For about a decade I've been trading on SteamTrades. Had always had a great experience. Much bigger success rate of getting a trade than on Barter. Only got scammed by a fake profile add once- lost a few decent titles and learned my lesson. Almost never dealt with a rude person. Got some great titles out of it over the years.

Until two weeks ago. Agreed to a trade with a guy for a game so cheap I should've just bought it. Had been dying to get it on Steam but now am soured on it after this negative experience. First, after getting added by him, I couldn't get a response from him for 8 days, even though he was online and in-game. Always DOTA 2. That should've been a red flag right there.

I was giving him two keys, the first worked, the second showed a region lock for him. There was no indication on my end, and HB usually alerts to this next to the key reveal button. Turns out he was from a severely restricted region- and he knew it, because the game's page in his region makes this explicit. I wonder now if he was trying to scam me into buying him the title directly through gifts.

Over the years there have been issues with keys for me and also in receiving- it happens, we forget to take titles off our lists and they've already been claimed etc. Always I and others have been cool and taken something else from the list. I offered him any other key from my list, in addition to the key I gave him that wouldn't work for him that he could just trade. He refused, and got very abusive. Negative reps were posted.

The vote ended for me at 59/100. One short. It was in the 80's in the beginning, had been fluctuation between 58/60 for days. I wouldn't be surprised if he had his online buddies take it down to that. After ten years of trading, of avoiding users who had negative rep, it finally happened to me. It's soured me on a practice that in truth has less reward in recent years- not sure if anyone else agrees, but it's not as good a use of time anymore, trades are harder to come by.

It may seem ridiculous that one bad experience has me considering to close down my whole SteamTrades account, but that red ding is not who I am as a trader, and I was happy to be all green after all of these years. If I do delete my account, would my negative review leave his reps? Is there a better platform for trading these days? Barter mostly sucks for me, it seems to be resellers looking for profits for the most part. SteamTrades has also slowed down a lot. What platform do people like most these days?

Good on ya if you read all that, sorry for the vent.

2 hours ago*

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Best time to start using SteamGifts.

2 hours ago

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Trading is difficult with randoms. Scams are always a possibility. As far as region locking goes, I own two games that are region locked for me. I can't even see the store page, but I can install and run them. I got them from keys. So it's the key itself that is locked or not, even if the game is locked in the store.

2 hours ago

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Barter has recently been cracking down on resellers who spam unfair value offers in mass. Either way, I wouldn't leave steamtrades just because of one bad apple.

2 hours ago

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If you think steamtrades isn't full of people trying to nickel and dime each other to fill their libraries with games they will never play and sell keys on the side, well I have some ocean front property in Arizona.

1 hour ago

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As far as I can see there are only two versions of Ultra Street Fighter IV - ROW and Europe. Yours was for Europe so you should've made clear to him that this key only works in Europe. So really, it wasnt his region that is heavily restricted since ROW keys would work worldwide, your key was heavily restricted.

Dont be discouraged from this one experience. Learn from it: if you go in the deals section of this site and type in the bundle name, you will find a thread discussing it and listing all the region restrictions of the games. So you can always mark when one of your keys is restricted, which is rare for europe but it does happen.

1 hour ago

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I've always had a rough time with trading. Untrusting on strangers who always seemed to take advantage over me. Maybe I didn't know a game I was asking for was more valuable because of X, or maybe I didn't know my key was worthless because one month before some site flooded the market with free keys. But in the end I'm so naive, I often ended offering more than I thought was fair, and expecting they'd do the same, then or on a near future. OFC never happened. And then you bump into the usual idiot that not only tries to scam you, but also reports false facts and I do have to fight for "looking clean" in a place full of scammers and sharks?
Until one day I just stopped trading. I preferred to give the keys here or trade with people I know. But SteamTrades and were out of the equation. Trading simply gave me more headaches and bad feelings than anything else.

That was my experience. I've read yours. It's your experience, your opinion, your decision. Just think what's best for you: peace of mind, new games, the thrill of making a good exchange (at the risk of bad encounters)...

1 hour ago*

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