TBH I literally leave the corpses I smashed on the wall. And the mosquitoes' too.
Seriously though, I even have a tiny pillow I use especifically to kill mosquitoes.
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Kill them all - especially in malariainfested areas.
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Mosquitos must die.
They're closer to being a plague than being an endangered species, so...
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Some scientists actually found a way to end the mosquito species completely through genetically modifying them and re-releasing them to the world. They prevent certain breeds of mosquitoes from being able to reproduce, therefore basically rendering them extinct - or at least, drastically reducing their numbers.
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Technically the walls are mainly covered with my blood, that they stole without my consent...
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I used to have a lot of problems with mosquitoes - during summer I couldn't sleep without those evaporating things in power sockets. If I didn't I'd get dozens of bites. They loved me. Then one summer there were thousands upon thousands mosquitoes in our basement - on every surface. I finally got to use my gas mask and committed a genocide with a full can of Raid. Now I don't delude myself that my act of revenge caused this, but since then mosquitoes sorta disappeared - for a decade I didn't get a single bite and that's without any of the evaporating things. In the past.. two or so years, I rarely hear a mosquito buzzing around but for some reason they're no longer attracted to me. Maybe my smell changed or something? I'm on several medications, dunno if that could cause it. But yea, I hate them still and their entire disgusting race.
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They go after body-heat, so it's best to treat any mosquitoes encounter like a battle with The Predator. You gotta go full Arnold and cover yourself with mud from head to toe. Turn those predators... into the prey.
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Yep - to the body heat anyway :P
I found the best way is to sleep with someone whose ambient body temperature is higher then mine - Most people have a body temp of around 98.6F or 37C - however the range is 97F (36.1C) to 100.4F (38C). Because of my large size, and my fat layers creating a warming barrier, My usual temp is about 36C - my super toned wife on the other hand with very little body fat has a higher temp - which provide a number of benefits:
1) The mozzies always attack her first leaving me alone for the most part.
2) On cold nights she's better then a hot water bottle.
3) She steals the covers less.
Bonus all round right? :)
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There are none in the Seychelles (which is a country).
There are none in French Polynesia (which is a country).
There are none in New Caledonia (which is a territory).
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Idk if the "falsfacts" refers to my pic or to your facts, but in case :
1 - French Polynesia is not a country, it's a collectivity.
2 - There is fucking mosquitoes in Tahiti, which is in French Polynesia.
Source: been there (my ex is Tahitian) + I'm French (sadly)
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French Polynesia became a COM in 2003. Its statutory law of 27 February 2004 gives it the designation of overseas country inside the Republic (French: pays d'outre-mer au sein de la République, or POM), but without legal modification of its status. French Polynesia has a great degree of autonomy, two symbolic manifestations of which are the title of the President of French Polynesia (Le président de la Polynésie française) and its additional designation as a pays d'outre-mer. Legislature: Assembly of French Polynesia since 2004.
IE it is a country.
Are you suggesting that this article is incorrect about the sate of mosquito affairs?
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"L'économie de la Polynésie française, par ses caractéristiques, classe cette collectivité d'outre-mer française au rang des pays développés"
"La Polynésie française est une collectivité d'outre-mer (COM)"
Collectivity. There is "country" in the collectivity, such as Tahiti, but French Polynesia as a country is like saying Europe is a country.
Making war against mosquitoes even tho they suppose not to have some, then ?
Il n'y a pas de paludisme en Polynésie française, mais les moustiques peuvent transmettre la dengue.
So yeah, bullshit.
P.S: It would be easier to show and find proof if you could speak French.
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I own a racket zapper. Multiple plug in zappers. I have nets on every window, which I never leave open. And if one of these bastards manages to get in and survive, I have mastered the one armed mosquito squashing technique.
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As I'm visiting some natural parks, there are plenty of mosquitos, flies an tiks, mosquitos are not the worst of the list and less annoying then flies, specially those that bite. Damm it those bitting flies are the worst and will pursue you untill they bite you.
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1,026 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by GraVe23
You suck, damn mosquitoes, fortunately i only seen one this year somewhere in march, usually by this time of year, you can't even keep your window open at night without having some of them in your room.
I usually catch them, sometimes with a glass over them and a sheet of paper in between, sometimes i let them outside (or shake them a bit if they been real annoying) or grab a bit of toilet paper, make a bowl and try to place it over the mosquito and then quickly squeeze.
Since only the female ones suck, does that make you a "woman" beater? time trying this gift thing with the new rules, so hope it goes well (therefor level 1+). Oh yeah that means i have to add you as a friend.
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