i was a huge fan of the great battlefield series but bf3 sucked as hell and i wont buy any bf anymore...
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I've been a huge fan of the Battlefield series and BF3 is a hell of a lot of fun. Granted, I only play with friends and not competitively, so maybe that's why my experience is so different from the people who claim it sucks. I just know that I've put a few hundred hours into it and we still really enjoy playing together.
Your mileage may vary.
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The game is good but i wouldn't buy a premium.I bought limited edition and have b2k dlc.Also if u download CQ dlc which is now free you should have it forever.So i have 2 dlcs for free without premium.Buy only base game or wait for BF4.I would wait for BF4.
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Buy only base game and get free Close Quarters DLC from promotion. It should give you dozens or hundreds of playtime. I would wait with buying premium until BF4 is out (sales).
PS game is great, but unfortunately Close Quarters have higher requirements than larger maps from base game and I can't play it...
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Eh, I thought Close Quarters ended up being a big disappointment. It kind of felt like BF3 trying to do COD. Good for a diversion, but I tire of it after a round or two. Armored Kill and End Game are superior expansions that add more content appropriate to BF3.
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I got the Premium Edition for $20 last year. I have no complaints.
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I have the Limited Edition one and I didnt really like it... I dont have more than 15 hours on it. I wouldnt buy it if I were you, but who knows, you might like it...
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As of now? I wouldn't recommend it. It's a generic shooter but can leave you wasting hour by hour without noticing and offers good fun, If you stay away from the campaign. I think with the next one coming up you should wait till that and be in the action straight away than getting BattleField 3 and having 3/4 of the players move onto the next game, if you know what I'm trying to say.
In my opinion I say you should save your birthday present and maybe a little more for the steams summer sale in about a month or so, You'll get tonnes of amazing deals on steam games you've wanted!
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I stupidly bought it near the day one paying about 60€ and now they sell it for 4€ but now they made the premium (about 40€ if i'm not wrong) a requirement without giving any shitty sale for the day one buyers
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No Bots, generic gameplay, no dedicated servers, no mods... Well, for 5$ you can't really do much wrong
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Yes, you can rent one... But you can't have your own on your PC
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This only affects people who want their own servers. For the remaining majority, it's a non-issue; there are hundreds if not thousands of servers to play on.
And to be honest, I understand this from a business perspective. Disallowing user-hosted servers ensures quality of service. It could reflect poorly on the game if players join a server running on some guys piece of shit spare parts PC on slow as fuck rural DSL or whatever. Imagine the complaints--this game runs like shit, the servers suck because I keep lagging out, what a fucking ripoff. Not the game's fault, of course, but players don't always understand that. I've had that experience in other games that allowed users to host their own servers. I don't miss it.
It's obviously not a perfect solution, but it certainly makes sense.
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Sorry, after reading your other responses, i can't take you seriously. For every flaw BF3 has, you find some bad or shallow excuses to cover it. This means you are a fanboy and your arguments aren't worth much
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I've read your other responses in this thread, and basically your discussions were like this:
Person A: I don't like BF3 because of XYZ
You: XYZ isn't that bad, it's actually good, makes sense, or is completely irrelevant to me
How should i argue with that? Let me summarize a few of your arguments:
Again, how should i argue with that? Your opinion is set in stone and although there are some very crucial flaws of BF3 mentioned in this thread, you simply deny them by making them irrelevant or turning them into a good thing. This makes you a fanboy, and arguing with fanboys generally leads to nowhere
edit: and it seems like you have the urge to respond to every criticism, which is also a common behaviour of fanboys
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Disagreeing with you doesn't make someone a fanboy, nor does questioning the validity of criticism. You seem to have a difficult time actually making an argument, though, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised that "fanboy!" is all you can muster.
However, you could put a little effort in. If you disagree with my positions, tell me why. Discussion is healthy, but it requires participation. Listing my positions and claiming you can't argue against them is pretty silly.
Here's a little point-by-point hand-holding to get the ball rolling:
I'm interested in your opinions and would like to hear your responses, but I'll understand if you choose not to participate.
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Actually, questioning the validity of criticism does make you a fanboy, if the criticism itself is appropiate. I am not making an argument because you are denying the existence of very obvious flaws in this thread, and thus, to argue with you, i would have to explain you why obviously bad things are bad at first.
I am aware that "good" and "bad" are both a matter of personal taste, but if you deny the existence of bad things or try to turn them into good things even when they are obviously bad ("obviously" in terms of everyone and their mother including game magazines know it's bad) there is no much sense in arguing with you, since it seems you're not capable of seeing the flaws in BF3 und thus the discussion wouldn't go about why it's bad (or good) but about "is it bad?".
Denying the existence of bad things is a valid behaviour at some points though, since opinions differ, but if you deny every flaw and also feel compelled to reply to every criticism, you leave the impression that you aren't capable of seeing the flaws and also that you seem to be personally offended when someone argues against your game
Edit: Let's stop here, if you like. It's obvious that, from my view, you are a fanboy and i don't want to argue with you, and from your view, i'm a douche without any arguments. I don't think this will lead to anywhere
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I only imply you have no arguments because you haven't actually explained why the above points are worth demonizing BF3 over even after I requested more details and explained why I don't think they detract overly much from the product. Though I wouldn't have called you a douche in the process. ;)
But if you're right and all we can manage are insults rather than actual discussion, it's best to end here.
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Well, just as first commenter, I used to really like Battlefield. Up until BF2 was really great. BF3 is still nice, but doesn't really have that Battlefeld feel to it anymore.
Too much CoDdiness (which I think is a nice game, if you are into that gameplay) with all the 'vehicle desabled, vehicle destroyed, enemy killed, suppress bonus' things flashing on screen.
Is it a good game? Yes.
Is it a real Battlefield game? In my opinionm: no.
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Yes, I think it's a lot of fun, and in my opinion it's probably one of the best multi-player FPS out right now =P
Thanks Korrd.
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Only if you measure the quality of a game by its graphics
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No fucking flying fuck it's his opinion as in wtf. It's the best FPS game right now stop being a hardass.
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Yeah, sorry, my response was a bit dumb. I stressed that because KungFuActionJesus sounded a bit like it's a fact and no opinion :D
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"Yes, [I think] it's a lot of fun, and [in my opinion it's] probably one of the best multi-player FPS out right now =P"
There, fixed it so it's even more obviously an opinion. We wouldn't want anyone making that mistake! ;)
I do agree with him, though.
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Sooo, based on the opinions i wont get it then, because i dont know if its only for US but in the origin store i see the normal version for 20E and the premium one for 30E, if i could get it for 5 bucks i would but based on the opinions i wont waste then my money on it thx all
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It's a really fun game, though I'm speaking from my experience playing solely with friends on Skype or TS. I don't know what led the other commenters to say it sucks or isn't worth buying; clearly they had a different experience than I did.
I'd recommend getting it on sale to see if you like it, rather than relying on the opinions of others.
EDIT: I also don't play that pansy ass Normal mode. Hardcore or GTFO. ;)
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I'd be interested to see the statistics that support a majority claim. All the people I play with have experience with previous Battlefields, but don't fit into that category. I'm sure there's a "it's too different than BFxx" crowd, but I've yet to see any hard data enumerating the details.
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So you friends never complained about the terrible comarose, no commander mode, CoD'ish maps, shitty client side hit detection, no modtools, no ingame server browser and overpriced mappacks?
I love your 'tough' talk about 'hardcore or GTFO' though :D You should play Project Reality for BF2, then we'll talk :P
Too bad that shitty EA/DICe doesn't offer any modtools, else there would have been a Project Reality for BF3. :'(
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We're on Skype or TS, so the commo rose isn't really used. It's pretty straightforward, though. What's the problem with it? I didn't really miss the commander, to be honest. I'm looking forward to its return in BF4, but it's not a make or break feature for me. You call the maps COD-ish, but I really like most of them. Personal preference, I guess? I don't know COD maps, so I can't comment on how similar they are. They allow for a lot of teamwork and coordination, though, which I don't see coming out of COD.
Client-side hit detection can get wonky sometimes. It's one of those things you just learn to live with. I'll take that over BF2's quirks any day. The lack of mod tools is lamentable, I guess, if you're into modding. I'm not, so I don't really care. At first, I thought the lack of an in-game browser was stupid, and I still would prefer Battlelog's functionality be mirrored in-game, but honestly... I got over it. I seems pretty natural now.
As for overpriced map packs, well... call me crazy, but if you think something is overpriced, don't buy it. Wait for a sale or something. I went the Premium route, so I never really thought about them from an individual standpoint, but considering the enjoyment I got out of them (and time put in) I'd say it was a worthwhile purchase. So... overpriced? Meh.
And it wasn't tough talk, just saying the game should be played on Hardcore. It's a lot more fun and keeps the experience more in line with BF2. No going back for me, though. Once I graduated to BF3, looking back at the faults of BF2 makes me kind of nauseous. I moved on and I'm very happy with the decision.
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Mod tools would be nice, and an ingame server browser would be nice, but apart from that none of the other things have been a problem.
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I played 1942 (LOVED IT back then, but now, after they made it free, I was wondering how anybody could play it :P so empty, bugged + lags), 2142 (didn't like it much), BF2 (only for a while, so can't say), BF BC2 (again loved and beta tested).
I think BF3 is now one of best, if not best, modern shooters.And I always play for fun, I don't care about score and don't ragequit when I'm loosing.
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You can pay for things... so free to play? Still not making a whole lot of sense.
Yes, you can purchase "shortcut" packs that unlock gear without having to earn it normally. They have no effect on player skill and don't offer any real advantage. So again, I'm wondering what Joker's point is.
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The game is awesome, I dont understand the haters.. so many awesome things happen in the game, with friends of course, those only in BF moments, never had this much fun with any other game.. :) (I've played every bf) definetly worth it.
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Counter Strike is better IMO. I like massive battles in BF3 though... Depends on what you expect it to be.
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it 5$ on Origin now until 19th June the BF3 + free DLC, so yes, but for 30 euros, not. Use firefox to buy and desactivating Java Script in properities and a fake US or Canada adress, maybe during the pay you will need to reactivate Java Script.
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Or rather if you have good taste in games. Haters of the game haven't played it properly.
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the pc version is really bad. full of bug and glitch, but for 5$ worth it
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I just got 30 euros from my friend for my bday (which is the next week btw) and i dont know if i souhld get the BF3 premium edition or save them for something else, i would like to hear personal opinions about the game itself
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