I'm new into "Indie games", thats why I came here to do this topic;

Share the games you bough expecting nothing more than "waste of money", so you gave a try just to kill some time
but sundenlly it became your thing, also explain why others should try them.

I will start with Super Trench Attack 2. I refused to accept that this game was bad, because I loved the first one (Super Trench Attack 1).
My first runs on the game was so lame that made me hate the game so bad, to the point I was considering to delete it from my hard drive.

But then I checked the game guides (by that time I dont remember any significant guide), so I came to the STA2 forum
and found out that the developer is pretty active on it (seriously this kinda got me), so I joined the forum and I had some feedback from the
players, awesome right? (I wasn't expecting for this either). After few more runs I found out what I was doing wrong and then game
became something else, something totally playable, so playable that I ended up making a guide on steam when I finished the game.

It's a turn based game, so expect unfair combats, closes calls, the luck factor sometimes, some frustration dose while playing
just like the old games used to be haha. The gameplay ain't related to Super Trench Attack 1 in any aspect, which ended up being a
bad thing for this game since people was assimiliting the first one with the second one. Not even the graphics on the second tittle
had the same effort they did on STA1.

The first one is literally a casual game (If you into casuallities, and haven't tried this one yet, I highly recomend STA1),
the second one probally kept me enterteined because aint that easy as the first one,
so yeah this means the STA2 demand more enffort while you're playing, in other words means more gameplay time.
Both games has achievements, they do not offer multiplayer, coop modes
the maximum they have to offer is the "score's" and that's a thing I don't care.

The game clearly has some negatives aspects, this I wont deny but in overall is a nice game.

I have plans to buy Montaro, because "dog related" on the future
for now I'm enjoying Zombie Driver HD.

8 years ago*

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you bough expecting nothing more than "waste of money"

I never buy anything if I expect it to be a waste of money.

There are not many games that I thought would be bad but that ended up being great honestly. The only one coming to mind is Door Kickers. I got it in a bundle but didn't expect much from it. When I finally started it up, I actually enjoyed it so much, that I kept playing for 2 hours (even though I planned to only play games for half an hour after starting).

8 years ago

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I never buy anything if I expect it to be a waste of money.

That's the thing, I guess the players with 1000 + games on their collection
at some point got few games just to burn some money, and erghh I found myself doing that haha
with a quite few games too, but I like to try them at some point.

8 years ago

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Dino-d day. When I first got it I, like a lot of other gamers, take their games a little too seriously. As such when I first got it I was like "god this game is stupid and sucks and I doubt I'll ever play this again." After a long while I ended up finding a friend on cs:go who had it, so we booted it and played it for laughs, and we had an absolute blast. We began exploring, trying to kill each other with goats, jump and climb to the top of buildings and impossible spots and laugh as people couldn't find us, ect. Today, I have given away somewhere between 8-14 copies of the game to various friends and people I know. Because despite the concept of nazi dinosaurs obviously being silly and meteocre, the game play is legitimately fun

8 years ago

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Yeah I already tried this one, is totally different of what I am used to haha
and would be really good if had some active players.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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bump and woof woof, Who dont have it, gogogo
lol just realised that the game is 90% off atm.

8 years ago*

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The first Dark Souls was like that to me. At first I just powered through because I didn't want to be the loser who couldn't hack it, but I found a convenient excuse to take a few months of hiatus. Then I tried a bit of PvP after watching some videos and got hooked. I went from fiveish hours and hating the game to hundreds and loving it.

8 years ago

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its nice to feel that way, its like you really enjoyed the game

8 years ago*

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Had something similar happen to me, I tried Demon Souls and i hated it with all my heart. It just felt too clunky and it really put me off the sequels(Dark Souls). After quite a long while I decided to give DS2 a try because of a friend insisting and now I love it(50 or so hours in it).

8 years ago

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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. When i got it 3 years ago i had very poor laptop but i still managed to run it somehow. It lagged very bad. When i bought my gaming PC i tried it again, but i didn't really liked it that much and i got back to CS 1.6. Arround early 2014 someone invited me to play ranked competitive and this made me hooked up, from 3 years i still play this game, CS:GO is one of my favorite games.

8 years ago

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haha, same happened to me, I used to play alot of cs 1.5 back in the days
there was no famas or galil, then they implemented both guns on 1.6
and yes CSGO is awesome.

8 years ago

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I used to play CS 1.5 and Half-Life: Deathmatch in the cyber caffes when i was 4-5 year old back in 2002, i liked HL1 DM better because i used to hate buying the weapons, but arround 2006 i gave cs 1.6 another chance and when we finished school we rushed to our cyber coffee with friends to play GTA VC, HL1 and CS 1.6 :D . Good times :)

8 years ago

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its funny right, things changed alot after GTA SA
making insane progress, game after game, but the firsts one
was totally "the thing" back in the days. Oh I wish things were simple as used to be

8 years ago

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Terraria. When I first played, it just didnt connect with me. I found it stupid and unweildy. Uninstalled. A few hours later I dunno why I decided I would try it again, and loved the hell out of it.

8 years ago

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Same for me!
But now that I have moved on, I can't be bothered to go back and continue my previous game, even with the patches and all.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

8 years ago

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I remember disliking The Binding of Isaac. I kept dying without getting further than a few rooms and didn't get to see much. Then decided to try and get better. Now I spent 220 hours getting all achievements. (^w^)

8 years ago

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I expected Call of Duty to suck but it turned out to be OK. But only the one with the dog. Because of the dog.

8 years ago

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haha, wish same happened with me with Neo pugs xD

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Path of exile , played it for 20min in 2014 . Now in 2016 i gave it another chance and i have 200~ hours of gameplay already

8 years ago

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Talos Principle, I hated the first 15-20 min. The pace seemed so fast to me, walking speed was so fast and I felt dizzy. Well, it's my most beloved and favourite puzzle/philosophical games of all time now :)

8 years ago

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deus ex 1

8 years ago

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I always got this love-hate relationship with the game SpaceChem.

It's a difficult game, often I get stuck on a few stages and then just plain give up and uninstalled it.
But every once in a while when I got nothing else in mind to play, and not in the mood for dota, I will go back and check my library's "not completed game" list, and reinstall it back.

But when I solve yet another stage, I will have the mood to move on again until I am stuck again.

It has one of the best OST I have ever listened imo.

8 years ago

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Black ops 3. When it came out i was making fun of my friend (who now hates the game ironically) for playing a kids game. Blops is now my most played game.

8 years ago

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happened something similar with me, I was doing fun of my friends because they were playing minecraft
them I started playing with them, the game is literally for everyone.

8 years ago

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Borderlands 2 - Takes a while to get into.
Sid Meier's Civilization V - a bit complicated at first because too much text. I skipped the tutorial on my next playthrough and loved it.
Unturned - Play it with friends, or customize your game settings a lot before playing. It's more fun with loot at x10. :P

8 years ago

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I do agree with civilization v, this game is huge
I used to play the game without dlc's, I was getting into the game (100 h +)
but them I bough all dlc's, and on my first try I came to this > omfg totally a new game
I literally gave up right after, but I will come back when I find some free time, like really free time

8 years ago

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Fallout 3. It was especially difficult getting used to it after having high three digits of play time on Fallout 2. Helped a lot when I started to look at it not as a Fallout game but as a WH40K-ified version of Elder Scrolls. And for a mindless dungeon crawler with zero writing depth, it is surprisingly fun and addictive, to a degree. Eventually ended up playing it for 700+ hours. :)

8 years ago

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definitely dark souls

8 years ago

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In my childhood I hated FPS'es, and wouldn't touch any other games than RPG's. Well, that changed after trying out Half-Life xD

8 years ago

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For me it was morrowind i was just a kid when i first played it at a friends on xbox and did not understand the dice roll system at the time. But a few years later i picked up the game on a whim not realizing it was the game i had hated at his house. I sat down played got mad at it again and looked it up the dial up internet we had and learned how the game work. upon understanding the game i gave it another try and could not stop playing for hours.

8 years ago

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