If you're mad at HB, then just buy it anyway and give it all to the developers.
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I'm not sure how you arrive at 4 bucks, but even with the current $7.44 BTA price, BNW still is an extra $7.50. And it's been on sale at that price point before.
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I misread, I thought he was talking about the current situation. And yeah, expecting BNW to be in a $4-$5 BTA would be madness.
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Agree, people can do whatever they want with their money also. If you don't like the price or the bundle don't buy it, if you don't like the price but you really want the bundle try to buy it while is cheap.
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How dare they try to make money for charity. Those bastards!
Grow up. No one owes you cheap games. Be glad they exist at all and you have the option to buy these games cheap, instead of having to wait for the next Steam sale.
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i don't hear you complaining about the standard (or even sale) prices on steam for these games, but you complain about humble bundle maybe trying to get a few extra cents out of you, while delivering all these games for a ridiculously low price? lol. just lol. :)
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i bought it at 4.85$ and before the page refreshed (i entered the wrong credit card info) it was 4.74
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I would say "NO"... and we would keep going with it until sb says "And you will know My name is the Games when we lay Our vengeance upon thee"
You blew it... what am I going to do now... I know! I will go somewhere dark and cry river... party pooper
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What really sucks is that if you buy early you get stuck with the price it was when you bought it. I bought the starbound bundle for $1 immediately and planned on beating the average later but my bta price got locked in at $9 and I couldn't afford it =/ They don't even warn you about that anywhere.
I don't really mind the practice itself but they shouldn't punish people who buy early by forcing them to pay more than the current average.
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If you don't want the expansion, don't buy it, and if you want the others, just buy the BTA while it's still low. I think this is a better strat than what they did with Starbound (though I think the developer only gave 1000 keys for that), and besides they've done this with Dead Island Riptide before.
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Describe what Humble Bundle looks like...Go on...Does Humble Bundle look like a bitch? Then why you try to fuck him like a bitch? Yes you did. Yes you did! You tried to fuck him. And Humble Bundle don't like to be fucked by anybody except Mrs. Bundle!
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they've been bitches ever since they dropped drm free and linux support as requirements and then deleting their forums because of"uncontrolled negativity" when they didn't want to hear their loyal base's feedback
(and then: again by trending twords old aaa games and away from indies who need the attention(and i suppose again by setting weekly bta at 6 and droping early buy bonuses))
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I think bundle addiction is slowly getting out of hand, judgind by the variety of similar threads and posts to the OP here.
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I know right, damn them for making a bundle a load cheaper than what the retail price would have been.
Screw them for implementing a system that would slightly raise the BTA because the bundle is already not saving me money.
If they really were humble, they should have given it out for free.
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i would have taken 5$ tier if brave new world was in with the rest of civ 5s but now im gonna take just below avrg
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yea sorry i dont have 15$ to spend on video games i never said it was wrong of them to make that 15$ offer i just said i wont buy civ 5s beacuse i doesnt feel right if i dont have entire collection. p.s. your reply makes you look like a rude as*hole.
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I disagree with your title and reasoning, but have a similar viewpoint.
The point of humble bundles was to have a pay-what-you want system where people can, surprisingly enough, pay what they want. I paid $10 for every bundle up until they started having BTAs, but that disgusted me. That isn't a pay-what-you-want price model, it's a pay-at-least-this-much model, which is basically regular pricing with an optional donation. Of course, HB couldn't stop there, and now we have different levels.
I still support HB and buy their bundles, but I wish they didn't pretend that their system is still pay-what-you-want.
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You can still pay what you want for the 1st tier. The rest is just a bonus for those who actually pay more.
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soul in the briefcase? it was a lightbulb and some colored foil.
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hmmm I don't mind humble doing this. I don't see any unfairness in it whatsoever. That being said, I also don't see any unfairness in seeking out better deals.
Right now, the Civ 5 Complete (incl. Gods&Kings and Brave New World) is going for $50. If we see it drop 75% during any of the steam sales, that puts the complete edition at $12.50, and comes with all the dlcs. That is a better deal than $15 for civ 5 + GK + BNW.
We'll still have to see what games are revealed the 2nd week, so I'm just going to put down a dollar and see where it goes.
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A single civilization game is worth more than 15$, maybe its not the retal price, but definetly worth it. With this, i am happy to pay it.
And to be honest, 5 dollars is not that much money, but still, you should be ready to pay 6.00 flat for BTA, below that is just a win situation.
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im stuck on the first part of this really difficult puzzle you gave us :(
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You got idea if there was no bundles like IG,HIB,Groupees and Steam would not make sales?People like you make me sick...Seriously they give you 5 great games ( one of them is CIV4 which is best CIV game) for 1 $ and 2 more for 7.25$ and also new dlc Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World for 15$ and you still whine about prices? Even if they give now all games from bundle for 1$ after next 2-3 bundles you will be whining about why they dont make free bundles with games since 1$ is to much.If somebody make great things for people they become greedy like you.
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last time they had starbound to raise BTA and now this $15 for expansion thing.. it really isn't cool and i didn't buy the previous one, i won't buy this either. What do you think is this an appropriate way to raise BTA's ?
edit1: when i posted this thread bta was around $5, if there wasnt above 15 thing it would be around $4 im not whining about the extra 1-2 dollars
edit2: i thought there was a common belief that if you want some 'extra stuff' you need to pay 'extra money' to bitches that's why i choose this title EDİT3: why does everyone misunderstood me and trying to burn my ass? anyway agree or disagree i just asked your opinions i simply don't care. and for those guys who didn't understand what i was trying to ask; Is this really a proper way to raise BTA?
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