last time they had starbound to raise BTA and now this $15 for expansion thing.. it really isn't cool and i didn't buy the previous one, i won't buy this either. What do you think is this an appropriate way to raise BTA's ?
edit1: when i posted this thread bta was around $5, if there wasnt above 15 thing it would be around $4 im not whining about the extra 1-2 dollars
edit2: i thought there was a common belief that if you want some 'extra stuff' you need to pay 'extra money' to bitches that's why i choose this title EDİT3: why does everyone misunderstood me and trying to burn my ass? anyway agree or disagree i just asked your opinions i simply don't care. and for those guys who didn't understand what i was trying to ask; Is this really a proper way to raise BTA?

11 years ago*

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they have done it again, weekly bundle costs 17$ :D

thankfully people seem to be buying only the first tier for 1$ as the average is on 2.2$ which makes me very happy

11 years ago

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16.74 is a awesome deal for anyone interested in S DF-9. Normal price is $25 Sure it's been on a slighlty higher %- sale, for a short amount of time, less then a day so might have been a price error. And as always it's an even better deal if you for some reason missed to pick up any of the other DF games earlier.

For anyone not interested in S DF-9 (like myself) that tier is not that interesting. But I will probably still buy it.

11 years ago

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its not a great bundle, just one mediocre game in second tier especially

this price is only good for a store deal, not a bundle

11 years ago

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It's not a bundle, it's a weekly sale. There's a difference between bundles and weekly sales, even if some find that difference to only be semantics.

And yes, it is a great offering if a person is interested in S DF-9 (and a better deal if you missed and want another DF game) I say that even if I'm not interested in S DF-9. If one is not interested in the games in the two higher tiers than those tiers are not worth it. But then again, if a person is not interested in a game then basically no pric would be a good price.

11 years ago

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it is a bundle, proof:
"Statistics How much is this bundle worth to people? Let’s take a quick look:"

that is a quote from the

11 years ago

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HB does not see this as a normal bundle, nor does the developers. Tthat is why they made another "branch" to the Humble Bumdle "tree" and named the new "branch" "weekly sale". I do know that what the text says, but thats simply them being lazy and using the standard phrasing.

I can ask Lizzie C or anyone else from the communication/PR staff about the difference of the labels and the semantics if you want to hear what the official folks have to say about it.

Still it's mostly a question of semantics. And still it's a good "bundle/weekly/sale for anoyne interested in S DF-9 and don't want to wait for a 50% off sale, that might or might not come in the next few months (and a better deal if you missed and want another DF game)

11 years ago

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its not a normal bundle, its a weekly bundle so its usually suckier than normal bundle, but its still a bundle sold by humble fucking bundle and where is the humble i ask you?

11 years ago

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Sure feel free to call it a bundle all you like, the official folks doesn't and it's still mostly a matter of semantics anyways.

Where's the humble?
Well it's kind of humble to offer up a platform where developer (of digital content) a can sell their products. A platform where the customers can support the developer (if using the normal split or by moving the slider more in favour of them) and at the same time offer the customers to support various charity (if they want) and also to support the HB team and doing that with a high grade of a PWYW-system.

That was one of the "core concepts" of the HB, the other one being DRM-free, crossplatform.
They have since then shifted (or expanded) to also accept non-drm products and non-crossplatforms offering.s

They have also partly shifted from being a entirely PWYW-site (but they did that with their second bundle. so nothing new here) by implementing BTA-tiers and fixed tiers. Those tiers can be seen as incentives for people willing/can pay a bit more for the content they are buying.
Still no-one is forced to buy a bundle or a weekly sale, or for that matter pay for any additional tier that they feel at not worth the price that it costs.

The lowest price the content of this bundle has been (according to isthereanydeals) is way over 15 dollar of value and here people are complaining about a whatever this is a good deal or not.

Even at 15 dollars the entire bundle is over 50% off the cheapest price this set of products have ever been.. By that I do not mean the lowest price of a single product in this set has been, but the entire content of the bundle. How is that not humble?

11 years ago

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again, first tier is decent, evon thou they are repeats, but the second two are ridiculous for people that are looking for a bargain when buying a bundle, these prices are good only to people that were thinking of buying these games at full price and have the money to do so, not for the unimployed student, not for the minimum wage worker... and again i would understand and fully support this if this was the case of yogcast or origin bundle, but it is not.

11 years ago

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Are you talking about the weekly or the bundle? My bet is that you're talking about the weekly since you mentioned repeats?

That high tier is a really good offering for people who are interested in Spacebase DF-9 and don't mind an early access game. I'm not interested in that game myself, but it still is a good offer on a game not yet released for those interested in the game.
The 6 dollar tier is in my opinion an odd choice. But I think that tier should be seen as a incentive/bonus for the high tier rather than a "buy this for an additional 5 dollars thing.. Meaning that they (DF) think that most will pick up the 1 dollar tier and that some will pick up the S DF-9 tier. I don't think that they are counting on that many picking up the 6 dollar (and not the S DF-9) but still offer people a choice of doing so if they please.

Also I'm a unemployed student and I don't really find 16 dollar for a bunch of games that expensive - If I'm interested in the games. If I would not be interested in the games, then I would say that even 1 dollar is too expensive for me personally.

By saying Yogscast and origin I think you're referring to charity only, right? Then just change the sliders :)

While I did appreciate both those bundles they also had tier limitations. Yogscast limitation was the limited quantity of keys. But one of sweeter side is that people chipped in quite a chunk of money.

Origin one: low average that actually was a lot lower then what EA and HB expected (and one of the reasons why EA changed the bonuses). Also that bundle could easily be seen as a marketing stunt for selling dlcs, or creating an interest in the planned (and in some cases already released) sequels. That said, even if it was a "marketing stunt" 10 million dollars to charity is of course still very nice.

11 years ago

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yes i mean the charity ones, i dont think i could have been clearer, and even thou i can change the sliders, most people dont care enough to do so, so since this is NOT a charity bundle i cant and wont support such an expensive "humble" bundle(either regular or weekly)

11 years ago

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When it comes to total revenue of HB and splitting, more have went to charity than what the the "default split" would give..Also feel free to support the bundles you prefer and skip the ones you don't fancy. But higher price tiers will probably be a part of many sites future deals (as its been implemented a few times during the last year) Since making games is a rather costly buisiness.

When it comes to S DF-9 the offering a price of 16,74 cannot be considered expensive for anyone with an interest in the game. Since that is a price that has only been matched for 10 days since October 16th 2013. And only for less than a day has the price of that game been lower (12,49) due to a price glitch.
So this is a good offer for a not-yet highly discounted game. And at that price the buyer will also get a few other items s/he might or might not have picked up before.

I'm sure we will see 50-75% discounts on that game within the next year, but as of now (and historically) this is a good offer - for the ones interested. I'm not one of them. For one not being interested in the game a price tag of $5 could be considered "too expensive" Same could be said about the "Dead Island Riptide deal they had going before

I also looked at the comments regarding Civ V and the DLCs to check what the top 2 tiers did cost at their cheapest price, using isthereanydeal. While they are not covering every store, they do cover many of the largest and most used stores that sell digital goods.

In this example I do not take into account the free key of Civ V since that was a one time limited quantity thing that will probably not be done again in any what so ever foreseeable future (a high % is more likely)

Civ Gold edition has been the cheapest way to get Base Game G&K + a few others smaller DLC:
Lowest recorded price: 7,63 - 66 days ago.
Current lowest price at 31.47
This product will soon be discontinued - that might or might not lead to a stock-sale.. It will be replaced with The compete edition currently at 44,99-49.99. (includes everything)
Lowest recorded price: 7,28 - 56 days ago
Current lowest price: 18.88

If you managed to pick up the now soon to be discontinued gold edition at the lowest price and BNW at its lowest price then those two would have cost 14,91. That is 9 cents cheaper than this package.
Keep in mind that the cheapest way to get the package was two months ago and that it includes a version that is soon to be discontinued and replaced with a more expensive one.

Keep in mind that if a buyer would have picked up those items at their lowest prices and bought the 1 dollar tier for 1 dollar s/he would have paid 15,91 for the content included in this bundle. That's 91 cents more than buying the entire pack from HB. S/he would also not get any additional bonuses.

If you owned the base game and want the the two offered dlc
G&K Lowest recorded price: 7.49. Current price: 26.90
BNW Lowest recorded price: 7,28. Current price: 18,88
= 14.77. Again if the 1 dollar tier is purchased the total amount would have been higher than the total of this bundle

So yes, If one would be only be interested in the CIV V part of the bundle then s/he then it has been possible to get the it slightly cheaper (a few cents at the historical low levels) and yes, those items will in a year for now most likely be cheaper (just as most games and dlcs gets)

However at this time (and recorded prices) there has not yet been anywhere were all the items in this bundle could have been bought at a lower price than 15.00.

11 years ago

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I mean, I'm not going to complain since it raises money for a good charity, but...

I'm not really interested in BTA and I'm sure a lot of people aren't either. That said, I have my BTA locked in at about 4.23 since I bought non-BTA before the price skyrocketed.

11 years ago

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if it was ONLY OR MOSTLY for charity like yogcast or origin bundle i would praise it and buy it in a second, this way it just sucks

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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We need Alpha Centauri on steam.

11 years ago

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Half off the DLC and near-90% off everything else WHAT JEWS !!!

11 years ago

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CHARITY, you should know that you could not give a cent to HB.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Dieorrun.