jutro po 24:). Chyba da sie normalnie wybrac, niemniej lepiej sie zabezpieczyc:). Dzięki za pomysl.
Ps. Zauwazylem ze zwykle ceny w USD sa odrobine nizsze niz w Euro stad place jedna albo 2, ale w przypadku HB bedzie bral w Euro :).
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Dlatego koniec końców nie rozumiem czemu upierasz się kupować przez paypala zamiast bezpośrednio jakąś kartą wielowalutową :)
Ja jeśli kupuję przez PP to dlatego że miewam tam na koncie trochę euro do wydania. Ale jak nie mam albo płacę usd to płacę bezpośrednio multi currency kartą i tyle w temacie
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Revolut: You can create new account in € and exchange some amount of money to € during the working days (like 20€ or so).
On checkout Revolut will try pay from € account, but if there will be not enogth money it will use your default (base currency, so fee will be applied if transaction will be on weekends) account.
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One moment, to be sure I understand it correctly. You mean to make bank account in Euro in Revolut (next to existing in PLN) and I will get virtual card for this account too? And then if I connect this card to Paypal and will use it it will take Euro by default?
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It will be another account in € and by default it will be the same card (card that you use to pay in PLN). By default, Revolut doesn't require switching currency - the payment will be from a currency account that will be requested by the shop.
Also, you can create a new virtual card and in card settings set (limit) the currency (i.e. set only €) and add this card to PayPal or directly on Humble.
If you'll go with PayPal, after you'll add it to Humble go to the PayPay settings ("gear", Payments, click on Humble, click on the Funding source, click on See Conversion options and select Revolut card - this is to make sure that PayPal will not do some exchanges and payment request will be directly sent to bank)
I have a Free account with "default" virtual card with "default" settings (all currency accounts are used with one card - I have €, USD and TRY accounts, and I'm able to pay in these currencies without doing anything in Revolut - the shop charges me in correct currency).
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OMG. You are a savior :). I did not know that I can set who will convert money for automatic payments. I mean long time ago you could do it generally for all transactions, then it was removed as far I know. But I guess you can do it for each seller in automatic payments (like Humble).
I understand that after changing it bank always convert my payments in Euro or USD for such automatic payments and I will not pay Paypal provision for converting? Additionally if I will have Euro and PLN account in my Revolut it will try yo pay from the right account?
Thank you very much for pointing me such option :).
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If you'll set that option (set that PayPal will not convert anything and will go to your bank account), your Revolut card will work like that (the simple explanation):
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This all looks great but I have one question - what about card currency settings in paypal you need to declare for every card?
What if, for example, you have card set in PP for USD and then you pay something in EUR? Wouldn't paypal try to convert it?
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I'm not sure how card currency works in PP (i.e. Turkish Lira card linked to PP, but currency set to USD) I assume it will work depends on setting you have for merchant.
I.e. you have card in PLN (single currency), and you are buying in EUR from PP's USD card (card that only have PLN) and setting is set to convert with PP - EUR will be converted to USD and sent to your bank, and bank will convert USD to PLN
If you have multi currency card (USD, PLN, EUR) and setting of "who will convert" set to bank - then you'll be charged in EUR and that is it (I assume card currency will be ignored and it's used in different scenarios).
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If you have multi currency card (USD, PLN, EUR) and setting of "who will convert" set to bank
Well, true, this might be set in bank, but PP doesn't know about such bank settings
(I assume card currency will be ignored and it's used in different scenarios).
That's the point - I really don't understand where your assumption come from.
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I did the holiday deal like 2 years ago for $89 I think, and I still have like 4 months left of it. lol. I just own way too many games and most of the bundles have been pretty weak imo.
I thought about doing this again for the $99 but figured I'll save my money since who knows when I'll actually redeem a month.
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Same. Just checked mine, and I'm good until August 2025. Probably will pause at least another 4 times, so can wait for the same deal next year. Probably.
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Just checked mine and I won't be billed again till April 2025. Depending on Tuesday I might be May. lol
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HB US is $12 mo (or $144 yr), $129 yr, $99 yr with promo.
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I just bought the November package a few days ago for the original price of 12 US dollars....
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You can still buy this as a gift and redeem it for future months.
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Now, THIS is what I was looking for.
Thanks WaxWorm. Your link is really helpful. Let me add you to my whitelist.
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It's actually not that special. Everyone can click "Gift Humble Choice" further down on and then add the promo code manually. ^^
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I was looking for it for a while. I saw the link, but after I pressed it, I got here, and I was afraid of pressing and automatically get charged with a full year without the code
Happened to me with amazon. Just wanted to check, and they inmediately charged me with prime when I wasn't interested, just wanted to see the price.
Anyway, thanks. Appreciated.
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Thank you for sharing! Topped off for another year.
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Buy it as a gift link and gift it to yourself after the December bundle launches if you don't want the current month's games.
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So I can activate the link after December 2nd, right? It is not necessary to do it before? My current plan includes this month of December, so I could activate the link for the January bundle.
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Activate the gift link when the month you want is available. The moment you activate the link, that month will be claimed even if you are paused as far as i know.
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178 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by YukiLucky
It's finally here!, code is HOLIDAY24
You're able to purchase it as a gift, even if you have an active HB subscription. Just immediately claim it and it gives you additional monthly credits on top of whatever plan you have now. I believe claiming the gift link will immediately charge you with 1 credit for the current month (if you have not yet purchased it) so wait until there's a month you plan on purchasing before claiming. Gift links supposedly last forever and you can stack up to 24 months worth of credit at a time. (Don't quote me on the "last forever" bit)
Live until Dec 2, 11:59PM PT
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