You can't /thread in your own reply. Only someone else can do it for you.
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Most of it is crap, but not all of it
Do as I have done to you.
John 13:15
But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!
Matthew 5:44
The world would have been very different if the latter was emphasized more in the Bible.
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...unless the whole world was brainwashed into Jainism which is actually a truly peaceful religion. Still, I'd prefer people around me to be rational.
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@wollridge All your comments are Utter Rubbish even the rubbish is better then that
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Not necessarily, no. Religion is in a way a mean to control the mass by subjugating them to a certain set of morally accepted behaviours without the need of a proper policing system. In a more primordial society, without the proper tech and/or system with which a society can enforce rules, chaos will be inevitable every time conflicting opinions arose.
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that one about the guy waterbending a river in half. element bending is extinct now...
but seriously religious/political/sport topics are usually closed by mods, these kind of topics lead to unforeseen consequences, like shitposting, and generalized forum's rage. even if it's not OP's intention.
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I looked at the FAQ and Site Guidelines and there is not a single thing on religion. If the mods want it closed then they can ask me or take it down themselves.
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What Lezz said.
You are asking for "outdated or ludicrous" biblical passages, a subjective analysis at best. Even if it were acceptable to ridicule someone's religion, this is definitely not the place for it.
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How do you know the world isn't flat? Have you seen it from space? Don't believe the "Scientific" propaganda. Jesus probably hates you for your lies. He lived a hard life. He had that midas touch thing. Everything he touched turned to wine. He became a massive alcoholic, and had to battle it his whole life. One time, he faked his death, and locked himself in a cave. Everyone thought he came back from the dead when he came back to town. Though the detox didn't work, and he ended up chasing down a rabbit before he went back to town. Oh, and that's the story of easter by the way. I'm almost certain that is factually accurate.
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Matter of fact, yeah, I've seen it from high, high above because I am Mighty Astronaut. But as I brought my hands to my eyelids, healing darkness descended over my seeing appendices, and peace filled my mind as I was raised in the belief that earth is truly a disc on the back of a giant turtle and that is the absolute truth.
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the bible doesn't say the earth is flat.
the church did...
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This idea that ridiculing dangerous and untrue ideas is not acceptable, whether they are religious or not, is what keeps us in ignorance. Free speech was one of the most important factor that transformed Europe from a superstitious superpower to a scientific superpower.
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Exodus 21:20 - 21:21 NIV; "Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property."
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Thank you for being the only helpful answer so far
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Yea they still have slavery like for example Islamic State kidnapped a lot of Yadiz women and forced them to marry their members and so did Boko Haram group who been kidnapping women and selling as well. Of coarse this is based in Koran where this is alright when you conquer another group as long as you force them to switch to their religion if not following Islam already.
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In the old testament, it says a lot of rules about food. You can only eat meat from animals x characteristics. For e.g. the shellfish and pig(the glorious bacon).
But these rules are more like guidelines, because eating those things 2000 years ago could kill you. And they are still very unhealthy.
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I looked at the FAQ and Site Guidelines and there is not a single thing on religion. If the mods want me to remove it all they need to do is ask me and I will. But until then the thread will stay- I am not breaking any rules, and I am curious on the subject, so no I will not delete it
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Technically no. Religion and politics are two totally different things. Thanks for the heads up though- but its not like I'll be butt hurt or anything if the mods delete it.
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I understand that, but once again I am not breaking rules. So if it gets too far either the mods can delete it, or they can ask me to- and I will. The mods should change the guidelines if they want to avoid situations like this. But until then I will carry on, as I am doing nothing wrong
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You do break it, no religion, political, gender bashing or anything like that is allowed.
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I am not trying to be a smart ass, I am being 100% genuine, ca you show me where It says that- I read the FAQ and Guidelines and didn't see anything about that.
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That's not true at all. Religion and politics are allowed to be discussed as long as the discussion remains civil. The "avoid political discussion" rule was written in order to give the mods the ability to close these threads if they got out of hand.
Source: My conversation with cg and wbarton on SGv2 during pre-beta. Unfortunately the posts were purged before the most recent beta.
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Grabs a bible and starts waving it around saying all are going to hell.
See's it's the Satanic Bible and walks away.
What? Not like I even believe in religion.
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Wow dude turn to another cheek when insulted its the christian thing to do and I went to bible school and I know its in bible like Jesus did.
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31:18 NLT
Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the people went to meet them outside the camp. But Moses was furious with all the military commanders who had returned from the battle. "Why have you let all the women live?" he demanded. "These are the very ones who followed Balaam's advice and caused the people of Israel to rebel against the LORD at Mount Peor. They are the ones who caused the plague to strike the LORD's people. Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves.
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You're talking about a religion from an era far behind ours, based on mysticism and featuring supernatural feats, where inequality was rampant and cultures rose and fell overnight. You can pretty much underline most things in religious texts as "outdated or irrelevant" by simple virtue of being from a past time, prior to our rise to a higher degree of civilisation.
I think it would be more important or interesting to discuss modern beliefs and viewpoints that are hollow or strange, but that's a complete hand-grenade/landmine of a subject that is best dodged or taken in smaller more focused threads. Plus, it's far too easy for a few tactless jerks to stomp around and needlessly offend folks instead of give rise to coherent, articulate discussion. Sadly enough, most forum posters aren't 'ready' for a subject of this magnitude, but your focus on the bible is strange and quite biased...
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well, i tell you why i hate all religions...
they are the main reason why science progressed at such slow rates in medieval times and even nowadays in several projects...
and IMO everyone that truly believes in some kind of god should be put into a psycho clinik for being mentally confused...
oh and not to forget that most wars were started because of religion
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Sorry, but the ONLY source of funding towards science in the medieval times WAS the church. There are plenty of things that you can complain about regarding religion (including and especially holy wars), but scientific funding is not one of them. Private and government sponsored scientific studies is relatively new.
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as far as i know blood transfusions and many other internal medical aspects are a sin in several religions, and i already mentioned the "holy" wars...
but here are some bigger examples:
so without any religion in first place all that COULD've been avoided
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Shellfish was under the old covenant, Jesus being the new covenant which we are now under made it no longer wrong to do such things.
However false beliefs such as the trinity which appear no where in the Bible, hell as a place of torment when death is really just a sleep like state known as the the common grave of mankind, etc.
Nothing is outdated, there are just people who twist the word.
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So you're saying it is okay to rape, enslave and crucify human beings?
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Posts like this are why you shouldn't make threads like this. Don't try act like you're trying to make a constructive discussion when you've clearly already made your opinion on religion.
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I am "trying to make a constructive discussion" I am asking for people views for a debate in my English class. i do have my mind made up, and it may surprise you my stance. All am asking him is a question
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That is not how I meant to come of, I was just playing devil's advocate and trying to get as much insight as possible
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Come on guys its obvious we just doing this guys assignment which I dont mind.
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Zero96 posted a comment which not only is relevant to the topic also answers your point raised in the initial post about shellfish. You say you want insight and he gave it, perhaps you should have thanked him for his answer instead of posting a baseless insult which had nothing at all to do with his answer or your initial questions. I'm not sure how you expected to come across replying like that if not arrogant or immature.
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Unlike the nations at the time, Israel was the only one that were not allowed to rape captives. You're reading the wrong book bud. If a slave master treated his slave harshly he could be put to death I believe, although generally on the 7 year or "Jubilee year" they could go free or stay a slave, now why would you stay a slave unless you were treated well? First of all Jesus died on a stake, not a cross, second of all Israel never did that.
What are you getting at here man?
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consuming shellfish is a codename for pussy eating
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What if he ate it, then had sex with it afterwards
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Deuteronomy 25:11-12:
"If two men fight together, and the wife of one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of the one attacking him, and puts out her hand and seizes him by the genitals, then you shall cut off her hand; your eye shall not pity her."
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What the fuck man? But thank you, this is exactly the type of things I am looking for
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At least, it proves the bible is pro-gay. It doesn't say anything about men grabbing each other junks.
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Oh religious books this is why I read you instead of joke books.
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Getting ready for family dinner?
On-Topic: Only bible lines I know are Ezekiel 25:17
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More like a debate for my English class... But I guess debates and family dinners are pretty much the same
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Here's leviticus ready for you, the link is 76 things banned by leviticus.
Best ones:
Don't have a variety of crops on the same field. (Leviticus 19:19) (say bye bye to three field system)
Don't wear clothes made of more than one fabric (Leviticus 19:19)
Kill anyone with a different religion. (Deuteronomy 17:2-7) (and then don't kill in the ten commandments)
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Sweet, thanks for the helpful content. Have a nice day :)
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Actually, the bible wasn't made into one set until more like 500 years ago, Jesus was born around 2000 years ago. (I said set because the chapters are called books)
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You mean like the one about the guy who saved all the lands species in the fucking world by putting them all on a little wooden boat, 7 pairs if herbivorous and 2 pairs if carnivorous? Doesn't get more ridiculous than that... Or maybe "the fact" that our dear blue planet is no older than 6000 years, the incredibly accurate number obtained by clerics by counting the generations in the Bible from Adam to Jesus.
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Hey your wrong the world is 6,000years old and dinosaurs are just communist propaganda to stop us from following the one true religion scientology!(Sarcasm)
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Psalm 137:9
"Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks."
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To be perfectly honest... How long "we" are not recognising homosexuality as a mental illness? Less than 30 years. Etc. How can be a book, which consists of about 40 volumes written for centuries, transcripted by hand for 2/3 of its existence, translated back and forth several times, not outdated?
A little bit of fun for you: "Dad, do you remember that fishing club I had 2000 years ago? It still exists!" - Jesus.
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it can be and can be not, the fact is: there's obviously someone who thinks like this, and thats why posts like that shouldn't be allowed. It always offends believers and non believers.
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There's nothing offensive about what he said, whether he was being sarcastic or not.
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Ok, it might offend people......and? Why is that such a criminal travesty?
It's not like they'll be injured in some way, or become fatally ill. Fine, take offense to it, and then MOVE ON, don't go around expecting everything to be perfectly accommodated to your tastes and world view wherever you go. They need to learn to deal with things that they don't agree with in a manner that doesn't infringe upon others' rights to speak their mind.
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Lots of people with little to no contextual understanding on both sides. If you want to debate against it in your class/for your project, the idiot atheist way (to simply bash on what little pieces you put together) is no better than the idiot theist way (to pretend everything is rainbows and sunshine, and all opposition are just misguided and hateful). It'd be nice to see you apply some genuine effort into learning this to make valid and original arguments. But oh well, that's usually too much to ask for these days.
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I spent years of my life studying religion, Christianity specifically, and you would be SURPRISED on how many from both sides of the argument tend to want to have hot headed fights than to really have sound minded debates. There are really good arguments on both sides of the coin.
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The debate for my class isn't even atheis vs theist, or even Christianity vs atheism. It is pretty if there is any true flawlessness or perfection in the world
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@flawlessness & perfection and "That everybody and everything has flaws" - You know that's just a matter of perception, right? We will find flaws even in something that's perfect because we equate not liking things with something being wrong with them. A classical piece of music could be technically perfect and aesthetically displeasing. An AI/robot incapable of wrongdoing would be seen as flawed for not being able to achieve human level of existence. Or even a perfectly circular rock. At what point do all criticisms against something become invalid and that something becomes perfect/flawless? You need to equate the item/article in question with an ideal of completion that's actually attainable within its realm of existence.
So what constitutes a perfect religion, a perfect person, a perfect composition, etc.? If you haven't figured this out yet then calling everything flawed is fairly pointless. :P
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Instead of trying to tear down someone's religion I encourage to build up someone up and be a positive influence in their life. Try to focus on the things that you have in common with Christians instead of focusing on what you don't have in common.
As it's been noted before, was this really the place to post this?
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Hey, I could roll with that. A little Titanfall mixed in with a little of holding hands. You know,
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Count me in, if you add daily gaming to that religion.
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I am not trying to tear down someones religion, the entire purpose of this was to show that in now way is any religion 100% right or pure. That everybody and everything has flaws
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True, and some people get so butthurt when their religion is critisized; where literally everyday, some relgious group, puts something religous on random lockers, there are also bible quotes on the boards of the classrooms, it never had bothered me and it never will. Eventually with the change people must get used to having to interact and also respect people with different religions.
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Not true for example ISIS and Boko Haram who just kill anyone who doesnt believe in same god(or is against you) thus you dont have to get used to others.
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Look what you've made me do, I dusted off my bible.
Bible New Revised Standard Version. Genesis 1:1-5
In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.
The part where the earth was formed with water before the sun shines is a good one to start with.
Sorry, Astrophysicist here. Now for the good stuff.
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Hello steam gifts. I have an interesting thread for you, I want to know if there are any bible quotes or anything that you no of that have extremely outdated content that would be considered ludicrous in today's modern day society.
Ex: I don't know the quote or location (if somebody knew it and put it that would be great), but I remember that there was a quote saying that consuming shellfish is a sin.
Anything along those lines would be great. Thanks so much
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